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Got my Nook for Bday last week and i love it,I live close to the B&N,love the instore specials. I like being able to actually talk to someone face to face about features and such. Already paid for it in free downloads!

What about the Sony eReader?

I have had a Sony E-reader for over a year and love it! The site has free books and some really cheap ones. Mine isn't even wi-fi which I know is really easy, but I can hook up to my laptop and download a bunch of books and read away for awhile. The battery lasts a long time....up to 2 weeks or more, and that's with me reading every night for an hour or two at a time. The Nook and Kindle both sound very nifty from all the posts and I'd probably love them too, but for my purposes the Sony is fine. I can share my books with my mom who also has one.

  • 2 weeks later...

I have had my nook for about 5 months now and absolutely LOVE it.


I also looked at Nook, Kindle, Sony. The thing that swayed me away from Kindle is that with both Nook and Sony you can download from your local library (if they have an ebook catalog). I chose the nook over the sony simply because of the price for the features received.


B&N announced recently they're coming out with a color Nook. I think the traditional is more than fine, so I'm not going to upgrade but if you like more color... Also they are coming out with a software update for the nook also next month.


Good luck in whatever you choose!


Does anyone know anything about Calibre software. I just read a review on Amazon about this software converting stuff to be able to be read on a Kindle. I just read also that the Kindle will soon be having the same option to borrow as the Nook. With this software, it said you would be able to convert the epub to what is used with the Kindle.




I recently bought a Kindle 2 cover at Target (75% off) and wondered about keeping it or not. I am hoping to get an ereader (most likely a Kindle of some sort) for my husband for Christmas but wondered if a cover was actually necessary and if I bought the right thing at all anyway. So you DO think a cover is necessary? I have until January to return this cover for something I don't even have though.

I am so undecided....Hubby so wants a Kindle but I am open to the best deal I can find out there.Thus my interest in this thread :)

Yes, a cover is necessary!! My boyfriend pulled the trigger and bought a Kindle 3 this past weekend. He likes, I'm so so on it. I love the long battery life, but I think I prefer color, so I am leaning to the Nook. I am waiting until BF because my birthday is that Saturday, and this would be a great Bday/Xmas present-we'll see!!

I have the first generation Kindle and love it, would highly recommend it. I bought it used off a friend (who had to have the latest version :) & have never had any issues with it. It is really convenient to use, simple to get books etc. (I have the rubber protector around it put it in a zipped up clear case because I do a lot of reading on the beach and didn't want sand to get into it). That being said - if my Kindle dies - I would get an Apple IPad. I know it is a lot more expensive, but it has the different reading formats (you can put the kindle ap on there) and it would also allow me to ditch all my other electronic devices. Slightly off topic, but just my 2 cents.
How is the Nook with sunlight glare?? I too am a big time beach reader and want something I will be able to see. My daughter also wants an ereader for christmas. She is in school for a nursing degree. Does the Nook allow textbook downloads?

Now Barnes and Noble are so much more easy going about these things. You are able to "loan" a book to a friend for up to 30 days and vice versa. Any book you purchase from what I've read. You can also borrow books from online libraries such as the New York Public Libarary. I am a member of the NYPL and my local library system is also about to go live with an ebook lending system. .... I have repeatedly contacted Amazon to ask if the loaning features and the library borrowing features will EVER be available on future Kindles and my emails have been ignored each and every time. What kind of customer service is that? They didn't even have the decency to send me a standard email telling me blah blah blah... Shame on Kindle. My advice is go with the Nook if you want more bang for your buck. If you aren't into loaning, or looking to borrow from lending libraries then the Kindle may be exactly what you are looking for. I do love mine, I just want more for my next investment.

The Nook book loaning does not work for any book, just the ones that the publishers allow. Also it is a 14-day one-time thing. I can't loan a book more than one time. I suspect if Amazon has sharing it will work the same way since it is publisher driven.


Nook also has "social DRM" that allows more unlimited book sharing. If I want to share a book with my coworker, I email her the book file. She puts it on her Nook; when she opens the book it will ask for the last name and credit card number. It creates the DRM file and stores it, so any future books that I loan her will open right away because her Nook has my DRM code stored.


I use calibre to format non-DRM books from other formats (I did a couple .lit the other day) to epub. I don't believe calibre will reformat DRM'd books. Anyhow, I use calibre as well as non Barnes and Noble ebook stores and sideload a lot of content. My daughter has a nook and they are both on one account. Since I don't necessarily want her to read everything I read, sideloading takes care of the problem very easily.

Posted (edited)
Anyone think the regular nook will go on sale? I don't need the colored version (though it looks pretty sweet). Edited by SuggaD
Check out your local library. If you own a Nook or a Sony EReader you can check out books to either online with our library. You can't use a Kindle with our library system. I have a Nook, and I love it.
I'm sure it's legit, it's direct from Barnes and Noble, I ended up getting 2. One for my wife, and one for my dad or 10 year old daughter who loves to read

I ordered one when I posted it on Fri. & it shipped yesterday.

Mine have finally shipped! So excited! And I have found tons of books from my favorite authors available for download at the library!

I got my Kindle on Saturday (could not wait until Bday!) I don't know how I have lived without it!! Here in Indianapolis, the only place we could find it was Target on eastside of town EVERYWHERE ELSE IS SOLD OUT (Best Buy, Staples, other Targets in city)!!

Kindle by far! It's smaller, cheaper, and will continue to have e-ink. The new nook is an lcd display.<object

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Classic Nook uses e-ink like Kindle. With Kindle you CANNOT checkout your public library books.Recent ebay deal for Nook was $99 for Wifi+3G which is an excellent price in my opinion. Newer Nookcolor uses LCD.


Classic Nook uses e-ink like Kindle. With Kindle you CANNOT checkout your public library books.Recent ebay deal for Nook was $99 for Wifi+3G which is an excellent price in my opinion. Newer Nookcolor uses LCD.

I agree the only way U would get an ereader is to be able to get books from the library. I read so much it is not cost effective for me to buy books so I always borrow from the library. Now with the Nook I can continue to do so. I have been looking at them and I will be getting a Nook. I was leery of getting the refurbished one from Ebay, otherwise I would have done so already.


Classic Nook uses e-ink like Kindle. With Kindle you CANNOT checkout your public library books.Recent ebay deal for Nook was $99 for Wifi+3G which is an excellent price in my opinion. Newer Nookcolor uses LCD.

Was that Buy Now or was it an auction?

If I could get one for Hubby for $99...... :smart:

One thing that I haven't seen mentioned in this thread is that with the nook you can take your nook to any Barnes and Noble store and freely read any ebook (while you are there in the store). That's a nice little bonus above the Kindle.
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