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Everything posted by neboo

  1. To those worried about Xbox Live. GET IT! First of all, you should be able to score 12 months for around $39.99 between now and Xmas. Second, the benefits! Remember, with Xbox Live you get free games every month. 1-2 per month for 12 months, you do the math. http://www.xbox.com/en-US/live/games-with-gold?xr=shellnav Also, playing online is the way most games are going and it is just more fun. Do it.
  2. Another thing to keep in mind is that with the popular new games, they will start to be next-gen only releases. One example of the shift is Forza Horizon 2. A completely different developer worked on the Xbox 360 version, which is not up to par with the Xbox One version. The next gen systems are so much more advanced and different than the old systems that game studios literally have to hire entire teams for each version. Because of this, I think the transition to next gen will occur a little faster than it did for the last jump.
  3. I currently own an Xbox One and have been on top of most of the deals since its release. All I have to say is, wow! If the sales so far are any indication of what we will see for BF, there will be some great deals: - There is now a "console bundle" for pretty much every game that comes out. My advice with this is: Do your research. Unless there is a great deal on a standalone (green packaging) Xbox One, you can most likely get the same thing bundled with a game for no extra cost. - A few weeks back there was a promotion pretty much anywhere you could buy an Xbox One that you got a free game with purchase (Any Xbox One game). So I would not be surprised to see deals that include free games on BF. - Rumor is that Microsoft is getting rid of the Xbox One/Kinect bundle and will just sell the Kinect separately. So there may be some deals on leftover stock of the bundle with Kinect. (I recommend getting the Kinect, especially if you have kids) - Overall, right now the battle between Xbox and Playstation is really at an all time high. I wouldn't be shocked to see some of the best deals we have ever seen on consoles. Most of these deals will most likely be in the form of bundles, but it should be exciting.
  4. I noticed that they put a price cut on the black Xbox 360 as well. This is probably because they just released a redesign of the 360 that is even smaller. I wouldn't be surprised to see the "old" 360's go on clearance sometime soon, not only at Target, but at many stores. If anyone here is looking for one in the near future, I'd really keep an eye out.
  5. I would suggest buying large televisions on Amazon. I bought my Sharp 60" on Amazon last year. They deliver it free to your living room and have free return shipping. They also match prices. You aren't going to find the super low bargain no name tv's on Amazon, but anything name brand they most likely will have and will match the price of a b&m store if they post it online. You also can see the awesome Amazon user reviews!
  6. Went to Walmart at 10. Got all the dvds and blu-rays that I wanted. Scored Battlefield 3 for Xbox, because I grabbed it from its normal spot and not the cardboard cube. It was crazy busy. Then went to Target for 12. All I can say is wow. I have NEVER seen that many people in line for Target before. Talked to my Mom on the phone, she and my sister witnessed 2 girls fighting at Shopko, of all places. Police tackled the girl to the ground. I have been doing BF for over 10 years now and this has been by far the busiest I have seen it. The aggressiveness of people is also very disturbing.
  7. Picked up 8gb RAM for my computer. But other than that, I agree with you marcster.
  8. After purchase it told me this: Congratulations. Your recent DVD or Blu-ray purchase has qualified you for a $4 promotional credit toward the purchase of content from Amazon Instant Video. The credit will be applied directly to your Amazon.com account within two days after your product ships once processing is complete.
  9. Just went by Best Buy in Stevens Point, WI. ZERO people in line. Looked like they were cleaning up outside preparing though. So if you want your 42" tv, here is your chance! LOL
  10. Thursday Night: Mostly clear, with a low around 40. Are you kidding me?! Shopping in Wisconsin and the temps will be similar to Las Vegas and only 14 degrees less than Texas! I'll take it!
  11. Check the mail. People have been getting it in the mail today.
  12. Although you are not a fan of Dell, unfortunately they are one of the only companies that you can find reasonable prices with built in video cards. I just searched Dell Outlet and found this computer XPS8300 * Processor: Intel Core i5-2300 processor (6MB Cache, 2.8GHz) * Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium * XPS 8300 * 1 TB SATA II Hard Drive (7200RPM) * 6 GB DDR3 SDRAM at 1333MHz, (2X2G/2X1G) * 16X DVD +/- RW Drive * AMD Radeon HD 6450 1GB DDR3 For $509 Dell Outlet PCs come with a full year warranty as well. http://outlet.us.dell.com/ARBOnlineSales/Online/SecondaryInventorySearch.aspx?rn=7716&c=us&l=en&s=dfh&cs=22&PLikeId=1_871009_1_491999_1_874007_1_439907_1_870013_1_454978_1_979009_&Flag=1
  13. From what I read you now have 30 days to buy it. Unless I read it wrong.
  14. Thanks!
  15. The 60" LED Sharp at Sears is available NOW on Amazon. http://www.amazon.com/Sharp-LC60LE6300U-60-inch-1080p-HDTV/dp/B005GTO060/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1321874100&sr=8-7 Also, if you go to the SquareTrade Warranty website and order a warranty from them, you can use the discount code "INTRODUCTION" and get 20% off of a warranty. I got a 3 year warranty for the tv for $85!
  16. I just bought it on Amazon. They matched the 999.99 and no tax! Also got a squaretrade warranty through the square trade site. If you use the code "INTRODUCTION" you get 20% off of squaretrade warranties!
  17. Did they look it up online? What did you say?
  18. Can you tell me how you did this? I just attempted online and through the phone and both would not do it. The online chat person told me they do not match sale prices! By the time the phone person was able to listen to me to get to Best Buy's website it was not available in my area. I'm not happy.
  19. Considering they are already losing money on each Fire they sell, I doubt they will bring it down to $100 and lose $100 more per sale.
  20. The 55" Samsung LED is 1099 right now. I know it is $100 more than BF, but if you think it will be a hot item and you will have to wait in line, it may be worth it to some.http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Samsung+-+55%26%2334%3B+Class+/+LED+/+1080p+/+120Hz+/+HDTV/3804063.p?id=1218434745233&skuId=3804063&st=3804063&cp=1&lp=1
  21. With what you are running, nothing on BF will help you. My suggestion would be to wait and see what Dell.com and Dell Outlet have for deals. You need to get a computer with an i5 or i7 and a graphics card with at least 1gb of dedicated ram. Unfortunately all the computers on BF will not be able to handle the graphics you need.
  22. You should get some bodyguards and rope off your area.
  23. neboo

    4 day sale?

    Any TVs?
  24. I am thinking about getting the Panasonic plasma and was told that it may not be a ticket item. Where in the world am I going to have to go to get it if it is not a ticket item? I haven't had the "running into the store" experience at Best Buy so I do not know how they do it. Is someone inside holding tickets? Or do I have to grab the box? Thanks
  25. Personally, I don't think think they are all that great. If you have a space issue and dont want a cluttered look, they can be great, but otherwise they don't have the capabilities or the features of a normal PC. All in one's usually don't "pack the same punch" as a normal pc. They have smaller and slower processors, so they fit in the all in one screen. Also, I am not too keen on the touch screen. It is a cool feature, but imagine sitting at your desk with your arms up on the screen moving stuff around. You are going to want a mouse really quick because your arms are going to be tired. My suggestion would be to go to best buy and try them out.
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