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BestBuy.com Black Friday Sale [Sale Started]

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Will the non doorbuster laptops sell out? I want one of the HP laptops and would prefer to wait a day to get extra credit card rewards.

If you want it, I'd get it sooner rather than later.


I quit.

Ignore the coming soon, click on the item for more detail, wait while it loads, and magically the add to cart appears.... unless it says in stores only. Then punch the wall.


Me too! Now I am wondering when my confirmation email will arrive. :cheesy:then off to bed so I can be at Meijer by 6:00....

Just got my email confirmation! Good luck all!


yeahhhhh got my deal!!!! unfortunately they did not ship it to my APO :(

Are you sure? It depends on what it is I guess. If it has lithium batteries (iPad or such) that may be why. If you can, mail it to someone stateside and have them mail it after the new year (that's when the 'ban' is lifted; 'maybe'). Good luck.


Guess all those who said no doorbusters online were proved wrong again :P

Brad, once again, thanks for all you do. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.



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