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Everything posted by Rose0426

  1. Checking in for July. Hope everyone is having a great summer
  2. Better check in for June before I forget
  3. Trying to replace our pool. Need to take down the old one and put up a new one. Why is it that every weekend we can do it, it rains. Next weekend will probably be good to do it, but we have graduation parties both days
  4. Checking in for February. Can't wait for this rollercoaster of a month to be over. One day in the 30's, next day in the 60's, then back to the 30's.
  5. Happy December. Outdoor lights all done, inside all done. All shopping done unless I see something I like and can't resist. Thank you Gotta Deal for everything you for us all year long. Merry Christmas everyone!
  6. Guess they caught on to us, lol
  7. Anyone else not able to use the 30% this year?
  8. Only think we need is Just Dance 2022 and a new pair of PJs for my grandson. Hopefully Best Buy will match the game so I can just order it from them.
  9. I'm at the age where I don't really need anything. Would rather have projects done around the house. This year my son put in an automatic sprinkler for me and ran an underground electric line to my pond so I don't have to run an extension cord to it. This year we could use bricks lining the driveway, a small patio out back and new door handles on the front door as my husband has arthritis really bad in his hands and can't turn the nobs.
  10. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000H236VQ?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details Anything to make cleaning the fish tank easier
  11. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000H236VQ?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details Picked up this card holder already for my grandson so it's easier to play card games with us
  12. Coogam Metal Wire Puzzle Toys Advent Calendar, 2021 Christmas Countdown Calendar Decoration Gift Box Set of 24pcs Brain Teaser Toy Count Down for Xmas Holiday Party Kid Favor (Upgraded Version) For my grandson instead of the usual chocolate ones
  13. Happy October! I want the warm weather back
  14. Happy September everyone! Can't believe I have started Christmas shopping for my grandkids already. I'm afraid that come closer to Christmas, items will be sold out or really expensive.
  15. Happy August! Why does summer have to be so short? Thankfully back to the high 80s and low 90s next week.
  16. Checking in for July. Have a safe 4th of July!
  17. I bought 3 toys for my new kitten. Don't remember if they were prime deals, but I had a $25.00 amazon gift card from Fetch, so cost me nothing.
  18. Checking in for June. Pool is finally clean and clear and waiting for the 90s this weekend
  19. Happy March everyone. Freezing cold out today, but supposed to be in the 60s next week. Hope it stays warm.
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