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Everything posted by davephillyj

  1. Good thing I wear a womans 11! LOL
  2. Well I wanted some Crocs Endeavors for my mom but today they are $36.95!! YIKES! Do you know how long the $10.00 code lasts for? Maybe the endeavors will go back down.
  3. ok, someone ship one to me in AL, ok...
  4. Anytime we are invited to a B-day party, I print tons and take with us for the other families. That way everyone can get extra tokens or pizza cheap.
  5. http://echo.bluehornet.com/static/chuckecheese/362136/coupon_us.htm If you sign up, they will send you new ones every two weeks so you always have some in date! 80 tokens $10 100 tokens $12.50 1 Large pizza--4 drinks-28 tokens 1 large salad bar $23.99 1 Large pizza--4 drinks-28 tokens-$19.99 Expire 3/4/07 But I guess I could post the new ones in the CEC thread if and when I think about it. Ya'll remind me;)
  6. they are sold out now. were there any available this morning? Is this like a woot site? THanks
  7. I LOVE FREECYCLE!!!! It is a great way to get and give! I just did my spring cleaning and gave TONS. I hardly ever post offer, till I do a cleaning spree. But, didn't even hit me to post a wanted on freecycle. I'll try that first, free is always better!
  8. My kids have always slept with a box fan on. It is driving their asthma crazy, any good deals on these things anywhere? Cheapest I found is 24.99 with 10 shipping. Thanks
  9. We went to the Calera one in Alabama. The Thomas ride was a joke. The kids (boys ages 5 and 3) enjoyed the everyday train ride in the park (which is free) way better. The Thomas ride just went backwards for about 1 mile then forwards one mile. And we spent a fortune. So see if there is another train to ride not just the Thomas one. That's what we are going to do. There are so many OTHER things to do they will have SO much fun, believe me. They had more fun in activities than the ride.
  10. Ours won't even do half off clearance anymore. Not since this time LAST year.... Makes me so mad!
  11. This one is only $29...seems fairly similar. http://www.amazon.com/MADISON-COMFOR...&s=home-garden This is just like the one I have now, but I paid 75 off of EBAY!!!!!!! If no one else posts any similar price items by end of day, I guess I'll buy a new one of these. My other one, we just used it to death. I want one not to use as cover, just for "show". Thanks so much guys! I love this site.
  12. Not solid black it can be different I'll give you a link to one that is out of stock that I missed that would be one like I would like. My room is New Orleans Jazz. My hubby is a Band Director. Deffinatly under $100.00 the cheaper the better! King size. I've looked but I am coming up empty handed. I need ya'lls help. The link is below to one simmilar I would like to have. thanks again ya'll. http://www.brylanehome.com/product.aspx?PfId=2934&DeptId=13533&producttypeid=2&affiliate_id=008&affiliate_location_id=01&WT.mc_id=k39085&mid=j10725918k39085
  13. Well, actually, I go to a salvage type store (bent and dent) and get all my can stuff 4 and 5 for $1. Box stuff like hamburger helper .50. Boxes of cereal that have been bent and don't sit straight 1.00 a box ANY BRAND any SIZE! I'd starve if I had to move! Oh, and chicken thighs, make great dumplings or soups and stews. If you boil them up the day before and put the stock in the fridge (or add tons of ice) you can scoop all the fat off! Makes it low fat with all the taste. Chop up the meat add some carrots, onions, celerey, bell pepper, lot of pepper, a can or two of cream of chicken soup and some noodles and presto! My hubby's favorite chicken stew! Oh and he likes new potatos in it, too Can you tell I love to cook? From the south and luvin' it!
  14. It really depends on where you live and how many stores you have. If you don't have but one store....the prices are through the roof! Coupons don't even cover sales tax...(yes in Alabama they charge 8% on our food for tax) So coupons don't touch it. No one will take a printed coupon either.
  15. Yes. Most of our orders come from NON members. we take about 500 box orders a month and I'd say about 375 are from NON members. It's for anyone who wants/needs it. It's a great way to have extra's in the pantry or freezer in the month. My sister buys 5 boxes a month (family of 7) I only buy 1 box (family of 5 but food allergies won't let my fids eat some prepackaged foods). But I always buy a box and donate. PS It's almost time for NEW LOST SEASON!!!
  16. I have an off brand tepurpedic, still paid $900 for king, but I wouldn't take anything for it. I have bad back and knee problems and this has helped a ton. My hubbys has restless legs and this has helped him (and me) with his restless leg syndrome. Little pricey, but not as bad as name brand
  17. oh, I see, it's back....Yesterday it was a punch fountain!
  18. it was a one day sale, wasn't it
  19. I need a coupon code for LNT please. I've looked all I know to look. Thanks
  20. We went to TJ maxx and got 7 pair of High end khakis for 7.00 each! We then went to Ross stores shooped for 45 min found what we wanted. When my hubby went to try them on, we were informed the dressing rooms closed 45 minutes EARLIER than the store so we put back $100.00 worth of merchandise at least! I pitched one good fit (on deaf ears). Anyway, thanks for all the tips.
  21. Where do I go B&M to get low price casual/dress clothes for my hubby? He's a real estate agent and a teacher. Thanks
  22. I got the fusion (or which ever it is that takes the battery with 3 blades) for 1.75 @ walmart a month or two ago with a carry case on Clearance. I bought about all 20 or so of them. My hubby asked why so many...then I told him how much the refills were and he said "I should have known".
  23. http://www.smart-estore.com/default.asp?storeid=459119&c=Y10524 Try this site. 2.97 Shipped. It's SPONGEBOB teaching typing. Just came in my email yesterday. I order from this company all the time.
  24. I bought the endeavors and they made my feet sweat too bad. Glad I only bought ONE pair of those. FYI DON'T go one size down on those. they are a little snug. caymans are not
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