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Contest: Win 2013 Black Friday @ GottaDeal.com T-Shirts [Winners Posted]

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Let's give away some more of next year's t-shirts :D


As we've told you many times, GottaDeal.com is open all year long, and there are Black Friday-level deals available all year long as well. There is no reason to leave us after Black Friday and Cyber Monday.


So, to enter the contest, all you have to do is reply to this thread pledging to stick around all year. That's it. The contest will run until Sunday at 9pm ET. At that point I'll pick 5 winners at random who will receive a 2013 Black Friday t-shirt next year.


Good luck!

Last year was my first year for this site and I really enjoyed the excitement and the information that made my Black Friday experience wonderful! I kept in contact daily through out the year and got some great buys. Now, after winning a Black Friday tee shirt and wearing it proudly last night and all day today, I was a walking advertisement for Gotta Deal! I had so many people ask where I got the shirt, where they could get one and handing out the callendar cards with the web address, I would NEVER think of not continuing with this site! Thanks Brad and everyone connected to Gotta Deal. I will remain a member for life and hopefully, alot more people will become members for next year :)

I pledge allegiance to Gottadeal

Of the United Shopaholics of America

And to the deals for which it stands

One internet, under Brad,


With daily deals, and discounts, for all!


7 years strong and year long and ya haven't gotten rid of me yet! :D


I pledge allegiance to Gottadeal

Of the United Shopaholics of America

And to the deals for which it stands

One internet, under Brad,


With daily deals, and discounts, for all!


7 years strong and year long and ya haven't gotten rid of me yet! :D

I'm planning to stick around all year long. Thank you for all the Black Friday help!


Stationchief: I love your pledge!!

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