wnc_mom Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 I have been a die hard BF addict for 6 yrs now! It Just get worse every year lol! I always get great deals at TRU,BRU,Old navy the normal cost of what i got last year (08)which was all together about 42 items would have been $1,110 I only spent $302.64!!! Great GReat GRREAT DeaLS! ALL thanks gottadeal.com! My most memorial BF was in 07 we always go to TRU first and this year it just seemed CRAZY? lol We get no cell service inthe store so i was constantly screaming throught the store at my mom "wheeerrre areee yoooooou?!? lol" And then theres my t'shirt i won last yr lol..... MY GOTTADEAL.COM T-SHIRT RESPONES FROM LAST YEAR*my shirt got bleached a few days ago i am soooo heartbroken:(* Not too many people liked my shirt i actually told this one old fart at TRU off I said "I worked REALLY hard for this shirt, and BTW i'm ahead of you so I guess i AM getting your doorbuster's arn't i!" BUT don't worry i was still nice to him despite his remarks to me Most people LOVED it they said you must be a hard-core BF shopper then I SAid "damn right!" All the workers loved it too! Thanks gotta deal for all my X-Tra attention! I hope I can win a new one this year to wear! If not i will still wear my bleached "poo brown" shirt with pride! lol
Letty Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 I'm an oddball cause I hate hate crowds and going out but I live for BF! It's so exciting and fun, just doesn't feel like Christmas if I didn't have to elbow some people for presents. My favorite part of BF is being at the stores right when the sale starts and everyone goes crazy.
sns128 Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 My daughter was born in October and the following November for BF I bundled her into my sling carrier and headed to Kmart (understand there was maybe 10 people there). Since I had her with me we got interviewed for the local paper and made the front page. She was 7weeks old and already made the paper for BF.
holl Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 My best BF ever was a few years ago. I got in line at Best Buy about midnight and got the last ticket for my laptop! Best deal ever-$229 Toshiba laptop and a free printer! Then went on to just about every store that exists. I knew I had made out good when at about 7 pm I decided to eat and the guy at the McDonald's drive-thru was so in awe of how packed my car was with shopping bags that he called over the whole McDonald's crew to check out my packed car!
yellitw Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 A few years ago I was so excited about Black Friday and getting to the stores, that I got pulled over for speeding! Fortunately I didn't get a ticket! :)
sassyME Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 I was 9 months pregnant on BF one year. A friend an I waited in line outside Wal-mart when the doors finally opened I don't think I took one step the crowd was pushing so much they just shoved all of us up front right through the doors! My friend was screaming she's pregnant she's pregnant....A woman did end up falling down and was injured! It was absolutely nuts that year!
Nate Dogg Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 My kids are all ready for our yearly camp out! I would have to say one of the coolest things was our first time making the news. We have made it the last 3 years! Happy hunting everyone! John
biscuit350 Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 Now I am bigger guy (6'2" 340) and last year me and my wife were at jc penny trying to grab a good deal on a kitchen knife set and its the initial door open rush for black Friday we get there and this OLD lady maybe 5' tall in heals prob. 70 years old tries to shove me says get out of my way well her shove didn't do much to me but she fell into the next shelf you had to be there to truly appreciate it trust me
maisey1231 Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 Every year I make it a habit/tradition that my daughter and I get up early and go to the Balck Friday sale at Wal-Mart. (We live in a small town, and they are the biggest and primary retailer in town) Last year I had injured myself at work and had to ride one of those electric buggies around, which is hard enough in regular store traffic, but on Black Friday, I had a HELL of a time getting around! However, I did find that the store employees were willing to grab or reserve certain items for me because my buggy wouldn't fit thru the crowd to the display. As a result, I had my daughter go to one side of an electronics display to grab some, and then the store employees brought me some of the bundle deals with the Nintendo DS. Now here's the kicker-- I wasn't even interested in buying these, but found that when they were sold out, and it came time for me to checkout in front of the store, with lines extending clear back through the clothing departments, I was able to use the 4 Nintendo DS bundles I had procured in my cart as bargaining tools to move up in the checkout line! Waiting in the line to pay then took me less than 15 minutes while others waited nearly an hour!! I'm still injured and not really able to walk , so I'll be in my buggy again this Black Friday, and I can't WAIT to see what I can grab to bargain with this year! LOL :-D
poehitman Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 I've had the awkward experience of running into my ex-wife while doing my black friday shopping. I remember doing a flat out sprint to get the washer/dryer combo Sears had for sale last year. I still beat most people into the checkout line despite having bad knees. I paid for it later though (literally and figuratively).
kayleen50 Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 I love Black Friday I always went with my girlfriend but one year my husband wanted to go with me, well we arrived at Best Buy at about 4:00am and he was shocked that people were standing outside already lol, I told him most had been there all night. While he sat in the car I waited in line, when the store opened he did come in with me and being prepared as I always am reading all the posts on this site I made a killing getting everything I went for. I love the excitement of Black Friday.:)
mrepps99 Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 I have never gone out on Black Friday but my husband goes out. He always seems to get really good deals. This year I am going to try my hand!!
tjredsox4 Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 A couple of years ago my sister, mom and I went to Walmart in Chicopee. It was a new store and they ran out of everything on sale. We then went to Walmart in Hadley and they still had everything we wanted in stock including a desktop for 198.00. I can't wait for BF this year.
lward Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 Last year at Lowes, I had the best BF experience ever. All the guys in my family wanted items in the BF sale from Lowes. I made my list. The line to get in was not bad. Two of the sales associates came up to me. I showed them my list. They actually went and got the items for me and placed them in my cart. The items that would not fit, they tagged and placed up front. They also helped load my vehicle. Great service and extremely nice people! Made my life a lot easier.
swelt5268 Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 I am very excited about BF this year. I hoping there will be some great deals since the economy is still slumping. Money is tight here, so I need to stretch it as far as possible.
heatherbade Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 BF is my favorite day of the year. Thanksgiving day I strategize. So one year I HAD to get my kids a Nintendo gameboy at walmart. They were on sale for $36. But I had to go and get other things at other stores first. I was pretty sure I wouldn't be able to get there in time. Anyway, I went to the electronics department and it was swarming with ppl:eyepoppin I looked around for an employee and saw a kid in his 20's. I over heard him say they didn't have anymore. So i unbuttoned my shirt just a bit and walked up to him and smiled, etc. You get the point. Walked out of there with 2 gameboy's he was hiding for his friends in the back. Awwww the power of a woman sometimes comes in handy. There is nothing like the rush of buying X-mas presents at good prices.
tskendall Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 My most memorable Black Friday experience was 2007. I have two children (at the time ages 8 and 15) and we were getting ready to be relocated to Oregon (from OK) in Jan. So as part of the bribe (for them not to be sad about the move), we promised them each a laptop. We saw the laptops (Toshiba 15in) on sale for $299 at Best Buy. The plan was to go to Oklahoma City that morning to have Thanksgiving with my inlaws and then when we got back to town (Owasso, OK) we would eat and then head out to Best Buy. We really didn't expect long lines because we lived in a quaint suburb and we just thought that everyone would get up at about 3 or 4 am and stand in line. Well, we got back to town at 6pm on Thanksgiving evening and I told my husband to just drive by Best Buy and check it out. Low and behold the lines were forming. We drove quickly to my mom's house, dropped off the kids, grabbed the blankets and chairs (didn't get dinner) and headed to Best Buy. My husband, who has been sick maybe twice in 38 years, was deathly ill. I felt so bad as he sat there coughing and running a fever, but there was no way that I was going through this ordeal alone. We sat there freezing (it had to be 30 degrees) for 9 hours before they began passing out the tickets for the on sale items. We had developed a repore' with the gentleman in line right before us and knew that he was also wanting a laptop. We held our breath as the employee moved down the line (we were 50th in line and they only had 35 laptop tickets), the employee gets too us and we receive the last laptop ticket. Just as I started to scream "yippee", I realized that I had 2 kids and could not just buy one. The man in line in front of us was so generous. He gave us his laptop ticket and I probably would have kissed him if my poor sick husband wasn't standing beside me. It was a success, we were able to purchase the laptops (that we would have never been able to afford without this sale) and had two happy kids. It was however a Black Friday forever embedded in my memory.
jhood Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 I was on my way to Best Buy for Black Friday last year and was bitten in the parking lot by a rabid dog. I went in the store anyway to shop while blood was running down my leg. I ended up passing out as soon as I got to the counter to buy the few things I had picked up while in the store. The manager called 911 and as they were waiting for the ambulance the cashier took the cash I dropped all over the floor and paid for my items with it. When I woke up in the hospital all the things I wanted to buy before I passed out were in my room!
Hummin Bird Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 I live 364 days a year planning for Black Friday lol. Back during the TME craze, I decided I would goto Walmart first. I had never been a Walmart shopper before that particular BF, however I found out they were going to have $5 sandwhich makers and I thought they would be good gifts for a few younger family members who had just started college or were getting ready to. I had no intention of even venturing towards the toy department, but for some odd reason they decided the sandwich makers should go smack ont he end of one of the toy isles. When we finally made it to the sandwhich makers I grabbed 3 and turned to walk away because there was a mob of people headed in that direction. Needless to say someone pushed me down and the next thing you know someone stepped on my leg and crackkkkkkkkkkkkk. I screamed but yet instill several more people all trampled on top of my broken leg. Luckily a big burly guy grabbed me before I was completly trampled and carried me to an EMT outside the front of the store. My black friday shopping was ruined that year all because of a $5 sandwich maker, which I didnt even get to purchase. The following year my mom bought me a sandwhich maker as a joke gift for christmas. I didnt find it funny at all, however everyone else thinks it was hillarious because they tried to warn me the sandwich maker was in no way worth braving the Walmart BF crowd. Lesson Learned. :)
Tammy M. Heath Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 I go Black Friday shopping with my sister and best friend every year. We have such a good time! We used to get a motel room in the city we usually go to because it is over an hour away for us. We have had some hilarious things happen in the motels. One year we got up at 2 a.m. and were all getting ready and had three hairdryers going at once and we blew the breaker in the motel. We had to wait for their matenaince guy to get up and fix it. The woman working at the desk did not want us to miss out on our shopping, so she found us a room in another part of the motel so we could finish getting ready. We had to stumble around in the dark to get our stuff out of the original room. We managed to do it and still get out and stand in line for the stores to open. That doesn't sound as funny as it was at the time, but we still laugh about it. We have had other mishaps with motels other years, but we don't have to worry about it anymore because my sister moved to within 15 minutes of the city, so we just stay with her.
vhoffman Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 While in the toy KB toy store they had a stack of Barbies that myself and another gentleman wanted one of. The man decided to grab them for us. In the process he pulled down the whole supply which tumbled over my head cutting the side of my face. Then the crowd started racing toward us thinking we had something they did not. after clawing out of the mess I continued shopping and themn told my family and friends I recieved Black friday battle scars LOL. I love the thrill of the hunt for the rigth gift at the right price. Boxes on the head be gone!!
saraczek Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 My fav Blk Friday moment was literally watching two grandmas climd up a little step ladder at Target about 5 yrs ago. They both raced up poushing and shoving on the same ladder to fight for the last stereo. Needless to say in the heat of the moment the stereo came crashing to the floor and broke. They both got citations
princess7794 Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 I have participated in BF for past 5-6 years and the one I remember most vividly was I believe it was 2007 when my sister and I decided BestBuy would be our first stop. We got to BB at 2 a.m. for the line and by the time it was wrapped behind the store. We had a great time talking to the people in line discussing what items we each were waiting on. It was a very cold night and Chick-fil-A staff (from across the street) were delivering free hot chocolate and close to 5 a.m. they were deliverying biscuits and coffee for sale. The atmosphere was great and people were laughing and talking! Some people had camper chairs while most people just shuffled around on feet all night. Since there was security, there was not chance of people jumping the line so you saw people from 2 a.m. until 5 a.m. (when they started letting people into the store) pass us to get to the end of the line. As I indicated above we were at the back of the BF store standing across from the speed bump. All night people would walk across this speed bump and nearly trip - hazardous because it was dark and hard to see. The paint on the speed bump had long since faded away. Well around 2am - 3 am a group of 5 teenage kids came by to get to the end of the line and walked across the speed bump and one guy nearly fell. Five minutes later they came back by cursing like sailers that they weren't going to be standing in line and I guess because they were so worked up they had forgotten about the speed bump. One of the girls was walking with both hands in her hoodie and tripped head first across this speed bump. Let me tell you this entire alley went quite for about 10 seconds. Then everyone (including the girl) fell out laughing! She was really a good sport about it because she brushed herself off and kept on going like nothing had every happened. I would have been morified. This was one incident this paticular BF I won't ever forget. And, My sister and I had a wonderful time shopping at tons of stores until about 5 pm BF.
3 boys Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 Every year I take donuts\coffee with me to the first place I go(A tradition handed down from my mother).All those around me are always so grateful and kind. It makes sitting in line with them more bearable. It also seems to make them less rude\anxious.(before donuts.....................after donuts)
pgleason Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 Last year I camped out (11pm) at Office Depot and ended up being the first in line. The OD employees were even nice enough to hand out coffee and donuts about a half hour before they opened the doors. Office Depot...here I come again this year to get my $300 laptop!
Jackstar Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 I have never been able to do "the Black Friday" shopping spree but this year I am able to do so - no work woohooo!! anyways my sister has always gotten such fantastic deal's on her children's christmas present's that I thought what the heck I would give it a shot this year It's a lil scarey I hear the crowds are wild and some of the people get down right dangerous in their search for the perfect gift.... But I am willing to give it a shot ... wish me luck lmao jacks
jack597 Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 My favorite was last year. I just bought my condo last October, and I didn't have a washer and dryer yet. I knew that BF would be the best day, so I just kept using the laundromat for a couple months. Sears ended up having a great sale on a pair of Kenmore units. I woke up at 4 am, ordered them online, and went back to bed. I was fired up because I never had to leave home, but still got the BF price. I picked them up the following week.
JennG Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 A lady cried when I gave her the extra kids camera I picked up at traget. I did not need it.. ~jenn
Ruprecht88 Posted October 8, 2009 Posted October 8, 2009 Did all my BF shopping online last year, thanks wholly to the information I found on GottaDeal.com. Had to set my alarm for 1:00 AM and then again for 4:00 AM to try and get certain things. I was able to get almost everything I was hoping for, and I didn't even have to go out and wait in crazy lines. This site is a treasure. Thanks.
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