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I won't be working BF this year, but have 5 years of BF under my belt, working at BB. I actually didn't mind it too much. It all depends on the customers. As long as they are understanding that it is the biggest shopping day and that there are going to be lines, it goes well. When you have customers fighting over items and being rude, that's when it sucks. Since I've been working BF the past 6 years I can't really comment on how it is at other stores. But I think the 2 BB's I worked at have done a good job getting and staying organized. My last BF at BB for a while all I did was cary a basket with accessories and small stuff trying to add to their sale. That was fun, getting to interact with the customers. Same thing for handing out tickets for the doorbusters. I loved doing that as again, I got to interact with the customers. Although it sucked getting up so early, I preferred to work the opening shift. The day actually goes by pretty fast, since it's so busy. After the doorbusters end it slows way down to where it's just like a busy weekend day. That's when it can start to drag and you feel tired. The store also does a good job of taking care of the employees by providing food and drinks. It seemed more like a party than work. As much as I enjoyed it, I'm more looking forward to this year when I can actually go out and shop!!
BF is an adventure for sure. Long hours with angry people and constant customers. I usually use BF as a test for the new seasonal people. BF is about as worse as it can get for our store.

I sucks something major...


I've worked at WM for 5 years. I didn't have to work the last two BF's, but didn't get as lucky this year, though I did manage to get scheduled off for the Xbox 360 launch that Tuesday (I'm usually off weekends).


Actually, it's not really that bad. It's just like any other day, just faster paced.


There are two things I really hate about working BF:


1) missing out on all the good deals because I'm scheduled to work the morning shift.


2) it's impossible to keep store straitened and safe to shop during the sale. people love leaving random crap all over the floor or in the wrong place.

I have enjoyed it in the past. Yes, it's nuts and you have your fair share (plus some!) of the rude customers. But all around it's a pretty fun experience and it goes by quickly!!
I've worked 4 or 5 of them & like it. I enjoy the energy of the day. This year I won't have to cut my shopping short to work it though! :) :)
Never worked BF in retail, but I have worked the day before Thanksgiving as a cashier and bagger in a grocery store. Ouch. I lifted about 300 hundred 20lb turkeys, rang up about $25,000 dollars in sales in a 8 hour shift. Enough of my rant.
I worked it a couple of times at Kmart many years ago. I didn't mind it, but we had a fairly small store. The busiest day I ever had as a cashier was on friends and family night $9200, and it came up accurate to the penny. Boy was the manager impressed.

I've been in retail for the last five years but mainly in clothing stores that don't open so early. This year I am working BF at Best Buy. We just had a meeting today to try and roleplay what will happen the day of.


I unfortunately have the 4am-2pm shift and won't be able to wait in line this year. It's kinda weird considering the last 3 years I've waited in line at Best Buy and now I'm going to be on the other end of it and have to get my friends to wait in line for my items :o)

I have worked BF at ToysRUs for 5 years. This will be my 1st BF off and I plan on going shopping. It was hectic my 1st 2 years because I was a cashier but after I became a key carrier it was easier except for when we quit PMing last year. I also always worked in the morning because I requested it.

Roleplay BF? LOL! This is just hilarous to me. :sidesplit




  adidas3404 said:
I've been in retail for the last five years but mainly in clothing stores that don't open so early. This year I am working BF at Best Buy. [We just had a meeting today to try and roleplay what will happen the day of.
  ReillyCheyenne said:

I have worked BF at ToysRUs for 5 years. This will be my 1st BF off and I plan on going shopping. It was hectic my 1st 2 years because I was a cashier but after I became a key carrier it was easier except for when we quit PMing last year. I also always worked in the morning because I requested it.

ToysRUs, where's the the ad? :P

Lucky me I get to work Thanksgiving and BF. So since I have to be at work at 7am it really cuts into my shopping time. This will be my first time actually have to work it. All I can think right now is me saying over and over again, "the limit is 2" :(
  jason said:

What do people who work on BF think about BF

I used to work in a restaurant and for many years worked on BF

back then i wasn't much into the BF shopping so that part didn't really bother me however so many ppl coming in after they had been shopping were just down right nasty seemed if they didn't get what they were looking for they yook it out on us......so remember ppl when you stop for a bite after shopping these ppl in the restruants have been working NOT out getting the deals or purchasing want you wanted so it is not their fault so try to be nice to them remember a smile goes a long way!

  adidas3404 said:

I've been in retail for the last five years but mainly in clothing stores that don't open so early. This year I am working BF at Best Buy. We just had a meeting today to try and roleplay what will happen the day of.


I unfortunately have the 4am-2pm shift and won't be able to wait in line this year. It's kinda weird considering the last 3 years I've waited in line at Best Buy and now I'm going to be on the other end of it and have to get my friends to wait in line for my items :o)


Ok, I'm very curious. I'm a BB shopper. And in St Louis, it's brutal. I remember several fights every year. We really go to blows. Well after being outside in the cold for hours and you are numb, well.... Please tell us how you roleplay at BB. Maybe, it'll help my strategy. I agree it is definitely gridlock. I usually go in BB with at least 5 people and we still get stuck in the looooongest lines. Is there going to be a separate line in Computers that we can ring all our items up at? What was roleplay like? wow.

  allystl said:

Ok, I'm very curious. I'm a BB shopper. And in St Louis, it's brutal. I remember several fights every year. We really go to blows. Well after being outside in the cold for hours and you are numb, well.... Please tell us how you roleplay at BB. Maybe, it'll help my strategy. I agree it is definitely gridlock. I usually go in BB with at least 5 people and we still get stuck in the looooongest lines. Is there going to be a separate line in Computers that we can ring all our items up at? What was roleplay like? wow.


Yes they roleplay at Best Buy on how it's be Black Friday. We have meetings up to black friday on how bad it's on be.


I noticed a few people commented on the BF roleplay meeting we have at Best Buy so I'll explain further how it went in our store.:teacher:


Basically everyone goes to their departments and finds out who the "lucky" opening shift employees are. The opening shift employees are all assigned a specific duty. In our department we have 1 person ringing out departmental purchases and one person helping them with the doorbusters. I am the person at the start of the line that tells people they're next to be rung up and helps them with the accessories. Another person is at the back of the line letting people know where the line is forming and talking about service plans. Another couple of people are just helping customers that are interested in things other than the doorbusters.


After we had all the opening employees in position, all of the people that weren't opening were assigned to demonstrate the lines at the register up front. It is a queue system where there is one big line that feeds all the registers so you don't get stuck in the so-called slow line at one register and wish you were two registers over where the cashier seems faster.:)

Then all those non-opening employees rushed each department in demonstration of how crazy the rush will be and so we could see how our roles would work. Some people had cards that described difficult customer situations that could possibly happen, and then we had to roleplay those as if they were the customer.


Hope that explains it better. The roleplay is basically just an attempt to get things to run as smooth as a black friday possibly could.:D


lol i am not even going to start to look for a job tell after bf i refuse to work that day cause its my shoping day


the reason im looking for a job is cause i got one and 3 weeks later i found out i had to have surgery so i just left there i said there is no point of staying there when i worked for 3 weeks then ask for 8 weeks off and now i can work againg im waiting tell after bf lol


I can tell you from experience that Black Friday is hell for retail workers. The best customers are usually your fellow retail employees -- or former employees. Ususally the morning crowd isn't "that" bad. Its around noonish when people begin to get impatient after waiting in long lines.


I worked at the Christmas Tree Shop for 2 years during college and I can tell you we'd bring in somewhere between $250,000 - $300,000 dollars in sales on BF -- and for all you Tree shoppers you know that is A LOT of money, considering the highest price piece of merchandise in the store usually doesn't exceed $99.99.


Between the long lines, destroyed store, stressed out managers / employees, disgruntled customers, screaming kids -- it really is the worst shopping day of the year. And i'll be working, 8 - 4 p.m. :)

  Peshua said:

I used to work in a restaurant and for many years worked on BF

back then i wasn't much into the BF shopping so that part didn't really bother me however so many ppl coming in after they had been shopping were just down right nasty seemed if they didn't get what they were looking for they yook it out on us......so remember ppl when you stop for a bite after shopping these ppl in the restruants have been working NOT out getting the deals or purchasing want you wanted so it is not their fault so try to be nice to them remember a smile goes a long way!

I'm with you on this Peshua. I worked restaurant for many years. Luckily, I worked nights, so I still got to get my BF shopping in!! You are correct, lots of people are down right nasty. I can understand b/c everyone is tired and stressed and all. But, we all know it's going to be busy/long waits everywhere, so just grin and bear it. :) :) :) :)

  Aaron said:

ToysRUs, where's the the ad? :P

I am not working this year because I'm on maternity leave, which sucks because I can't get a copy of the ad. Which is why I'm glad to have found you guys b/c I think I know what the ad is before my boss does, HAHAHA:thumbsup:
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