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Everything posted by blackrozes

  1. Left the house at 3am and got home at 7:30 am, the sales were so bad. Oh well.
  2. After reading everyone's post, I know I am just sick. I can say I spend about 400 to 500 per child and I have three. Than Santa this year is bring the boys ATV's which I got for about 700.00 each and than my daughter is getting about the same amount from Santa but in a different form. She is getting riding lessons as a form of a gift certificate with new bedroom stuff.
  3. Well BF was a bust for me. I know we went to Best Buy first, got there at 3:30am and they only brought in 40 items of the big things so we didnt get what we wanted either. After that the big part of the line left as well. PPl go there for the stuff they have in the ad, then buy more when they have to wait to check out. If the store runs out of the ad items then there is not need to go into the store anyways.
  4. We get ours the day of T-day. Never seen them sooner.
  5. Do what I do. Get what you can BF morning and then take the stuff back that you dont need. I put everything on lay-a-way in Aug. and then shop BF and take what I want on lay-a-way and give the rest back. My Wal-Mart knows me well and is ready every year for what I do. I save about 600.00 a year doing it this way. I start shopping at 4:30am and get done about noon and save a load.
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