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Do you buy same amount of gifts or spend same amount of $


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I have one that is 10 and all of her stuff is more expensive but I don't want her to have her feelings hurt because her 4 year old sister got more. I also have a 1 year old but he just had a birthday so he doesn't need much but will get a few so that the other two don't question the whole Santa thing, not sure what I will set out from Santa for him though.
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I wondered how this works as well. Little Ava will only be a couple weeks old (if that) come Christmas so I don't have to worry about it this year. Heck, the only reason she will have a few gifts under the tree is so my 3yr old doesn't wonder why Santa forgot the baby. LOL

I understand....last year our baby was only 4 weeks old so we got him a jumperoo from Santa so that the other 2 would not wonder why Santa forgot him. By the way, it was a great idea because he loved it and it wasn't too long before he was able to sit in it w/ blankets around him...he loved that instead of always having to lay on his back...he hated his swing!!

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with mine being 4 and 10 (and a 1 yr old but he doesn't mind if they have more) I feel they should have the same # but my husband thinks we should just worry about spending the same amount, which we also disagree on as he thinks we should spend less than I do. We don't buy them much during the year except for Birthdays and Christmas so there is always a ton of things I want to get them and I always do the shopping and I really don't think he realizes how much things cost. He as a child did not get much and so I think that has a lot to do with it.....
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Guest all2tired

With my kids, I get the same amount of gifts. Each will get 1 big gift though that was at an equal cost.

With my neices and nephews, they each get 1 gift and the same amount spent give or take a few dollars.

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My kids are 9.5, 7, and 4. I generally try to keep the # of gifts the same because they would notice if one got more than the others. My two youngest are girls and are competitive about that sort of thing and I don't want hurt feelings on Christmas. My youngest, especially, doesn't understand about $$. However, my 9.5 year old son, is starting to understand that if you ask for more expensive gifts, you may not get as many presents. For example, he wants an MP3 player. I told him that IF he gets one, he has to understand that is a more expensive present, so there may not be as many gifts under the tree.


My oldest two don't believe in Santa anymore. So if I say something's too expensive, they won't say, "But Santa could get it for me!"

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my kids are 13 and 16. I use the same number, but to even out the number of presents, I usually go to the Dollar Tree or Deal's and pick up little stuff I think they'd like, so the amount of money is pretty close to the same too. For instance, this year we've officially decided (LOL) that my DD will get a mini DV camera and a sewing machine and my DS will get a Palm type thing and Surround sound, so they both get 2 big presents. I always put LOTS of little stuff under the tree and they don't get to open the big stuff till last.
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I really don't have to worry too much about it since my kids are so far apart. One just turned 19 and the other 9. Our oldest son knows his stuff is so much more expensive then our youngests. Well I should say with the exception of the XBox 360 my youngest just asked for! LOL I think NOT! He just got an XBox last christmas. It usually all works out and everyones happy!
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My son's birthday is 3 days before Christmas. Poor Guy!


I try very hard to have the same number of gifts to open on Christmas morning. If I have to sometimes I wrap two things together like clothes or stuff like that.


I'm with some of the others - I try to buy one or two "big" gifts and then fill in with other things.


This year is definitely harder as my daughter's list includes an inground pool (- yeah right) a laptop (- no way ) and a video camera. My sons list also includes a laptop.


So we are definitely going for an equal number of presents rather than dollar.

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Well it really depends. DD is at the age now she knows her presents cost a lot more than her brothers so she is ok with not having as many as him. I still try to get her little things also so she will have more than two or three expensive presents. If I spent the same amount on each then DS would probably have 4x the amount she has.
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My mom used to spend the same amount of money. So like the year I got my 10 speed for Christmas that cost over $100 I didn't get much else while my sister got lots because the things she wanted didn't cost as much. Most of the toys I have bought in the past and most of them this year are community toys. But there are a few for each girl. I think until they get older and can understand prices I will do the same amount of gifts for each.
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i try and go for the same number.. i have done the same $$ and even when they know you spent the same its sad looking at the sad face when one is still unwrapping.. i try and make sure they are the same value/size etc. so it looks even but may not really be $$ wise.


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This is the problem that I am having, my six year old wants expensive presents and he still believes in Santa. My three year old wants mainly non-expensive things $30 or less and the baby at one year old won't even notice he'll probably play with the wrapping paper more than anything. lol But I'm not sure to stick with the same money or the same amount of gifts. The baby doesn't need as much as the others and it's hard trying to come up with some ideas for him, as he got the other kids hand me down toys. Should I just try to keep the gifts around the same number? Or the same $? By the way my son's big gift this year is a gamecube with a couple of games.:secret:
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the three yr old will never know how much you spent on the 6 yr old vs him/her. I wouldnt worry about it. like i said sitting there watching another kid open more for his money was tourture one year when i did that. the kids were around 12 and 13 my oldest two at the time.
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