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Everything posted by berry1014

  1. I watch them all. Always have but now my little girl will sit and watch them with me.
  2. We have always put out the gifts on Christmas eve after our daughter goes to bed. She would have opened anything we put out even it was for someone else. Now that she is a bit older we may put some out the week before and the rest on Christmas Eve after she is sound asleep.
  3. berry1014


    Our daughter is only 4 so we will be filling her stocking with little dolls, chap stick for kids, bubbles, bubble bath, crayons, coloring book, cheese crakers and maybe a few pieces of candy.
  4. Samething happened to me this morning.
  5. We took advantage of the nice weather yesterday, and strung lights around the house roof line. We also notice several of neighbors doing the same thing yesterday.We will finish putting up our ouside lights and decorations next weekend. We will not turn them on until Thanksgiving weekend.
  6. Mine is MBerry1991
  7. Yup....some of the items were packaged in very large boxes...wagons, etc.
  8. berry1014


  9. berry1014


    Here is a good breakfest casserole Ingredients 1 pound loaf Bread 8 ounces cream cheese 1/2 c.sugar, divided 1/2 tsp. vanilla or almond extract 1/2 c. chopped pecans, optional 4 eggs 2 c. Milk 1 tsp. cinnamon 2 TBSP. butter, melted Directions Cut bread into cubes. Place half of bread cubes into greased 9x13 baking dish. Microwave the cream cheese until melted, stirring midway. Stir 1/4 c. of the sugar and the extract into the melted cream cheese. Pour this mixture over the bread cubes (will not completely cover the bread)Sprinkle nuts over the cream cheese layer. Top with remaining bread cubes. In a bowl, beat the remaining sugar, eggs, milk, cinnamon and melted butter together. Pour over bread cubes. Freeze at this point or let sit in refrigerator overnight. Bake at 350 deg. F for 35 minutes. Serve with warm syrup or fruit toppings
  10. YUP ..... my daughters favorite movies are Santa Claus 2 and Frosty. How an I say no when a 4 years old asks to watch Frosty so nicely. Besides I am a Christmas nut so I can watch them any time of the year.
  11. My sister-in-law and best friend from beginning to end while hubby will join us after Walmart when we stop by the house to unload before heading to the other stores.
  12. I would love a white Christmas. Start snowing on Christmas eve and end Christmas night. Doesn't have to be snowing the whole time. Off and On would be nice too. Haven't had a white Christmas in 7 years.
  13. I found a few cute ideas on a website organizedchristmas.com that I will do for my daughters teacher. On is called "We Whisk you a Merry Kissmas" You buy a whisk from the store , fill it with hersey kisses, cover it with saran wrap, tie ribbons on the end and include the tag. Very cute and very inexpensive and we will be doing the snowman soup for her class mates. She is in preschool so there are not alot of kids in her class. Hope this helps.
  14. Depending on time I get home, sometime I can sneak in a nap. We order dinner, since we got MIL for T-day there are no left overs. Afetr dinner, we put up the tree and start decorating until to I am to tired to continue. Then I will crash and watch some Christmas shows.
  15. OH so very true!!! These are the worst!
  16. AMEN to that!
  17. I started buying gifts here and there at the beginning of the summer. Found some real nice sweaters for my mom that wer marked down to $2.00 each.
  18. Toys R US and K-mart
  19. No I do not carry a purse on BF. That is one less thing I have to carry and one less thing I have to worry about. If it does not fit in my pockets then it stays home.
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