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Oprah's favorite things


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:2roller: Oh I know Ive been seeing the commercials for it all this past week.


I always cry on her fave things show I dunno why I guess seeing all those people so happy.


Never in a million years would I have the luck of being there for one of these shows. I think these people get special invitations anyways, like last year it was all teachers I believe.



I dont think anything will ever top the U GET A CAR U GET A CAR lol one where she gave everyone the new cars, even tho it turned into a big tax mess after the fact.


I watch her everyday, one of my everyday scheduled TIVO recordings.

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:2roller:I always cry on her fave things show I dunno why I guess seeing all those people so happy.

I had tears in my eyes last year watching that show when she gave out the fave things ...was really happy those people got those wonderful items. I also was wishing I was one of them sitting there.

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Ok guess I am missing something. What is Oprah's favorite things? :confused:



:eek: She has done it the past few years. She does a show where she gives everyone in the audience gifts, her favorite things thru out the year. Audience never knows whats going on till the opening when she yells out MY FAVORITE THINGS they alway think they are there for a regular show. The audience goes NUTS. They all walk out with thousands and thousands of dollars in gifts :woot2:

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:eek: She has done it the past few years. She does a show where she gives everyone in the audience gifts, her favorite things thru out the year. Audience never knows whats going on till the opening when she yells out MY FAVORITE THINGS they alway think they are there for a regular show. The audience goes NUTS. They all walk out with thousands and thousands of dollars in gifts :woot2:

Where do I sign up :D

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It is usually taped in the middle of October, from what my aunt says. She is just dying to get on that particular show. However, The Tribune says that this year's episode was just taped about 2 Fridays ago. I didn't mark the event on my calendar since I never watch her show. So it may have even been 3 Fridays ago. I refuse to ever watch Oprah or Phil or whoever spins their show off of Oprah. Something just isn't right with her show. One friend started watching it and soon started every sentence with, "Oprah says..." and then made several other friends watch it. They all started their sentences with "Oprah says...". I believe it is some sort of TV hoo-doo voo-doo and I will have no part!!!:eyepoppin
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I don't care for her shows with celebs (or any other talk shows with celebs). But I do like the ones about real life incidents and stuff. :D


That said, I am pumped about seeing the show today! It's so neat to see those people getting all of that stuff. ;)

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The only reason I'll cry during today's show is because of jealousy! LOL Really though, they did say that they would tell how today's audience got to be today's audience. I know that when she gave the cars away they said it was only to people who "needed" them, but a lady who lives not too far from me won a vehicle, and her family was not a family in need.


Anyway, I'm excited about today's show too! :)

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Guest Deals4Me
sometimes they are specially invited...Other times its a lotto. She's siad before if you write in or call for tickets to teh Favorite Things show, you wont get tickets. They toss it out.
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I refuse to ever watch Oprah or Phil or whoever spins their show off of Oprah. Something just isn't right with her show. One friend started watching it and soon started every sentence with, "Oprah says..." and then made several other friends watch it. They all started their sentences with "Oprah says...". I believe it is some sort of TV hoo-doo voo-doo and I will have no part!!!:eyepoppin

It's subliminal messaging.:yup:. LOL

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It's only been on 20 min here.. so far I am loving it. I am so happy for these people. :D




:( sowwy, I figured it would have already been shown everywhere when I posted, didnt wanna ruin it for everybody.


Man it comes on late there, where are u at? Comes on 4 central time here.

Ive never heard it come on anywhere after 4, well I guess out west folks see it later (later for me) due to the time difference.



Sorry if I spoiled it :(

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