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Everything posted by neboo

  1. Page 9 on top left. It is an HP.
  2. neboo

    Let's Talk Printers!

    Color toner can run you a pretty good amount. But if you go black and white the toner can be pretty cheap. I got a 3rd party toner for my printer for $18. The Brother name brand one was $70 I believe. Mind you these were high yield and should last 2 years at least.
  3. Ok, so I am not in need of a printer, but I wanted to let everyone know about my awesome experience with my laser printer. I think we may have had a thread about this last year. Last year on BF I bought my brother HL-2240 laser printer from Office Max for $50. I just did an entire year of master's degree work (Graduated, yay!), which involved a lot of printing. Even with this heavy load, I am STILL on the starter toner cartridge! This printer is again on sale for $50 on BF and I would highly recommend it. I also saw that Office Depot has a wireless laser printer for $40, but it looks a little smaller than my brother machine. Anyone else have any suggestions or want to let everyone know about a great laser printer experience?
  4. Not a problem. If you really want a top of the line computer, I would suggest Dell Outlet, but it sounds like you are not in need of something that will blow you away.
  5. If you are looking for something that is going to just browse the internet and watch some youtube videos, the 298 HP at Walmart will do the job. But if you plan on doing anything with any modern software, you will want something better. I would suggest the i3 desktop for $399 at Staples if you do not need a monitor. If you need a monitor, the $499 AMD quad core desktop with monitor and printer at Best Buy is a good machine. Best Buy also has an i3 model with monitor in their "online only" section that could be a great price. So keep an eye on that. One thing I have learned with desktops is that spending a little more and getting a better machine will make you happier in the long run so you aren't looking for another one next year.
  6. If you want a cheaper computer that isn't going to blow you away, but still be somewhat "futureproof," I would say look at something with one of the new AMD processors in it. They are not at the level of the Intel i series, but they cost half as much.
  7. Worked. Thanks!
  8. Brad, any way you could post the model numbers on some of the bigger tvs? The scan is really blurry. Thanks
  9. The TomTom I had worked fine, but I liked the clarity of the maps of the Garmin better (seemed less cluttered). Also little things, for example, my Garmin would tell me "Arriving at destination on left" where the TomTom would just say "Arriving at destination." Little things like that can be very helpful. The TomTom screen did seem to be higher resolution though, but it is about 2 years newer than my Garmin.
  10. Just noticed, the 55" samsung LED tv at Best Buy is listed at 240hz in the chart. It is actually a 120hz.
  11. I don't think they are releasing any info that we don't already know if I read this correctly. Remember, this press release is geared toward people who "haven't seen" the actual ad yet. I think they are just revealing more of their ad.
  12. Richard Petty Driving Experience is a good time.
  13. I recently moved and we have a "Sears Hometown Store" here. Is there a separate ad for this store? I have no idea.
  14. I have a Garmin and recently purchased a higher model Tom Tom that was on clearance at Target. I absolutely HATED the Tom Tom. I very much prefer Garmin. Although, I just found out that I am no longer eligible for my free map upgrade for my Garmin, so I would have to pay $50 to upgrade the maps. I think it is more economical to just buy a new one with lifetime maps. (the one I have is a few years old)
  15. Spent the last 2 years in Bismarck, ND, but now I live in Stevens Point, WI. We have a few less stores, but I'm looking forward to smaller crowds. If I really need something from a store we don't have, I can just make a 30 minute drive.
  16. I bought a 26" Westy LCD with built in DVD player that was the display model from Target, so it had a ton of hours on it prior to me buying it. 3 years later it is still going strong. Also, my parents bought a Westy 32" back when they were $599. It crapped out about 3 years ago, which meant they had had it for over a year. We called Westinghouse and they asked us to ship the TV in to them. It cost us $50 to ship, but we got back a newer model refurbished tv at no other cost. I thought that was a nice gesture considering we were not under warranty anymore. Sad to say that the refurbished tv died about 2 months ago though So their quality seems to be hit and miss, but customer service experience was nice.
  17. Amazon guarantees release date delivery on video games. I have not had a problem.
  18. I could drive about an hour and have every store with a BF sale within a small radius, but then I will be dealing with a lot of people. If I stay where I am I will deal with a LOT less people, but we don't have a few stores (JCP, TRU, Office Max/Office Depot). We do have BB, WM, Lowes, Menards, Kohls, Younkers, Shopko, Target, and others. So my question is, is it worth sacrificing a few stores to avoid the headache of 10 times more people?
  19. 1. Tickle Me Elmo is back!!! 2. Yup, we have at least 3 of the $199 laptop. I'm sure you'll get one. 3. Hour 5 of the checkout line at Best Buy and Randy is contemplating how to use a television as a weapon...
  20. I just moved, so I have been scoping out my route! I also added a countdown widget to my desktop!
  21. They did not have different UPC numbers. Mine came from the case and rang up at $29.
  22. site down
  23. Midnight- Walmart for $2 dvds and Madden 11 for $29. I didnt get a Madden in the front but I asked for one from the case. Worked just fine. I also noticed that Toy Story 3 was not displayed anywhere in the store and not marked $10 like it was supposed to as they announced it as an additional item this week. I found a few in the new releases section and sure enough it rang up at $10. Checked out at 12:18. I then went back in to do some "relaxed" shopping and found a few more dvds, boxer briefs, and an energy drink! Checked out the 2nd time at 1:40 and went home for a bit. 3am- Go to Herbergers to pick up $10 pyrex storage container set. Go in and for the 2nd year in a row I picked the right door and the item was right there. I actually made a quick round of the area then checked out at 3:07. 3:30am- A BLACK FRIDAY FIRST FOR ME!! Hit up a grocery store with a BF sale. Got 10 Roma pizzas for 1.60 each and some other small things for cheap. This was probably a lot more exciting for me than it should have been. 4:00am- Target. Very long line but it flowed into the store smoothly with a nice cart barricade setup. This was probably my best stop. I had a list in my head and pounded through it. Grabbed the Barbie scooter, then while walking towards the toys grabbed the 2 pack throw pillows. Did a walk by grab without even slowing down my walk. I smiled a bit:). Got to electronics and SCORED! Found 2 of the Lord of the Rings Trilogy sets on bluray for 7.99. This was a misprint in the ad as they are originally $75. Then I grabbed the laugh and learn musical table and by this point I can barely carry anything else. On my way up to the front I grab a vest and flannel shirt for my wife and checkout. I also had my last 10% off day coupon that expires today! Checkout time.......4:10am! 5:00am- Runnings Farm and Fleet, picked up some boots and a nice pair of Under Armour hunting gloves. A very relaxed shopping experience. Checked out at 5:11am. Stopped at Best Buy and the line was still around the entire inside of the store to checkout so I left. 6:00am- Menards. Got in and walked the entire perimeter of the store. Picked up 4 items I needed and hit a checkout fast before they piled up. I got nailed by a lady with a cart right in my Achilles tendon. Hurt pretty bad, may feel that one tomorrow. Checkout time, 6:09am. I then went to the mall to browse Gamestop, JCP, Scheels but didnt find anything that warranted a wait in a checkout line. For shopping alone, I have to say this was a pretty outstanding year. Not counting midnight walmart, as I was not really in a hurry, the longest I spent in a store was 10 minutes from entering to checkout!
  24. Just ordered the $50 laser printer. No problems.
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