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Everything posted by davephillyj

  1. Could you get it Free with $10.00 google checkout? Thanks
  2. You have to sign up as a New Member to get the extra 10% OFF. sHOEBUY NEVER allows stacking of codes. They are on to us....
  3. I got an email with this link for the code in case you all start getting any trouble..... click on this link it'll add the code for you.. http://recp.rm04.net/servlet/MailView?m=798915&r=NTYzMzM5Nzk5MwS2&j=MjYxMjA4MDIgS0&mt=1&spMailingID=798915&spUserID=NTYzMzM5Nzk5MwS2&spJobID=26120802&spReportId=MjYxMjA4MDIS1
  4. Someone posted to red lobster club any others that anyone know about....shoot they have been sending me all KINDS of coupons! I need other resturants too....thanks ahead of time:D :D
  5. I found a DG that had spiderman. only in size 8, but got 3 packs, just for a variety.Also just got several things marked 25% OFF TO SEE WHAT THEY WOULD SCAN, and they most all scanned 75 some 50%. Got some cute things for my daughter to grow into. I went first thing this morning when they weren't busy and just put one of everything in my buggy and asked her to start scanning.... she just laughed her head off.... But is it helps me and others save a few bucks,, I'll look like an idiot for a moment.
  6. At the bottom of the homepage underneath- order by phone,which is in blue, you will see savings and updates. click on that. then on the next page click register and save. it will drop down to the register and save area. then click register and save again. once you register then go back to your shopping cart and checkout. when you enter you email and password it will give you an extra 10% off at checkout.
  7. O.K. I called and they said they had a problem with the fling code. this is the new code For 1 pair of shoes use 1springfl07 = 10.00 off for 2 pair of shoes use 2springfl07 = 20.00 off I tried it and it worked! go for it!!!!!!
  8. ShoeBuy.com has $10 off 1 item - code 1springfl07 or $20 off 2 items coupon code 2springfl07 [Exp 3/26]. Alternatively, get 20% off any purchase with coupon code MARCH07 [Exp 3/15]. Free shipping on any order. Tax only in CA,MO,KY and TN. They sell shoes and related items (if you were wondering). Other coupons: $10 off $30 with Discover card code DISCOVER $10 off on Bags, Luggage, and Accessories code Save10 Just bought me some crocs for 17 and change! I got an extra 10% for being a new customer!
  9. Went to different DG and the Jerzee brand socks (for whole family) rang up 75% off (not marked though. Stocked up at 1.25 a pack! Worth a shot for ya'll too. The cashier went and pulled a couple of packes for herself,too.
  10. Ours said 50% and 25% off too, but they rang up 75% that's how I was able to get so many! I should have put that in my other post. RUN NOW. But no Spiderman. Batman, spngbob, superman were the only ones. Cars was 50% but not 75% go figure. A ton of little girls socks were NOT marked at all they were little tykes brand 4 pack colors and all white 0.63 a pack. I found those on accident as I needed a pack on our way to Chuch e cheese. so I loaded up on the way back. they were handing up but also had some in bins on the isles. They also had hanes stuff hid in the bins in the isles! I dug and found several things and I visited 3 stores to find all I got. Hope this helps you all.
  11. The spongebob, Batman, and Superman boys underwear (it was actually Fruit of the loom) was ringing up $1.25 at on DG. The Cars was 25% off but she said it would ring up 50%. So I agreed to it for my son who has been pitching a fit for them. Well, then I threw in the spongebob and WHOA. I went back and got 18 packs all together. I have two boys and my sister has three and my best friend has three boys. Also got several of the boxer briefs for the boys for 1.xx a pack several packs for me 1.xx a pack. They had tons left and girls stuff too, but no girls needing it in my family right now for several more years......still in diapers Added up to $273.xx retail paid 68.xx:woot2: Also got two pair of athletic shoes (for play as they have a funny smell to me) at 2.50 each THANKS OP!!!! How come I go broke at SALES?
  12. I always put half the butter in my mix and mix it up in there as well as 1/2 tsp of garlic in the mix . My sister said a friend of hers worked at a RL for years and they put a little of the butter and garlic in the mix to make them a little more moist and tasty. I make these things about twice a month with my spagetti. (Not as much since weight watchers now) Also If you all would use parchment paper (available at Walmart or any grocery) your biscuits cookies etc never get "burnt" or black or never ever stick! I never bake without it. But I did find a website once that had a LOT of resturant "secret " recipes and I just lost it. But I make these all the time.
  13. I'm going today!!!
  14. 4 New coupons good till 4/1/07 http://echo.bluehornet.com/static/chuckecheese/368721/coupon_us.htm
  15. BONUS 10% off - - - - - - save10 $10 off Bags, Luggage, and Accessories - - - - - - WWMAG $10 off $50 or more - - - - - - SHOEBUY 10% off - - - - - - CLEAR10 10% off - - - - - - BUY5 $5 off $50 or more - - - - - - DISCOVER $10 off If you Use your Discover Card
  16. I live Around Huntsville AL
  17. OMG:eyepoppin My heart about JUMPED RIGHT OUT seing those prices!!! I don't pay over 2.99 a pound for ribeyes or Tbones. That's all we like steak wise. I go to the regular store first thing in the morning and ask them what they are going to mark down, and they know me ahead of time now they just start shaking their heads and get out their black majic markers. One guy just asks me what I want/need and gets it off the rack and takes it in the back. I pay about on average .80 for ground beef .99 chuck (unless it's already on sale then .75) 1.25 ground sirloin 1.25 stew meat or sirlion tips 1.50 bottom or top round roast or sirloin roast 1.50 pork loin roast .99 chops 2.50-3.00 ribeye t-bone-ny strips I get my bonless chicken breast from a relay for life fundraiser once a month you get a 20 LB box IQF from Tyson ( we have the distributer here) for 24.00! Breast or tenderlions!!! You can not beat these priceses ANYWHERE! Ya'll may want to check at your local places and see what ya'll can come up with. Wal-mart only marks down 30% no mater what. They are stinkers!
  18. DSP20SAVE at dicks sporting goods will give you 20% off and can stack witht the $10.00 google!
  19. We are staying this trip at tthe Best Western. My sister is coming down from Maryland with her 5 kids! We will stay at the Choo Choo this summer though it looks cool! We will be at the aquarium the 16 or 17 of March. What do ya'll think is best to go on Friday or Satuday?
  20. Any ideas on where to get coupons or such? Thanks Thought about the aquarium and rock city. Any other ideas are appreciated. kids age 6-3-1.
  21. Speaking of.........How often do they WOOT OFF?
  22. ^^^^^^^^^^^ WAY TO GO! We had quite a bit left to, till I checked out!
  23. Our consignment shops have the SAME prices as the stores. I rarely find a deal in there, but thanks.
  24. I've already checked ours---the only one they had was over 100!
  25. Under $50. Is this possible? If not I'll buy a used one. This umbrella stroller is killing my back walking every day. But, I've lost 15 pounds last month and I have MANY more to go. Thanks guys
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