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The Types of People you meet on Black Friday

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I been doing this for nearly 8 years (2 years as a Gotta Deal person). I have seen it all, and been apart of it all. Early morning hours or late night, I seen pretty much what BF has to offer (and I still get surprised). I have been able to boil down a few types of BF shopper. I thought I would share a few and hope that you would do the same.


Type #1 - Diehards: Always early and with others in tow. They always have all the information they need (i.e. maps, shopping lists, ads). They always have a plan. These are my people. I know when I see them, I feel stay because they play by the rules of the game. They will sometime even give you a hand when you need it. Always willing to help the newbies (more on that later) with advice on the fly.


Type #2 - Man/Woman off the street or Lookyloos: These were more present last year than previous because of the early start times. These people aren't all bad but they can be if there are alot of them. They don't have a plan, or understand what is even going on. They waltz in and usually stick out like a sore thumb. Standing around main areas, blocking aisles, casually looking at items. Generally being in the way. Also, become very testy with things run out (as how it is because $2 DVDs don't sit for long).


Type #3 - Vultures: These are the type who wait until the sale is about 20 or 30 minutes from over. They scavenge through aisle looking for deals people left in aisles or at checkout counters. Not bad people, just a bit lazy tho.


Type #4 - Bullies/Rogues: Always nasty and the reason why we have police at BF sales. They will steal from carts and sometimes even out of your hands (never happened to me but it could). They will fight people over the most miniscule of items. My life is worth more than a 3 dollar waffle maker. They are always loud and must be avoided.


Type #5 - Bad Parents - I'm not talking about the ones who bring kids like 6-12, I am talking about 0-3. BF sales are chaotic events, if you don't have a baby sitter, stay at home and do the online sales.


Type #6 - Newbies - Not bad like the Lookyloos but they can be. They have a plan but they are usually nervous or make rookie mistakes (like leaving carts unattended). They are usually alone and are quickly overwhelmed by people. Also one the reasons why EMTs are also at BF sales (the others are Type 4 and 5)


Well there you have it. If I think of more I will add them. Please share if you like.


I think a cross between type 3 and 4. Bullies cause they want a ton of the good items and will do whatever it takes to get the hot item and vultures cause they spend a ton of time looking around for the leftover stuff.


They can also be the newbies.. you know those can actually be even worse- the ebay newbies. The ones that have heard how much their friend/neighbor/family/coworkers dog has made off deals and they go in looking to make a quick buck but have no idea what they are doing. lol


Where do the eBay resellers fit in these groups?

Oh that really makes me so mad!!!


Last year some people even posted on the local FB yard sale. I just think about someone who was depending on that cheap item so they could buy Christmas for their kids, since alot of BF shoppers do depend on getting the good deals so that their kids can have a decent Christmas.

Hmm, interesting. So I always get there super early, list and ads in hand but I'm always alone because no one else will go with me. Does that make me a die hard or a newbie? :g_think:

Where do the eBay resellers fit in these groups?

I totally forgot about them. You can spot them when they have alot of one thing.


Hmm, interesting. So I always get there super early, list and ads in hand but I'm always alone because no one else will go with me. Does that make me a die hard or a newbie? :g_think:

You are not either, you are just plain awesome:). Wear that as a badge of honor


I am def. a diehard

I have my AD's, list and plan. Blanket, chair, drink. Phone charged

And so do the other 10+ people on my family that goes too. Husband, mom, grandma, uncle, aunts and uncles, brother and his gf, 5 cousins

Its a family tradition. Ads cover the table as soon as dinner is cleaned up!!!


I am kind of a Type #1 and #3. Although I don't really think of it as a vulture or being lazy, it is a treasure hunt for me! Just like holiday clearance, I just like to see what I can find. Half the time I don't even buy it, I just like to find the deals...

And I don't get there crazy early to camp out or anything, but I am always super prepared and try to be helpful.


I really don't consider myself a diehard, but that is what I would be closest to.


I begin preparing as soon as the ads come out. I probably change my list 100 times..lol. Then, I have a plan. I go to our local Walmart first because it is smaller and can usually get what I am wanting. Then, I head out of town to the other stores. I have all the times mapped out for each store. I usually wait until after the line has really cut down to go to Target. I also have a 2nd list that includes things that I will get if the original items on my list are sold out...


This year will be different because I am planning on going with my cousins. I have never been with them before. It will also be different because I am not going to have as much money as I had hoped. I will be doing good if I have 300.00. But, I do have an idea of what I am hoping to find on sale.

Def. a die hard here. I have all my ads bound together in plastic page protectors. I have the pages I need to ad match marked with a paper clip on top. I have my own "want" list typed out for each store & one list a whole to keep track of all the days items. I also have copies of my 2 black friday friend's lists, so I can grab whatever I see for them. We bring a small cooler that we leave in the car. Its got water & soda & small snacks for the day in it. I also bring the must haves like chapstick & hand sanitizer. I ALWAYS bring a good attitude, no matter what time it is.
I am a die hard for sure. My sisters and I have been at it for the last several years. We plan for weeks for this one day, lol! Having a good attitude is so important. I try REALLY hard to not let the #4's get to me!
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