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Killing my Hubby!!!!


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Okay...so for how long now have we known about BF? UMM...since last year's BF so it's not like a suprise. I've been hounding my hubby about "need the shopping money" for WEEKS and been getting the standard "i'll be there" reply. We are BIG TIME anti-credit card uses. So today he tells me that instead of the $1,000 he promised me...I may only get like $300!!!!! I don't know weather to charge it and say tough luck buddy (which only screws me too) or suck it up and just do the shopping that I can and be happy. Any advice on saving a new marriage (and his life) appreciated.
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Stop being so ungrateful. There are millions of people that won't even be able to celebrate Christmas and you are unhappy that you "only get $300" for BF? Wow, life must be tough sister.


And the fact that you are even kidding about divorcing or killing him makes you sound like such a greedy person. I hope he signed a prenup.

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I'd have a problem with my husband only "allowing" me X amount. Maybe finances are dealt with in a very different way in your household (and you are okay with it, though it doesn't sound like you are). DH and I consult one another one purchases of $100 or more (not including food), but if he ever told me I was only getting X instead of X.. I'd just march my behind to the bank and get what I wanted out.


That said, be grateful. I've found out that I may not have a reason to go out and shop on BF as the $200 I thought we had for this may not be there afterall.

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I will follow up on EAN1879's comment by saying first, I'm a little offended. We are a young, recently married couple without a lot of holiday spending money...that $1,000 is all of it. So obviously was hoping to get it to go as far as possible, hence the purpose of BF anyway!!!!

Also...He handles the finances, by his choice because I'm staying home and starting a photography studio (not sitting on my butt) and I let him because he's a smart cookie. I trust him so I consult him on purchases out of respect for his financial planning.

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Depending on what you need to buy you can make $300 work. I'm assuming since you said young recently married that there are no kids yet. If no kids, there's less people to buy for right there.


And anyone that knows that you are recently married and you are starting your own studio shouldn't be too upset if the presents are slim this year.


Personally, I only buy for my kids,hubby, nephews and niece ($25 limit on each of them) and mine and hubby's parents. I don't expect gifts from my siblings because I know they have families they need to get for also. And I would much rather they bought my kids something then buy me something.

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I will follow up on EAN1879's comment by saying first, I'm a little offended. We are a young, recently married couple without a lot of holiday spending money...that $1,000 is all of it. So obviously was hoping to get it to go as far as possible, hence the purpose of BF anyway!!!!

Also...He handles the finances, by his choice because I'm staying home and starting a photography studio (not sitting on my butt) and I let him because he's a smart cookie. I trust him so I consult him on purchases out of respect for his financial planning.

Then you should respect his decision to give you only $300 for BF. (Follow your own logic).

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Ouch, such criticism! I honestly think that if I were you, and you know that it could be afforded without suffering later on, to put it all on a credit card and pay it off asap! That's what I plan on doing this year so I don't have to worry about carrying cash around on such a hectic day! Good luck!
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You know, if you are that upset about his holding $700 back, I recommend you get involved with the finances as well. Just because he may be "smarter" in the money dept than you are (just a guess, from what you said), you can still be involved. I am always amazed at how many spouses are given "allowances" weekly and have no idea how much is in THEIR bank acct.
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I wouldn't do anything drastic until you have talked it over with him. All I can say is one person's $1,000 might not be much as it is to another person.

Definitely talk to him. Money can cause so much trouble in marriages.


Discuss with him what you would like to buy that day and maybe you both can come to an agreement.:)

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From a person who is currently paying off credit cards that were used early in her marriage when $$$ got a little tight, take the $300 cash and just cut down on Christmas this year. I have 3 kids and will be taking $350 on BF.


And feel free to vent. I think we give pretty good advice around here.:yup:

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Thanks Ebony!!! Friends appreciated :) I'm not at all ungrateful I've had, in recent years, Christmas's with no presents for each other, only immediate family. We didn't even have money for a tree! I LIVE for CHRISTMAS!!! I LOVE to buy presents for people especially my mom and my hubby (who has been my "boyfriend" for 10 years). We are both 26 and just getting back on our feet so I was really looking forward to shopping and wrapping and giving presents. So I'm just pretty bummed out that, once again, it seems Christmas takes a back burner...which is life, blah blah...priorities I KNOW. But still, anyone else would be bummed out too and do I really deserve to be strung up by my toes for it?
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I wouldn't do anything drastic until you have talked it over with him. All I can say is one person's $1,000 might not be much as it is to another person.

I know that we have 3 Kids and we spend about 200 to 250 in each kid every year all I get i about 500 for family. I am thankful for that because it has been worse in the past years. You think you are upset about only 300 for family wait till you have kids. Not trying to be offensive hopefully not takin that way.

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Guest all2tired

OK here's my :gd_twocen , Do what you can with the $300 and if you need more to finish your shopping then use your CC if necessary but pay it off asap.


I'd also ignore the posts of the poeple that are being nasty and assuming they know all about you, your finances and your work status. Vent all you want, it helps

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If you only have 300 and you agreed not to use credit then take the 300 redo your list and have fun. You may want to ask him to explain to you why there is such a drastic drop in funds, so you will understand what has happened to the money. My husband and I do not charge either- with one exception for me and that is Kohl's. I only use it if I get the extra discount and then I immeadiately go pay it, so I don't know that really counts. Kohl's sent me another coupon for 15% off and it will be good on BF. A week ago I had bought items then the offered the discount and some of the items were dicounted more. Originally I had spent about 300 but I took the receipt in asked her to refund it and put the items on my charge. She did and I paid the charge off and still had $110 left. More money for BF.
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It sounds like you're more upset about the number you will be able to buy rather than the actual amount spent. So, you could just spend less on each person. You are newly married, with only one income, and I'm sure putting money into your studio. So no one should be upset with the amount spent.


That's about all the advice I can give you. DH and I are one of the lucky few couples that don't argue about money. So, it's an unfamiliar situation for me. But I could see how it could cause HUGE problems in a relationship. So since you've got your venting out (which can seriously need to be done in a marriage) maybe you should just sit down and disscuss the issue with him. That way maybe you can work something our for this issue and other future money issues.

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If the things you really need to buy are on sale on BF and they wind up costing more than $300, you would be saving money by putting it on the card provided you don't pay a lot in interest. But prioritize what you want.

I have learned that instead of saying how much I need, I say what I need to buy and then say how much it costs. Oh course he knows I am not asking him for money, I'm telling him what I am buying!


And it really isn't the amount of money you spend on Christmas. It's being happy with what you have and who you are with. I am not happier now during the holidays than I was when we were broke.

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What kind of things do you plan to buy from the ads so far? Big ticketed items? You may just have to wait till next year and/or charge one or two must haves. Do you have any children? If not, I would make due with the $300 and for next year, save $ when you can yourself. Im a SAHM myself, and my husband does the finances. I save money by change from grocery shopping and/or other shopping trips. I also still get money from my grandparents and parents for birthdays and holidays (yes Im 30 and still enjoy my card w/ $!). Save from there if you get that too. My husband doesn't give me a set amount, but if you are just starting out, don't go all out for christmas this year. You guys have years ahead of you to have those "big" christmases.
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well i think you need to analyse why has he dropped the budget from 1000 to 300 if the reasons are sound enough, then i think you can compromise a little because all the money that he is planning to save is for both of you ONLY.i know it can be pissing at times when you really really wanna buy something and your husband tells you , honey can you buy this later. but then again i think its the reasoning behind it that matters. so analyse and then make a decision and if you feel that 300 is still less,i would suggest talking it out with yr husband and letting him know how you feel.thats something i would have done if i were you ...
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I think you should sit down and talk to your husband. Maybe there is a reason why the available money was dropped since he does all the finances. I take care of everything, all bills, all accounts, all planning. All my DH does is put his paycheck in the bank. Maybe there are unexpected bills that came up like a hospital bill, home repair bill, etc. Sometimes it happens, exp: We had money set back for all our bills and BF shopping, however we ended up having to take about $225 out of BF Shopping money to pay to have our furnace fixed.
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