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Everything posted by erinplus3

  1. I missed this deal from yesterday, but was able to buy it on eBay for $5 as a gift for my DH. So if anyone else is sorry they missed it, check eBay. There is at least one other $5 subscription available there.
  2. This is the first year it's really been a problem now that my oldest DD is 5. I think they'll all have to go in the garage because she can get into my closet. I have some high cabinets in the laundry room I could try to put some in, but she's such a climber, there's even a chance she could get in there. I guess the garage is my best bet.
  3. I stopped in Old Navy after two stops last year and it was crazy and I couldn't figure out why. The cashmere was long gone by the time I got there, but there was still a line of 60 people trying to check out and the deals were similar to their everyday prices.
  4. I think they are taking an extra $5 off. Just testing it out, I put an ornament in my shopping cart and they automatically took $5 off. Not bad.
  5. Me too (except I have 2 kids, not 3). I think I didn't get one because I don't live in the same state as a TRU, even though the nearest one is only 15 minutes away from my house.
  6. At our house Santa fills up their stockings and brings one or two other presents, the rest are from mom and dad. That's how DH and I grew up, and it makes sense to me that mom and dad would give most of the gifts because Santa has to give gifts to all the kids around the world, so he doesn't have room in his sleigh for more than that per child. I had to add, Santa wraps the gifts at our house before he leaves them.
  7. erinplus3

    Big Toy Book

    How do you get it in the mail?
  8. erinplus3

    Disney Store

    I've never gone to the mall before on BF, but I'm thinking about going to the Disney Store this year. Are there any good deals there on BF?
  9. There was one near a few of my stops last year and I remember they didn't open until much later than all the early openers, so I couldn't go in because it was too late for me. I can't remember if they had any deals, but I don't think they did. I could be wrong.
  10. I've never gone to Fred Meyer on BF before, but this year DH needs some work socks so I thought it might be worth it for the half priced socks. Do I need to get there when they open for the socks, or can I get there after I make a few stops first?
  11. WHERE???? I just ordered this last week from Amazon for $14.79. I thought that was the lowest anyone had it.
  12. At my Target they are planning "something special" from 6-8 according to my cashier. I assumed she was talking about Door Busters.
  13. The only thing I really need to get from TRU tomorrow are 2 sets of Bella Dancerella for my DDs. I was excited to see them online with the sale price, but the shipping charges are outrageous! I guess I'll be at TRU before they open tomorrow like I'd planned. Oh, and one more thing, the shipping on all the other items is pretty high too, IMO. I put two Barbies in there and shipping was an additional $6. Some online sale.
  14. That's what I was thinking. Is this for real?
  15. Anyone know if Macy's carries kid's shoes? They just opened up in my area and I was thinking of checking them for holiday shoes for my kids during the sale Wednesday. It's a few miles out of my way and didn't want to go there unless I knew for sure they have them and might be affordable. Anyone know?
  16. I've never price matched before. At Wal-Mart can the cashier do it for you? You just show them the ad from the other store?
  17. I'm a newbie to the whole Target clearance thing and I started reading this thread from page 1 and I still don't really get it. Where are you finding all these deals? The end caps? Is that what you mean by the perimeters? And what's the blue dot. A sticker or something more obvious? I'm sure all these questions are answered somewhere else, so if someone would point me in the right direction, I'd appreciate it. I'd love a sno-cone maker for $6.xx. :)
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