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Will you be getting in line for the 5/6 AM stores earlier this year b/c of CompUSA?


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Bro and I live about 5 - 7 minutes away from CompUSA, so we will definitely be hitting it right at, or a little before, midnight. Then we're planning on going through the 24-hour drive-thru at the McDonald's in the same shopping center, and then heading to our first "real" stop on BF, which will get us there hours before they actually open, which will be earlier than we've ever been. Anyone else planning on doing the same?



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Before you go, make sure what you want from CompUSA is not available online (starting midnight) ... most of their stuff will be ... so why drive an hour, line up for 3 hours, when you can do it all online in 5 minutes ...


Also, make sure that the deal you want is actually in the door-buster category ...


(and if last year is anything to go by, go back to the store 30 minutes before the earlybird special expires to ensure that they are actually out of stock, and not holding stock back for the afternoon ........ ooops, sorry ... thats a trick my BestBuy does, not CompUSA)



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Which items are considered door busters?



B) The ones with extremely limited availability

a) The ones that cause people to stampede into the store trampling over the staff (and old ladies) in a rush to be one of 10 people in your city to get the object of your desire at a price that's more expensive that shopping on-line would have been by the time you include sales-tax.

c) The ones that make you want to line up outside the store for 4 hours, only to find that the item you wanted is OOS, and now you're SOL, so you go home, wait till the Presidents day sales, and find the same stuff is on sale again, but at a lower price ... :-D


examples include :

$999 42" Plasma EDTV

$399 Laptops that actually cos $549 unless you want AOL



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