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Oh Im in a pickle


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Hi all Kelly here. Ive been reading for a few weeks but finally posting.


Ive already done 90% of my shopping :gd_stars: ALOT of the stuff I got are on sale Friday morning. I got 3 game boys, 1 leapster 2 games for that, Cabbage Patch Baby. After what I paid and what its gonna be on Friday well over $100 Id be saving.


My head is spinning because I dont know if I should take the stuff back now and take my chances Friday or what. This is all Walmart only close store we have. I asked the lady at customer service if they would honor prices if I came in that morning with all my receipts, she said only if its within 7 days of purchase. I was like OK, I kinda know the girl and I said yanno the game boys are gonna be 49 bucks dont ya, (very nasty, looking at the other girl) OH WE DONT KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT THAT. I was like :bonk: We dont know what were gonna get for that sale till it gets here, I was like YEAH OK LADY!


So I could take stuff back, take my chances?!

Hubby says just leave it alone cause I got all the colors n what not I was looking for.


What I wish is that I had EXTRA money that I could go and see if I can get any of the stuff and then just take back what I already bought later, but doesnt look like thats happening. Weve got 6 kids and Im just all built up on how much money I would save for these expensive (well expensive for us) name brand products.


Does WalMart online have same prices, do they do a sale online that morning? Ive skimmed thru a couple posts but not getting a good answer or maybe I havent found the right posts.


My first day after sale was last year and I just went for kicks because was nothing I needed last year, BUT this year and finding this web site Ive been going nuts trying to figure this all out.


Ay Yi Yi what to do what to do:bounce_fl OH just venting I guess to others other than hubby he could care less :gd_stars:

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If you have your receipts go and buy on BF and then Sat return all of the stuff you already bought . I wouldn't return it before BF in case you cant get it again.


I second that. Don't take your chances if these are exactly what you want. Go for it on BF and attempt to get what you want, if not you have a back-up plan. You may not get all your items, but you may get some and save at least 1/2! $50 is better than $0. Good Luck and hope you get all you BF deals!

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I think she's saying she doesn't have the extra cash to float the second group of purchases before she can return the original ones.


I can't stand paying extra, so I'd be inclined to take my chances and return the stuff-- but then I don't have kids either.


If the stuff you bought was regular price and not any special deal, though you may as well go ahead and return it and try to get the BF deals.


You could always re-buy after BF. As long as you aren't looking for an XBOX 360, I don't think you'll have any trouble finding more items-- except maybe the Cabbage Patch Baby.


Good luck!

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If you have your receipts go and buy on BF and then Sat return all of the stuff you already bought . I wouldn't return it before BF in case you cant get it again.

This is what I would to also. Go and get everything you need, have all of your old stuff in your vehicle along with all of your receipts. After you get what you need take it to your vehicle, get the old stuff and receipts out, go return them right then. As long as you have your receipts they'll give you the original price you paid for them. Walah, you got your $$$ back on the same day so your really only out a little extra for a few minutes.:)

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You could go ahead and return it now and then IMMEDIATELY put it all on layaway. That way you can just get a price adjustment on your layaway on Black Friday OR just rebuy the stuff and then return the layaway. Either way you'd only have to put a small portion of the money down (I think 10%) and you'd have the extra cash on hand but the assurance that you still have all your items? It's extra work, but if the $ is tight (I have 3 kids so I can imagine it is with 6!), then $100 is $100. :)
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RTFA (or RTFP)! :book::fryingpan I know that people mean well, but I believe that Kelly just told us that she doesn't really have the "EXTRA money" to do the whole switch thing.


Hi all Kelly here. Ive been reading for a few weeks but finally posting.


What I wish is that I had EXTRA money that I could go and see if I can get any of the stuff and then just take back what I already bought later, but doesnt look like thats happening. Weve got 6 kids and Im just all built up on how much money I would save for these expensive (well expensive for us) name brand products.


On the other hand, I agree with the other parts of the previous posts which indicate that if you already have the items that you want or need, then hold on to them, because you just might not be able to get them on sale.


Unlikely to help, but if by some chance you are able to access a credit card (yours or family or friend) you might think about trying the switch thing, buy as many of the items as you can in the morning and then return the full price items that you previously purchased later on Friday, and use the refund money to pay back the cc owner - but that's a big if, I suspect.


Also as noted previously you might try to buy as many of the items as possible on BF and switch or return the full priced originals in the afternoon. But the question is, IF you can do it, how many items could you afford to buy on BF, how much will you truly save and is it worth the hassle - only you can decide that.


One last crazy :insane: suggestion:idea: - which I'm not sure will work either. I throw this one out for thoughts & improvement - Maybe - you could go to the store this weekend with a friend (sounds like hubby won't be joining you!:g_doh: ). Leave the full price items in the car. Go shop for the exact same items. Ideally you will still find all the colors you want, etc. Leave all the items in the cart with your friend. Go back to your car and get the previously purchased items. Return those items and use the return money to buy the cart full of replacement items which will then be purchased within 7 days of BF so you can allegedly bring the receipts back on BF.


I can already see 3 potential problems with this crazy idea.


1. It's a major pain in the butt - is it really worth it?

2. The refunds might have to be sent out from corporate if they are cash and total more than $100 (in theory you could attempt to make several smaller returns from the same receipt, but that won't go over too well.)

3. The store may not accept returns during those sale hours.


Based on your situation, based on the "pleasant attitude" you have already found when just asking about returns on BF, maybe it's best to congratulate yourself :clapping: for finding all the right gifts and in the right colors and think how much fun it will be to hear all the upcoming news reports about the severe shortages of toys you were smart enough to buy far in advance!!


...then you can turn around, sell yours on e-bay for 4x the retail price and oh oh - sorry. Visions of :gd_dollar :gd_dollar :gd_dollar dancing in my head!! Since you're going to WM - "Happy Holidays"! :holiday14

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Do what I do. Get what you can BF morning and then take the stuff back that you dont need. I put everything on lay-a-way in Aug. and then shop BF and take what I want on lay-a-way and give the rest back. My Wal-Mart knows me well and is ready every year for what I do. I save about 600.00 a year doing it this way. I start shopping at 4:30am and get done about noon and save a load.
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OK just talked to hubby (by the way he glanced at my post and thinks this is all hilarious-LOL) Looks like I will have a bit of money on Friday so I think I will just go see what I can get. If get any take my previous items back.


Which is pretty much what you all suggested, Thanks everybody.

Just a relief to know others are feeling my pain LOL

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Glad to hear it!! :thumbsup::victory:


& :g_hello: hubby!! Way to come through!! We were somewhat concerned that if you didn't, something unpleasant :smiley_nu may have happened! :rotflol: :rotflol:


But seriously - best of luck to you! and Happy Holidays! :holiday08


Just remember, gottadeal can help you save money & have fun all year long!! especially as you :juggle: 6 kids!! :bow:



:crochunte I've never seen those before > :2elephant :2elephant

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so glad to hear things will work out for you

at least if you get SOME on sale on BF you will get SOME of your money back !!! way to pull through hubby...........we may complain about them all year but they usually come through in a pinch

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Well its semi bill money LOL nothing that HAS to be payed this week, but WILL NEED to be paid later (we all know how that goes) so CANNOT buy anything other than what Im going after which is fine because Im pretty much done, then I will have my saved money for later when I pick up odds n ends or go ahead get my last layaway out :bounce_fl



Now to think about what time to get my booty moving wee hours of friday morning:D

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