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do you say anything


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when somebody runs over your feet...ankles and rams your butt with a cart for hte umpteenth time...or just go on and ignore....


I ignore most of the time...but if they are behind me a while and keep it up I turn around and give them the glare...and ususally they say sorry..:giggle:

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I have only gotten into what I call "a little incident" one time. I was pulling that flat bed cart I use at WalMart, a lady reached over and tried to take one of the Hummer r/c cars off of it because they had run out of them. The only thing I could think was the look on one of my boys' face when one got one and he didn't.lol I pushed her hand away and told her those were mine because I got there early and got them.lol
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LOL I won't say anything but will give the look on the 1st offense! 2nd time it happens by the same person, they may not get to move and I will stand in place if I'm not in a hurry just like Angelseyes does! LOL They usually will apologize or smack their lips and I'll just keep on going on my way! LOL
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It depends on if they're apologetic. If they're sincere, I'm pretty patient.

If they say nothing, and have run me over a couple of times, I will say something sarcastic like, "That cart may operate a whole lot smoother if you'd stay off of my feet", or "You could push that easier if you'd stay out of my @ss!!"


All depends on how early it is, and how much caffeine I've had.

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It depends if they say sorry, or excuse me then I just say that's alright, but if they don't. OOOOOHHHHHHHHH. That is one of my biggest pet peeves. People who don't say sorry or excuse me are rude and don't care about other peoples feelings. I shout 'FOR RUDE" and go about my business.
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geez we were in big lots one time and this guy got pissed because me and my mom would not get out of his way in a aisle quick enough. There were some kids in front of us and they were just playing around. My mom was waiting on them to move. This guy just started pushing us and the kids out of way. My mom said "well do you want through or what?" He said "get out of the way". I called him a asshole heh
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Guest Deals4Me

I do say something if they dont...

USUALLY way scarcastic if when I look at them waiting for my apology and dont get one...


Somethign to the effect of:

Thats okay sweetheart, at least some of watch where we're going




manners arent you're strong point are they hun?


In that annoying sickly sweet voice.



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