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What Do You Put In Your Child's Christmas Stocking?


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What Do You Put In Your Child's Christmas Stocking?



I put for my 2 teen girls: 2 lip gloss, 2 trail size of BBW body spray, $5. McD's g/c, $5. Burger King g/c, small candles, 1 movie ticket, trial size hand lotion (usually freebie), gloves,and small box of chocolates.

In the 2 young teen boys: football trading cards, baseball trading cards, $5. McD's g/c, $5. Burger King g/c, 1 movie ticket, 2 lip balm, 1 pkg. cough drops, gloves, and small box of chocolates.


And they each usually get one present that cost about $20 from Santa.


RossMAN,,,or Brad or someone...lol Can you fix the heading of this? I spelt child wrong.

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My parents were depression era kids. Fresh citrus fruit and chocolate was a real treat. Growing up, the tradition continued. It still continues with a little varation. Now we have Harry and David's chocolate covered blueberries, and cherries. Also M&Ms in the tube with the ornament on top is a must.23 years of the M&M tubes, I think it's time to do a M&M tree.
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My kids say their stockings mark how Christmas is going to be that year so it sets up a challenge to have cool stuff in there. Every year it changes. We always put out a large bowl of nice Christmas Fruit for Christmas morning When the kids were little, the fruit went in the stockings but now other goodies go in there.
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I'm so bad...


Beorn's 12, and the only small stuff he's interested in are video games. So, the majority of his stocking is filled with tighty whities and socks, LOL. Then we stick two obsessed over video games on the top. Still winds up costing about $100 or so to fill.

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I put in Fruit and candy and Nuts and then some smaller stuff like perfume and jewelry for my daughter (Stuff that would be lost under the tree) and a game or watch or something for my son. He's 16, she's 13. 2 years ago, I put electric razors in both stockings. My son "lost" his and only just found it in his closet a few weeks ago. It had never been opened.
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my daughter's 9, and my son's 10. we usually put little toys, games, socks, chocolates, lipgloss, etc. one yeah we accidentaly put in a game for the ps2 i got them, oops, lol they saw it before even opening the game console, lol

Bet you always check twice now huh?
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when we were growing up we didn't use the store bought stockings (did they have em then?) we used one of our socks.....and they were all filled the same every year fruit & candies and the all important candy cane hanging out of the top however these days the kids would look at us like we lost or marbles.....hmmmm maybe they are in your stocking guys!!!!
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I not only do the kids stockings but our parents as well. Anything goes in a stocking and I am always looking for bargins. Target had a bunch of stuff for 25 cents the other day and I really stocked up. Toothbrushes are traditional now, and favorite types of candy. I usually will put one nice gift with the stocking. My 20 year old was teasing me about never buying him an etch-a-sketch so there will be one in his stocking this year.
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DD -12 - Lipgloss, nail polish, candy, toothbrush, toothpaste (she will only use one kind and no one else likes it), body splash, bath and body lotions, gels, dvd, cd, comb.



DS-10- chapstick, candy, toothbrush, bath and body rootbeer shower gel, hair gel, cd, yughio cards, dvd, hunting gloves, toboggan (sp?)

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One candy cane and some chocolate Christmas candy, usually a few small action figures or other toys and a movie. This year I want to do the $8 lightsabers--either the lightsabers and a movie, or the lightsabers and a couple small toys. Not sure yet; depends on if I can get any of those $3.99 movies at BB on BF.
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Girls: hair ties, bracelets (the rubber band kind), a Christmas Ornament in their own style, a Christmas pen and pencil, an activity book, small bottle of perfume, small hand lotion, lip gloss and either silly putty or slinky or something similarly silly.


Boys: a hot wheels car (yes even DH gets one), small cologne, star wars watches from burger king, bracelets (again, the rubber band kind), a Christmas pen and pencil, an activity book, chapstick, small hand lotion.


Fur babies (dogs and cats): 3 toys, 1 can of soft food, 1 package of treats, a new collar

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I made the stockings for my kids so they are wider!! Makes filling them much easier. They usually get Christmas chocolates from England (our love!!), small toys, character tooth brush and toothpaste. Poppers, filled with candy and just fun little toys I would never buy throughout the year, they have a blast playing with them.
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