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Happy Black Friday! We need your help so please take this poll. GottaDeal.com gets interviewed by over 100 media outlets every year about Black Friday, so we want to know what you did this year. Please take the poll and leave comments.




You asked for comments so here goes: I REFUSED to ruin my Thanksgiving by hitting any stores for their early open time. For that reason, I internet shopped on Turkey Day and hit my first store (JC Penney) at 4:00 am. I have to say that the fact that so many people shopped on Thanksgiving night made the crowds very light in the 4 am - 8 am shift. I was able to hit 13 stores with no lines, no problems. BUT I did notice that the sales people were either tired or cranky because many had to get to work so early. And many of the stores still had some of their deals (TV's at Target) even at 7 - 8 am. That didn't used to happen when stores opened at 5 am.


I also have started to receive cancellation notices for a few items that I ordered on Thanksgiving. BOO to retailers for not having correct inventory numbers. Now, I have missed the door buster prices and don't have internet order either. Not cool. And Boo for the stores that act like you are a criminal when you have store coupons or rewards that you want to use. Shout out to the employees at Gymboree who embraced the use of the coupons and still made sure you got the 30% extra off.

I have shopped online the last 3 years, but decided to go out last night. I won't do it again. The check out lines were so long that I ended up buying everything in my cart on the store's website from my cell phone while I was standing in line. All the stories of violence and other problems... It's just not worth the savings. I plan to go back to online shopping again next year.

While I had a good experience on my first camp out, I do not like the fact that every place opened at midnight. It's just a horrible time. I saw a very upset employee, but other than that most people were in good spirits.

The number one thing I can impart to retailers from a consumer's perspective is BE SUPER ORGANIZED. It was a night and day experience between BB and Old Navy. BB employees were knowledgeable and the store had a clear plan. They let people inside in waves, they gave out vouchers. It was an easy experience. Old Navy was chaos with just as many confused workers as shoppers. It was packed to tightly and the registers were not moving fast enough.

I have to say my WM was extremely organized this year. People waiting for the electronics at 12am were in separate aisles roped off from the 10pm sale. WM associates were standing about every 10 feet helping people find what they were looking for. Loudspeaker countdown began at 9:30- again at 9:45 and 9:50. I'm not really sure if they made it to 9:55 though before the stuff was flying. And even though it started early (like I knew it would), everyone was helpful and worked together to get items that I saw. Checkout was a breeze too.
I shopped online Thanksgiving and Blackfriday. I also went to my local mall at midnight and bought quite a bit! I was very happy with how the mall handled their opening. We walked right through the main door, while hundreds were waiting outside of Macy's and Sears. Both stores mall openings were open...so no idea why they were standing out there? I shopped at Pacsun, Macy's, Champs and FYE. Champs had the longest wait time in the line to check out. All other stores no lines to check out. =)
This year was the first year I saw chaos at pretty much every store I went too. Dh saw fights and could barely move. Employees were REALLY tired and I dont blame them, I was REALLY tired too! I am REALLY hoping next year they get rid of these 12am openings but I doubt it..next year Im sure every1 will open at like 9pm....=p
I am a die-hard black Friday shopper.... i"ve done it for many years, and will do it again. The stores that are top notch in their black Friday plans are like well-oiled machines (Target, JCPenney), the others lost my business (Sears). Walmart tried their best... there were just too many people to handle, didn't get what I wanted there, but I wouldn't call it a bad experience. My only black Friday bummer was Walmart online at 3:00 am, now that was chaos. :(
  2chia said:

Oh I see there is a trend. Shopping online is winning

The trend to online shopping is not surprising of course--but interresting that more people said they would do it next year than did this year.

However, the Gottadeal.com crowd is biased in this regard, since we have taken the effort to sign up for and engage in an online forum. There are a lot of other BF shoppers who spend little or no time online. (They are all those poeple who seem to be "browsing" on BF.) Of course, we have the Gottadeal.com advantage!

I shopped at a CVS pharmacy on Thanksgiving day, but answered no to the Thanksgiving Day shopping question as I boycotted any other shopping on Thanksgiving Day (except online).
As I am recovering from ankle replacement surgery this year, my husband and I decided I would skip the chaotic openings and instead would shop online, then go to the stores about 7:00 AM. This worked like a charm! I was able to get a couple of doorbusters off Target.com on Thursday afternoon, deals on belk.com and macy's.com! On Friday, I went into Target, Toys 'R Us, Macy's, JC Penney's, Walgreens, Bed Bath and Beyond and Bath and body works. Lines were the longest at Penneys and Macys. Got great deals and was home by Noon to take a nap! woohoo! Thanks Gottadeal! This site is my goto place all year long!
The only reason I spent less this year is because I started feeling ill and called it quits at 2am, though I did venture out later too. Sitting in line at Target was a quite pleasant experience... nice people to talk with and who helped each other out - especially when others tried to bum rush the line or move themselves farther up. Store security came out with maps and Luna bar samples and answered questions and even the city police made an appearance to make sure order was kept. Easy to tell that this store planned and prepared well.
  \ said:

The only reason I spent less this year is because I started feeling ill and called it quits at 2am, though I did venture out later too. Sitting in line at Target was a quite pleasant experience... nice people to talk with and who helped each other out - especially when others tried to bum rush the line or move themselves farther up. Store security came out with maps and Luna bar samples and answered questions and even the city police made an appearance to make sure order was kept. Easy to tell that this store planned and prepared well.

Had to laugh about the Luna bar... I just ate mine for a snack a few minutes ago. Super yummy! :)

Die hard Black Friday but considering trying the casual shopping experience next year if everything opens at midnight again. Didn't like the change from dedicated shoppers to half drunk people who couldn't understand the concept behind limited numbers available. Big change in the line make up with who showed up on Thanksgiving. Lots of angry people. When people asked us when we got in line they got mad at us!! "Well how are we supposed to have a chance at the ... if y'all show up that early?"
  freesia39 said:

Who is the percentage saying they won't be on GD all year? :(

Luckily we can see the results of the poll and who voted which way. So those people won't be winning any t-shirts :P

  copados1993 said:

Had to laugh about the Luna bar... I just ate mine for a snack a few minutes ago. Super yummy! :)

They WERE yummy, and I was SO not expecting that! But I laughed when they were handing them out, because they clearly say they are "for women," but all of the guys scarfed them down just fine, LOL!

I selected a lot of boxes and probably did 50/50 between stores and online once everything was bought. It's been a rough few days since Tuesday night but well worth it. I was pissed nobody mentioned the foreman died last night but was all better when I saw replacement in Macy's ad AND there were tons in store.

Where's the option for "I stayed home with a bucket of beer, while not spending a penny on any BF deals?"


Thanks to GottaDeal, I've pretty much bought everything I've needed in the past years' deals.

  BobbyDouglas said:

Where's the option for "I stayed home with a bucket of beer, while not spending a penny on any BF deals?"


Thanks to GottaDeal, I've pretty much bought everything I've needed in the past years' deals.

Great post Bobby, we'll see you again on here in about a year? :P


Heh, I don't make it over to the forums much anywhere these days. I am keeping tabs on GD.com at least once a week though. I'll have to stop by and say hi more often.


Bring back the $750 off $1500 laptops Dell!!!!!!!!!!



I really sat down and thought about what I wanted this year, between GD and SteepAndCheap.com, I've pretty much bought everything I wanted or even some things I didn't quite want but the deal was just too good to pass up.

I did not see any physical violence, but did have to listen to one lady run her mouth about how much stuff we had checking out and it was ridiculous..... I just looked at her but still what business is it of hers. My DD was shocked that she was being really hateful. I told DD the woman must need a nap because she was so grumpy!!
  pogiporkchop said:

The only reason I spent less this year is because I started feeling ill and called it quits at 2am, though I did venture out later too. Sitting in line at Target was a quite pleasant experience... nice people to talk with and who helped each other out - especially when others tried to bum rush the line or move themselves farther up. Store security came out with maps and Luna bar samples and answered questions and even the city police made an appearance to make sure order was kept. Easy to tell that this store planned and prepared well.

I always found the Target lines to be quite friendly. And good samples too. I miss the goodie bags that had granola bars and other stuff in it, would keep me going while in line to check out...

  beccasbank said:

I have to say my WM was extremely organized this year. People waiting for the electronics at 12am were in separate aisles roped off from the 10pm sale. WM associates were standing about every 10 feet helping people find what they were looking for. Loudspeaker countdown began at 9:30- again at 9:45 and 9:50. I'm not really sure if they made it to 9:55 though before the stuff was flying. And even though it started early (like I knew it would), everyone was helpful and worked together to get items that I saw. Checkout was a breeze too.

My brother was in one of our Walmarts and said that it was more organized also. THe only thing was the physical amount of people in the store by the time he got his Wii, I'm thinking Fire Marshall would have had a hissy fit.... Of course he avoided the towels and the 2.00 appliances...:P

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