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Verizon service & maybe iPhone

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I've been with USCellular for about 6 years. Our house seems to be in a dead zone for them. I've used up all ideas and today 2 different employees told me I should find a different company. We're looking at going to Verizon. Is there a good or bad time to switch? Any special deals coming or way to get a better deal? IPhone vs Android opinions?



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Before you worry about the phones, worry about the service. Do you have friends with Verizon and do they get service in your house.... If there isn't service, the best phone won't help. I am moving phones from ATT to Sprint for that reason. When we moved we were in a bad signal area and after 15 years with the same provider, got nothing but crap (they will sell us a repeater to improve service that we already are paying for....). Our realtor had Sprint and got multiple calls while he was here signing the paperwork. So now as the phones come out of contract we are moving them over.... As to phones, we have a mix of android and iphone and both are nice. Miss my iphone but not enough to buy one at present, the android was free when I ported out. DH will have to have an iphone, he doesn't handle change well....
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We have friends with Verizon that used it here. Our construction manager when we built out here a year and a half ago had Verizon. My service works on some days and not on others. No rhyme or reason. I'm nervous to switch, sign a contract, & be stuck. However, Verizon let's you out of contract for 1st 14 days. I can't handle this dropping calls and not being able to call out sometimes any longer. But I worry about not getting the best deal! LOL
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Make sure you know how much data you currently use and make sure you know what the data plan with the new company will be.


We have been happy with Sprint and we have truly unlimited data.


We all have android phones, but DD20 really wants an iphone as she loves everything Apple.

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Make sure you know how much data you currently use and make sure you know what the data plan with the new company will be.


We have been happy with Sprint and we have truly unlimited data.


We all have android phones, but DD20 really wants an iphone as she loves everything Apple.

I'm enjoying Sprint now and miss the iphone a little but really want a Samsung Galaxy II...

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I went in to one of the stores and asked about pricing. Holy cow their monthly plans are significantly higher than USCellular. At least the invidual plan. My husband doesn't want to switch, he likes what we have and he doesn't use his phone at home often. IDK, I'm still dealing with USCellular for now but I am not a happy customer.
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