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Gottadeal.com Was just on my local news!


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I know its small potatoes, but gottadeal was just on my local news for the black friday savings. That was kinda neat! The whole time I was saying "Ha ha, I found it before you guys did!" And "please dont feature the $149 desktop" LOL They talked about the jeeps and the toshiba tv.


Way to go guys!


Now i know I'll have to be there by 10pm to get my puter. crap:mad:



It's on the front page of their site...http://wbtv.com/

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My NBC affiliate mentions GD too. :D I would love to take credit because I emailed them awhile back letting them know of the website, but with the site being on CNN and all over the place lately, I can't assume it was because of me.


http://wsmv.com/Global/story.asp?S=4116238 I'm a bit irritated they featured a different site but at least GD was mentioned. :)

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yeah they showed a few other sites it looked like but they went by real fast and I didnt catch the names. I recognized all of the gottadeal pages they showed which was probably most of the piece. Probably because gottadeal has a better layout and its easier to navigate or Im biased ;)
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Hey outnumbered, did you notice how many spelling errors and typos were in that article that you linked us too? LOL Thats kinda funny

I know! I am *DYING* to send them my resume...but Nashville is just too far of a commute. Funny, I didn't mind sitting in traffic for an hour back home (LA) but here I don't want to actually drive for an hour. ;)
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I am the exact same way! LOL I am from Vegas and I did mind sitting for an hour in traffic which is one of the many reason I moved to Mooresville, Nc. Never heard of Mooresville? Well, that because there is NOTHING here!LOL Well, we have a lot of nascar race shops, walmart, super target and 2 starbucks (that are conveniently located right across the street from eachother) but thats about it, man. Now I bitch because living here is so darn inconvenient. I have to drive two towns away to find a toysrus or a mall and 3 towns for bestbuy. AND AND AND everything closes at 9 o clock, people here have never heard of a Slurpee and you can't buy booze on sunday! It's nuts!
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I am the exact same way! LOL I am from Vegas and I did mind sitting for an hour in traffic which is one of the many reason I moved to Mooresville, Nc. Never heard of Mooresville? Well, that because there is NOTHING here!LOL Well, we have a lot of nascar race shops, walmart, super target and 2 starbucks (that are conveniently located right across the street from eachother) but thats about it, man. Now I bitch because living here is so darn inconvenient. I have to drive two towns away to find a toysrus or a mall and 3 towns for bestbuy. AND AND AND everything closes at 9 o clock, people here have never heard of a Slurpee and you can't buy booze on sunday! It's nuts!

OMG, I'm dealing with the same issues, LOL. I do actually like the lack of traffic out here, but shoot, I'd take the extra cars if it meant I had fast food on every corner and a GOOD mall within 5 minutes of where I live. I can't stand driving half an hour just to go shopping, and that's at a really small, sucky mall. Nothing is open till NOON on Sunday and everyplace is closed by 5 or 6 on Sundays. There are no 7-11s or AM/PMs here. There is no Denny's. People call Carl's Jr Hardee's instead. And they look at me like I'm crazy when I refer to the interstate as the freeway, LOL.
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LOL I call the interstate the freeway, too! I forgot all about am/pms. Probably because they don't have the white cherry slurpee and those artery clogging cheese sauce soaked nachos that I love. Or I did when I smoked that wacky tobacky. I'm not sure how I would feel about them now. Anyway, here we have Pantry's and let me tell ya, they suck major bootay!


I have been here for 4 years and I still can't get used it. I hate hate hate that I can't get a glass of tea without 9lbs of sugar in it or a hotdog that DOESNT have coleslaw and meat on it! Wtf is that anyway?


Moving here was definetly a culture shock. Moving from vegas to the bible belt was not a good idea. I should have eased myself into by like moving to, I dunno, Kansas or somewhere first.

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Moving here was definetly a culture shock. Moving from vegas to the bible belt was not a good idea. I should have eased myself into by like moving to, I dunno, Kansas or somewhere first.

LOL...yeah, nothing like having a Baptist church on every corner. (And no, I don't mean any offense to Baptists...it's just not at all how things were back home.) Going from Los Angeles to the Bible Belt was a similarly shocking experience. It's been interesting to see what life is like in a totally different environment, though. :)
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