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When do you wrap your BF haul?


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Okay this kind of started in another tread but I thought it would be interesting to talk about. Do you wrap the day of BF? The days after or Christmas eve? I start wrapping after Thanksgiving when my son is in school I turn on Jerry Springer or Maury or something or that nature and spend a few hours every day wrapping. I also label the gift in code so I know what is in them. So I'm not giving the gameboy games before the game boy! I save all the empty roll for my son and after school we make swords or something. :bunny:
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Usually I try to get it wrapped the day after. I mail some of the gifts that I get, so I want to get them out before the Christmas postal rush and so they can sit under a tree for a while. :)


I get all of my wrapping paper during the post-Christmas clearance sales, so it's all ready and waiting for me.

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I decided that after last year, that I shouldn't wrap my dd or hubby's gifts until shortly before. I forget what I buy for them! LOL But with everybody else, I wrap right away as it gets sent out of state within a couple of days of being purchased, so they have it under their tree in time for Christmas! :P
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You can only imagine how much of that goes on here with my 3 kids. The "fun" lasts year-round as they fish paper towel rolls out of the trash to do it with too.



Wow year-round "fun"? Do you ever get a moment of peace and quiet to yourself?


Debbie says brb one of her kids is dunking the others head in the toilet.


Nevermind that answers my question :eek: j/k

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Its funny you should post this. Just yesterday I was bored. Husband the night before worked midnights so he was sleeping. Kids were in school. I decided to pull out the gifts I had already bought my daughter and start wrapping! (My husband never got around to putting the paper/tags/bows away in the shed last year so they were in a box in the second garage). All items I bought my daughter are wrapped, tagged, and put away. About 8 items so far. My son will be next time Im feeling "bored"!! I hope to stay on top of everything this year!
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That is so much fun!


Brings back fond memories of whacking my sister and friends upside their head :yuck:

Are we related?? :D I sooooo tortured my sis too!




My hubby and I have a tradition of wrapping all gifts Christmas eve after the kids have gone to bed. Of course every year we ask ourselves why we waited! :eyepoppin But it has been that way since we married (13 years) so no since breaking tradition! (Plus, like booterbunz, I also forget what I buy! ;) )

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That is why I started to wrap now. 2 yrs ago, I started buying super early for christmas. I hid them in different places. Well I over bought as usual. (Norm for me). Anyway, the following year around my husband's birthday (april) we were cleaning out one of our hallway closests and what do I find but a whole bag of toys from Toys R Us that were supposed to be for my daughter! (Infant toys). Thankfully, my nieces were born so I kept them for that christmas. By wrapping now as soon as I get them and putting them in the appropriate contractor bag, I won't over buy (So much) and won't lose gifts!
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That is why I started to wrap now. 2 yrs ago, I started buying super early for christmas. I hid them in different places. Well I over bought as usual. (Norm for me). Anyway, the following year around my husband's birthday (april) we were cleaning out one of our hallway closests and what do I find but a whole bag of toys from Toys R Us that were supposed to be for my daughter! (Infant toys). Thankfully, my nieces were born so I kept them for that christmas. By wrapping now as soon as I get them and putting them in the appropriate contractor bag, I won't over buy (So much) and won't lose gifts!


It is so funny you say that because there is STILL an Elvis book in a box in my closet SOMEWHERE that I got 2 years ago for my sis! LOL :2roller:

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I will wrap any gifts for DH as soon as I get home - that or just hide really, really well and wrap them ASAP.


The majority of Thanksgiving weekends is spent decorating the house so I will probably put off wrapping my "haul" for a week.


I just did my first round of wrapping this past weekend. I had a shopping bag FULL of books and DVDs, etc. and I wrapped them all! :) No bows or ribbon yet, I will put those on when Christmas gets closer, that way I can fit all the packages neatly back into the shopping bag and they won't get crushed.


I keep all presents and two big Rubbermaid totes full of gift wrapping supplies in the spare room so its all there when I have a few minutes to grab it. I will wrap things in little spurts between now and Thanksgiving.


Then I'll probably have a marathon session the second week of December.

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I make a list of what I purchased and for whom, then I wrap them in different colored paper for the kids and hide them. Nothing for the kids get to/from labels.


Everyone else gifts are wrapped and tagged.



..Everything is wrapped that weekend if not on Black Friday.

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I wrap usually in mid-December, when most of my buying is done and I know I won't be returning anything because I found one bigger/cheaper/better. I also wrap in code... everyone gets their own wrapping paper and the Santa gifts get special paper. The only tags I use are for friends/extended family who don't have their own paper. I was just upstairs in the gift closet today reorganizing and putting things in boxes to get ready for wrapping.
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