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Black Friday Webcasts - Archived Mega Thread

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Hi Everyone! It is almost time for Black Friday and I need to test the webcam and controls for the LIVE webcasts we do called Black Friday Live! This Saturday (Aug 13) you are cordially invited to join me for a Black Friday LIVE test. I will turn on the cam and open up the chat room around 7pm CDT (00:00 UTC) and hang around for about 30-45 min. The main purpose is to check the cam, controls and software we use to broadcast.


All you need to do is go to the link below:




If you want to chat you will need to also register with ustream. If you registered last year all you need to do is remember your username and password.


As I said this will just be a test nothing special. If you cant make it no worries if you can we will be happy to have you.

  stationchief said:

I still say he needs a theme song. :D


I'll be there! :gdthums:

I think we should turn that thought into a contest:P I won't bother playing cause I'm not creative enough. I need to check what my username/password was before Sat.

  JohnnyLaRue said:

japan time?


Japan is anxiously awaiting the return of Misssta Jim!

looks like japan is uct+9 so 9am sunday morning for you and 8pm saturday night eastern, anyone care to confirm? All this daylight savings stuff is confusing me.


That's a good question. Were were y'all? :confused:


Only had about four people in there, but in my humble opinion, I think it was a smashing success! Brought back memories of BF last year. If I understand correctly, we're gonna to another dry run in a few weeks, then on Sept. 10 is the first 'official' BF broadcast.

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