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How do you choose??


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I need a little help and since this is the Holiday forum, perfect spot for it. How do you decide between your family's and the in-laws? My mother and I have spent every Christmas together and since my daddy passed away a few years ago, it is really hard on her near the Holidays. Hubby wants to goto his family. His parents are divorced, so that means 3 seperate Christmas'. Our son is going to be 3 and understand Christmas and opening presents, and all. I don't want to take that away from my mother, but he is insisting this year. (We have been together 6 years, and we have always done his family on Christmas Eve, and Thanksgiving.) Any advice would be greatful!!
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I haven't had this problem w/ my current husband. When my family was alive we lived near them...and now that they are gone we live near dh's. But when I was married to my ex we did the three Christmas thing. It was weird trying to just eat a lil at everyones house...but it was only fair to the families to get to see their grandkids on Christmas. If your families are too far apart and you have to make a decision...I would say try talking to your mom and see if you can see her on Christmas eve. Imagine how you and your mom would feel if roles were reversed and you had spent Christmas w/ his family every year.
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I think it would be a good idea to see if either you mom could go with you to the in laws or everyone could come to your place. I would not want to leave my mom alone on Christmas if she where all alone.

I so agree...our SIL's mom is single, so she has been invited for the past 13 years to either our home or the kids for Christmas week...it is awesome!

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My parents and my hubby's parents come to our house every year to open presents with us. And it works out great nobody's feelings are hurt that way...my husband is an only child. My parents stay here all day and my siblings come here for the evening time. We do have a family Christmas party but my parents and us only open presents from my siblings and their families.


Why don't you have your mother go with you to your both of your divorced in-laws for Christmas?

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We have to choose because of the distance between our families and ourselves for that matter. We are currently in Los Angeles and my family is in Illinois and his is in Oklahoma/Texas area so every other year we switch off between Christmas and Thanksgiving. This year we will spend Christmas in Illinois and next year we will spend it in Oklahoma/Texas. We normally would spend Thanksgiving in Oklahoma/Texas but don't have the money to do both this year. Christmas won out :).



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Guest all2tired
We used to alternate too, Thanksgiving at one and Christmas at the other but Christmas eve was always at my parent's house. I think whoever it was above that suggested you have everybody come to your house. It would be the perfect solution unless your in laws don't get along
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