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Everything posted by SuperMommy

  1. If this is your first BF you'll understand why most don't grab a cart! You can barely get through the crowds with just your body in tow. So, carts are extremely hard to navigate. You will end up missing alot of other items. Best bet if you want a large item that isn't a ticket item is to take someone along that's not wanting much if anything at all and have them bring the cart.
  2. :gdcry:NOOOOOO!! WHY, WHY, WHY? That's it, BF is ruined, ruined I tell you! Seriously, I didn't even know that they were still in business in the first place. All the locations around here, that I know, of have been shut down.
  3. ::greenappl:holiday08 Ok, I wasn't all excited yet, but after watching all that I am!!! Those videos make me realize more than ever that we are all crazy. Ok, we need help! **BFSA meetings will now officially be held in the chat room at 8pm on Friday nights**
  4. Oh yeah, I remember that. Guess I was having a brain fart!
  5. That is so odd, b/c the ones I go to (Rome and Town Center) have excellent customer service. And usually the employees have a good bit of knowledge about their product.
  6. Alright, I'll bite...What are secret sales? That's a new one on me.
  7. ah crap! The closest Best Buy is an hour away, so I have always been a Circuit City fan. Man I miss those FAR items they used to have on BF. They had $10-$20 items FAR.
  8. As far as banning Christmas for it being a "religious holiday" as well as prayer, etc. This is just as wrong!! I could have swore that the Constitution said that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.... but then again, maybe I read it wrong?
  9. I'm defianetly avoiding WalMart. That is as long as I am still in control of my legs at the time and can keep them from walking in. You never know though. You hear about them implanting chips into people in the near future. I'm sure WalMart could bully the government into some type of magnet system. Maybe they can have their lawyers take a look at it. I am really looking forward to Circuit City's ad!
  10. It completely depends on the ads. Though CC is more often than not our first stop. I'm looking for a new TV for DD's room so if they have a good deal on one then that's probably where I'll be going.
  11. There is no way in (you know where) that they will lower the price. No store can even keep them in stock now. We have been thinking of getting for a while and just been perusing, but can't find one in stock (though we haven't looked hard cause it's still in discussion). They are not going to lower the price of something that they can't even keep in stock.
  12. See, I've seen just the opposite. I've seen cash only lanes. I do carry a decent amount of cash, but just b/c I've seen several stores have their Credit Card machines down on BF. But trust me I've got in on lockdown! As for how much you want to spend, your best bet is to jut wait until the ads come out, then you'll know what you want and how much you're spending. Of course I always plan on some extra b/c stores have items on good sale that weren't in the ads.
  13. Yeah, we went in January one year, WE FROZE!!! The high everyday was supposed to be in the low 60s, it only barely hit 30 till the last day when it was it hit mid 60s. I couldn't even get warm in the room. But yes, I have been to DollyWood with all the lights, and yes it's gorgeous.
  14. Christmas Tree Cakes!! They are my weakness. It's a good thing they're only available a few months a year. 1. Christmas music, I can't help it but I love XMas music. 2. I love wrapping presents. Of course I make my own bows too. My family usually tries to save them b/c they say they can't bear to throw them away. :) 3. One night we will go out driving just to look at XMas lights. We are planning on starting a new tradition this year. We live about 3 hours from Gatlinburg. This year we are planning on taking a day trip up there. There is this great place for breakfast, it's called The Pancake Pantry. It's in The Village. If you've ever been to Gatlinburg you probably know where I'm talking about. We are going to go early, eat breakfast when we get there (they serve till 2pm), then go shopping. There are some great little shops up there with gifts I couldn't get around here.
  15. AMEN!!! I went there one year and did the same thing, walked right back out. Our TRU is worse than our CC with their lines to check out. They only have 4 registers and it's usually over a 2 hour wait to check out. I've got 2 girls but I can save more money by going to other stores and getting their BF deals and just getting the girls stuff on a good sale some other time.
  16. Yes, we are thinking about starting a BFSA (Black Friday Shoppers Annonymous)
  17. I went to the Dollar Tree tonight and they didn't have the whole costume, but they had the masks.
  18. The only thing I've seen that just really bugs me (and of course this is just my personal opinion) is when I see kids out that you can tell are only a few weeks or months old. It's really more of a cold issue than a crowd issue. I saw on mom that had a baby that wasn't even able to hold it's head up yet and they had the baby in a onsie, a pair of socks, and a blanket! I had on 3 layers of clothes!! I definately wouldn't take either of my girls out. (Lexi, no explination needed and Kaylie is only 2). She drives me nuts on any shopping trip crying for everything in sight. I'm sure when she gets older though she'l want to go with me. She loves shopping already.
  19. If you have a pair of flannel Pj's you could wear them and go as Rip Van Winkle. It sure would be a comfy way to go!
  20. Seems to me others aren't previewed to PMs. Or maybe an opt-in thread that you have to be granted access to.
  21. Oh yes you do!!! Thanks to this wonderful site, I have my plan of attack figured out weeks ahead!! Plus, it's the whole idea of what they are doing. They are just being stubborn. But then again, how does that differ from the rest of the year. I wish we had a Target here. They do tend to run a little higher on alot of things, but I would rather pay more. WalMart is a bully in the retail world. I think they just want to build up anticipation for their ad because it's been nothing but a dissapointment for the last few years.
  22. DH is a store manager at a store in our local outlet mall. For years they have opened at 6 am. However, many of the stores don't even have specific BF sales. This year they have decided to open at 12am. They are calling it a "Moonlight Madness Sale". As a BF shopper I have tried to talk to him and he has relayed this message many times to mall management. Most are in line at BB, CC, etc. at 12 am. I have told him that most go to these sales, go home by 12pm , eat and are ready to get back out later that evening. So, if they had a "moonlight madness sale" from 6pm BF to 12am they would get more customers. This way BF shoppers could go to these other stores that have their sales in the early morning, go home, eat & rest, then get back out when they're re-energized.
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