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I have to get several nieces and nephews gifts this year. I am needing ideas for 9year old boys and 7 year old boys. They have dsi's, but I can't afford the games for those things. They do like Pokemen, but I know nothing about what to get in that dept. Trying to stay under $25-30 per gift


My niece like babies and barbies but would she like the vehicles to drive them in? I saw someone had posted that. ANY ideas would be appreciated!

  davephillyj said:

I have to get several nieces and nephews gifts this year. I am needing ideas for 9year old boys and 7 year old boys. They have dsi's, but I can't afford the games for those things. They do like Pokemen, but I know nothing about what to get in that dept. Trying to stay under $25-30 per gift


My niece like babies and barbies but would she like the vehicles to drive them in? I saw someone had posted that. ANY ideas would be appreciated!

honestly you should be able to get ds games in that price range, especially on BF, but if not why not go the dvd and pjs route or a board game each or something similar??

i have gotten the pre owned games at walmart online ship to astore and they come shrinkwrapped.lots of them now under $10 a few under $5. get them each a sled if it snows where they are .
Sports equipment, K-nex or legos, books, walkie talkies, sleeping bags. when my boys were that age they loved anything. do you know their interest? My DD is 7 and she loves Barbies and Polly Pockets too. The car that the Barbies ride in (not the remote control one) is less than $15 here.
  • 4 weeks later...
i am doing christmas shopping for my great niece i think my nieces daughter anyhow i need to know what little girls are into i already know justin bieber i got her sleep pants from the deal posted thank you whoever posted it. she has nintendo ds she wasnt into zhu zhu pets too much

How about a game for the DS? I don't know how much you are planning on spending. My DD is 12 and when she was 10 we got her a cheap digital camera. She loved it and we upgraded her this year for her birthday to a better digital camera. Other things my DD loved was a basket from Bath and Bodyworks, Justice, Aeropostale, Itunes and Barnes & Noble or Borders gift cards. Since you got her sleep pants, how about bedroom slippers or a robe.


I can ask my DD when she comes home for other suggestions.

i was thinking slippers but a robe is an awesome idea! i usually get her a game hmm neveer thought of bath n body works for her bet she will love it.i have boys so i never got to buy for a little girl.thanks
My 9 year old daughter likes anything Twilight, clothes, hair clips/headbands, anything to decorate her backpack like backpack clips, books, video games/computer games, jewelry. For toys she likes Squinkies, Polly Pockets, Bakugan, stuffed animals. This x-mas she is asking for another Snuggie in one of the new colors and Sing-a-ma-jigs. Hope that helps...
  dealluvr said:

i was thinki9n sing a ma jigs just cause i might want one haha what are backpack clips?

Basically keychains but they have a clip on the end instead of a keychain ring.


My daughter is almost 9 and I brought her to Target and Toysrus just yesterday....her big wants were


littlest pet shop

monster high dolls

make up

hello kitty

and then of course the higher tech stuff( ie video games, ipod etc)

  dealluvr said:

i was thinking slippers but a robe is an awesome idea!

My DD9 (2 weeks to 10!) LOVES her robe. She uses hers every day before/after getting out of the shower. She enjoys her shower gel and scrubber, too.


Everything else she has on her list has been mentioned :)

My 10 year old daugter loves silly bandz (inexpensive too). If she's a girly-girl, think "SPA". She loves facial masks, bubble baths, body spray, etc. She also wants a pillow pet.

oh good these are a lot of good ideas and i can buy a sing a ma jig thing and play with it before sending it!! thanks


justin bieber dolls coming out in december supposedly AWESOME!!!


I have a 10 yr old daughter... She is into her DS, anything Bobby Jack (clothes, bedding, etc), Hair stuff, jewelry, shoes ( theme here... she is my girlie girl)


She also wants a pillow pal


There are several good ideas here...but I'm at a loss with my fiance's 10 year old. She has an iPod touch, a laptop, nintendo ds, digital camera, cell phone, Wii...needless to say her mother's side spoils the crap out of her.


She is not really into any kind of toys anymore, and she always gets a TON of clothes (which she loves, but it doesn't make sense when she still has stuff hanging up with tags on it from a year ago.)


I think this year it's going to be an upgraded cell phone (which should be almost free- shes on our plan), and probably some bath/body stuff and some gift cards. I don't know.


What do you buy a 10 year old girl who already has everything? lol...

i was thinking of getting my great niece a facebook card from target.you can load it with coins or whatever for them to play more games with on facebook i really dont know much about it yet...
  tinkrbel said:
nobodies mentioned it yet but theres the justin bieber dolls coming out in december supposedly[/QU



I just preordered this for my 4 year old dd last night..she is gonna go CRAZY for it!!! She'll be super excited because we are going to his concert that is around here only a week b4 christma so it will be fresh on her mind!

  momof3luvs1 said:

I just preordered this for my 4 year old dd last night

link to that might be useful somewhere. I'm sure lots of ppl would love to pre-order and have guaranteed for holidays. I guess he's what NKOTB was to my age group back in the day. I don't get it:)

  nikol0304 said:

There are several good ideas here...but I'm at a loss with my fiance's 10 year old. She has an iPod touch, a laptop, nintendo ds, digital camera, cell phone, Wii...needless to say her mother's side spoils the crap out of her.


She is not really into any kind of toys anymore, and she always gets a TON of clothes (which she loves, but it doesn't make sense when she still has stuff hanging up with tags on it from a year ago.)


I think this year it's going to be an upgraded cell phone (which should be almost free- shes on our plan), and probably some bath/body stuff and some gift cards. I don't know.


What do you buy a 10 year old girl who already has everything? lol...

Well my 10 year old doesn't have everything, but she does like a lot of things (don't they all ;)) I was thinking about themes presents (like some things that were mentioned here). Maybe a movie basket with a dvd, popcorn, candy and a couple of tickets for her and her BFF? What about a spa package with a robe, slippers, facials, nail polish and a gift certificate for a mani-pedi? Depending on where you live, concert tickets or theme park tickets? Something to look forward to later.


I was thinking something similar - gift cards or passes to a movie theather, skating/iceskating rink, ski/sled hill, whatever you have near you that she likes.


I'm getting my 12 year old nieces a new bedding set and a small digital frame to go with the cameras they got for their birthday. And maybe some other stuff to decorated their room with if I can find anything great before Christmas.

  nikol0304 said:

I think this year it's going to be an upgraded cell phone (which should be almost free- shes on our plan), and probably some bath/body stuff and some gift cards. I don't know.


What do you buy a 10 year old girl who already has everything? lol...

I like the Cell Phone idea :) What about a Kindle or an Ipad?
I did a "cooking box" for my Daughter. Got a kids cookbook, went to craft store and got an apron to put her name on, then bought measuring spoons, whisk, etc. It was fun to put together and she loved it!! She's 12 now and she still talks about that being one of her favorites :o)
My boys love anything NERF related (now 14 and 11) There's always target practice going on in my basement and the velcro bullets all over! What fun. There are cool Pokemon DS games out and like previous posters mentioned - just watch for sales. Legos are also big in our house.
  • 2 weeks later...
My son is 11 this year and I think that everything that he wants is for kids younger than him. He wants Lego sets (he has tons already) and Transformers (also has a lot of these). I did buy him a bike at Toys R Us because it was on clearance and I had gift cards so I only paid a little bit of nothing. I have no idea what else to get him. He has a Playstation 2 that he doesn't play much, and I don't think you can even buy new games for that anymore. Besides the Playstation, we, as a family, have a Wii but he doesn't play that much either. I want to get him something that'll make him feel grown-up that he would enjoy. HELP! lol
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