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What time should I start waiting in line?

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I was going to wait in line at walmart for the first time this year. Normally I do Radio shack and a few of the smaller stores like CVS etc. What time should I get there this year to wait? I don't have to be the first but I would like to be in the top 20. We do not have a lot of Walmarts here in the Detroit area.

Thanks in advance


I think for Walmart, you have to be pretty darn early. I was just thinking about what time I should get up this year, and I am thinking 2 am. If I get to the store and no one is there yet, I will wait in my car and read or something. But I think people will be there!

Seriously 2 am wow!!! Back when the Furby's were the hot item I was in line at 4:30 am here I was third in line. I got my Furby and got out of there man people were fighting and they had to have the cops out there over the Furby's.


Black Friday's are wild and I love it!!!!

  kas3 said:

I think for Walmart, you have to be pretty darn early.

Yeah, I would think Wal-Mart would have to be pretty early. Personally I normally hit Best Buy around 2:30 or so and am about 10th -15th in line but every year I keep moving back so I think I may have to start going earlier. Luckily last year for the first time the Krispy Kreme store down the street brought free donuts out for everyone.around 5 am

  tmkuroda said:

I was going to wait in line at walmart for the first time this year. Normally I do Radio shack and a few of the smaller stores like CVS etc. What time should I get there this year to wait? I don't have to be the first but I would like to be in the top 20. We do not have a lot of Walmarts here in the Detroit area.

Thanks in advance


Why don't you ask an associate there such as a manager? Ask them what time people start showing up. They usually know.
Obviously it is going to vary by store but my hubby works overnights at WM and he said last year people started showing up outside the store at 2am! This year WM is opening an hour earlier so my guess is people will start showing up earlier then that.
I think you should find out what time your Walmart is going to open. If your store opens at 6a.m., I would think you should be there no later than 2:30, but if they open at 5a.m., you may have to spend the night, lol. If they open at 5, maybe you should be there no later than 2. I am not sure what you would do if they are 24hrs.:)

it's not a 24 hour walmart so I am good that way. I guess 2 am it is then:) I am just hoping that best buy doesn't have a really good sale as well or I am going to have to start enlisting the kids in the neighborhood!


I have been at a store by midnight before and that was for the Fur Real Cats that KB toys had one year. They were rare then and in high demand. Anyway, I was in line by 12am and by 12:30am about 40 people or so was in line with me


Some ideas that have worked for me: Find a college student who needs money to stand in line. Know someone who regularly gets up at 2-3am for work, get them to do the shopping. Buy the items before and then go and get price adjustment while the mobs are going nuts. Personally, I have not done any bf shopping, other than online in a few years.


My brother volunteers to go, list in pocket, thermos in hand he is a warrior...hits 2-3 stores, home back in bed by 6:30. He loves it...wonder how many people he has injured:D

My sister is going out but she has to be at work by 9am. She has one of her aids (she is a physical therapist) coming with her now to help her out to get the jeep at Walmart. LOL. Wish I had someone working for me I could get to help
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