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BF isn't bf without leaving the house at 2:30am, thinking you are getting an early start on everyone else only to find that there are as many people out as at rush hour on Friday afternoons.

I am so excited about joining this forum.

Thank you Brigette :D


I can't wait to join the ranks of Black Fridayers. :cheesy:

spending the wee hours of the morning with friends and plenty of coffee.

Chilling together.:woot2: :woot2:


BF isn't BF without people trying to cut in line in front of you after you've been standing there for 2 hours.

Oh so true. And makes me a not so happy BF shopper.

With out my mom telling me she hates it and might work this year instead BUT she always goes with me though she gets there later than me


With out me wondering WHY people are trying to take carts down the crowded pallet packed isle in wal-mart

It wouldn't be BF without my husband saying My god woman the things I let you talk me into doing! Or OMG I need coffee, I'm cold, I'm tired, I'm hungry..........

BF is not BF without the coffee from Dunkin Donuts, hazelnut of course, to keep me warm while freezing in line and laughing my butt off (we live in Maine) with my sister-in-law who thought I was crazy for doing this until she went with me 2 years ago!




BF isn't BF without:


1. Being on the highway at 2am to drive to an area where the stores are more concentrated.

1. Coffee at 2:30am

2. Freezing to death waiting outside at some store.

3. Talking the car and not worrying how DH is getting to work. (He gets a ride.)

4. Being on the phone with my girlfriend at mid-night without either of us wanting to get off the phone. (We keep each other awake.)

5. Having the floor of the van littered with circulars.

6. Having a HUGE smile when I get home with what we needed, but, sighing because it is over for another year.

Driving down the highway to the next town @ 2 a.m. thinking that you are so ahead of others. Only to be passed by other BF shoppers trying to get there too. Nothing like seeing carloads of (mostly) women racing down the highway. Our State troopers could probably meet there monthly quota on this one morning with BF shoppers.:biker:
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