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Everything posted by kklracing

  1. Photo 1: Hey Joyce, the manager wants to know where you are going to put the life size Barbie? Photo 2: I KNEW they'd never look in the pink bag for the Zhu Zhu pets. Great hiding place! Photo 3: Should we tell them they are in the wrong line for the Best Buy tickets?
  2. November 5th deal of the day: Route 66 Kids' Denim, Sizes 4-16, $10 (regular price $16.99 & $19.99). Valid 11/5/2009 only, while supplies last, minimum 1 per store.
  3. I think they only had one "secret" Saturday sale last year. Last year we had to wait until 8am even though ours is a 24 hr store. We spent the night so we could get the cheap laptop for my stepdaughter.
  4. I think most of the candy gets returned to the manufacturer's. I very rarely see the big name (Hershey's for example) stuff on clearance.
  5. Robert Redford Dessert 1st layer: 1 C. self-rising flour 1/2 C. melted butter 1/2 C. ground pecans Mix ingredients & spread in 9x13 pan. Bake 7-10 minutes at 400 degrees. Let cool. 2nd layer: 8 oz. cream cheese 1 C. powdered sugar 8 oz. Cool Whip Beat cream cheese & powdered sugar well. Fold in Cool Whip. 3rd layer: 2 small pkg. instant chocolate pudding 1/2 tsp. vanilla 3 C. milk 8 oz. Cool Whip Heath candy bars, crushed Prepare pudding mix, adding vanilla & milk. Beat 2 minutes. Spread over 2nd layer. Top with Cool Whip & chopped Heath bars.
  6. A job! I got laid off in August after 14 years. I've been on 6 interviews for 2 jobs and been the second choice for both. Grrrrr......
  7. Sail by James Patterson
  8. GB home is 75% off here in Minneapolis also. Still too high priced for me. lol
  9. 062 16 0497 King extra-deep pocket 300 thread count sheet set, orig: $69.99, now $17.48 064 13 0332 Waverly Home bath contour rug Orig: $14.99 now $3.74 Our store FINALLY put the digital frames on 75% off Also scored two 10 pk MM grape for .69¢ each - wohoo
  10. Thank you for your help. The 3 stores I called around here (Mpls, MN) all still have the photo frames at 50%. I was hoping to find them at 75%
  11. I'm brand new to this part of the forum. Is there a way to use the DPCI and find out your store's price, or why does everyone list it? Thanks in advance
  12. kklracing

    Final tips from me

    How about the down comforters? Are they back in bedding in your store?
  13. I'm staying home from Walmart too. What a dissapointment! I just did most of my shopping on BestBuy.com - no need to go to Walmart to price match. Yay!
  14. On Walmart.com you can see the rest of the "secret" items that will be available on Friday, and if you look through their ad, it shows you if the item will be online or just in stores.
  15. From the ad I received today: Mills Fleet Farm: Free 21.5" Holiday Pony given to the 1st 500 customers at each store on Friday (looks to be a stuffed animal)
  16. She answered above: You do not have to use your Kohl's card to get this Kohl's cash offer. And our computer system doesn't allow us to take expired Kohl's cash. SOMETIMES the managers can just do a straight dollar deduction for the value, but really, we're under no obligation to do so. That's why the date is printed on the front. If it's any consolation, I do that all the time myself. Grr.
  17. Question about the down comforters - will these be back in bedding in their usual spot, or in an aisle somewhere? Any idea how many of each size they get? (I'm interested in a King size). Also, will this be available online at the doorbuster price? Thank you!
  18. The "secret items" last year were nothing spectacular. I remember a sheet set and a robe. No electronics.
  19. Albertville Premium Outlets in Albertville MN: Midnight
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