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The thrill of the hunt lol


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I go because I have five kids and it's a good time to shop for them. I can get them more and better gifts for less money. I have to admit, I also go for the thrill.lol It is the thrill of the hunt for me, too. I get a rush when the store starts filling up and I get everything on my list.lol
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I do like the thrill ... I mean, come on, there's nothing like the feeling of satisfaction when you get the very, very last item that's available, right??!!


However, that said, everything else is exciting too - I run into so many people and meet alot of really nice people. So, all in all, the whole experience is a plus.

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Guest Deals4Me
I love it....its the thrill of the hunt...the exhilaration of victory in finding it, and the smell of the not so deep hole in the wallet! LOL
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I like the hunt too..did you ever try to go around the maze of people to get to an item...lol i have tried short cuts to beat the line.. i have done this and failed and had to go all around again and i have suceeded at other times..its fun.. i also like directing other hungrey for the sale item people to the item if i already have it.. the whole thing is just fun... except lugging it all in when you get home. kathy
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My friends and I pour over the ads after we finish cooking Thanksgiving dinner. Our families know to leave us alone. We have our lists ready and load up with shopping bags, coffee or diet dr. pepper and whatever kids are able to wake up and not get lost (we have a starting minimum age of 15). After we hit Wal-mart, then it's to the mall, to get the free ornament at Penney's, bags and bags of cracker jacks at Proffitts (one of which has a diamond ring, or that is the rumor),and the freebie from the mall information. After all that, we preserve the memory forever by having our picture made with Santa and everyone gets a keychain picture. Then it's off to have breakfast! We love it!
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There is nothing like bf. I wait for this all year, even though last year I may have had complaints. The rush you get just thinking about being able to get your item, the people you meet and talk to in line and the people you watch pulling a 32" tv through the mall on a baby stroller are like no other. I am so ready.:runaway::gd_shake::woot2::g_dance::greenappl
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I love to shop BF. My entire family doesn't undestand why I get up at the crack of dawn, fight crowds, stand in line for hours, just to get great deals. I am a single mom to 3 kids, and can get my kids more gifts if I shop BF.


A couple of years ago I was the first person in line at Toys R Us. The news crew came and interviewed me, it was really cool! They asked why I thought people did this every year, and I told them the same thing - I can give my kids a better Christmas.

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I like to go for both, the deals and the ppl watching experience. I always get a big kick out of some ppl who do take it seriously!

I know just what you mean! I can't stand the people who are so intent on getting the deal that they push and shove and start fights over items. I look for the deals I want, but if they are gone, oh well. Disappointing, but not worth killing someone for!
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I go for so many reasons. Obviously the deals are great and I have a little one so I have to take advantage of the deals for "Santa"...and also it is the thrill of the hunt, I love the rush i get from getting the fliers together on thanksgiving day and getting a plan of which store to attack first and getting a good place in line to the moment where I pick up what i was looking for and place it in my cart. Its this great feeling of accomplishment. Its hard to explain. Im also a helper I dont push and fight and will pass toys down the row to others if need be. Its lots of fun and i get all my shopping done in one day. I love this time of year
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I know just what you mean! I can't stand the people who are so intent on getting the deal that they push and shove and start fights over items. I look for the deals I want, but if they are gone, oh well. Disappointing, but not worth killing someone for!

That's when you try to remind people what the season is all about :g_thumbri .


I also enjoy the thrill of the hunt but the people watching is really the best part.

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