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Everything posted by bluebear
I am blind. They do have one, yay.
I told my mom about that one as well. It has a nice amount of memory. Mama is helping my sister buy this, and she doesn't have much money, so I think this will do well in performance and cost. I wish they could get him something much higher, but... I think both are good choices.
Dollhouse. There are cute tiny ones for calico critters, or others for barbie sized dolls, or ones for 6" dolls like Melissa and Doug brand. But every little girl needs a dollhouse.
That link worked for me. Too bad I don't have a Meijer here.
I like the $349 Dell. 15.6", 8 gb ram, 1tb hdd, touch screen. I've seen a couple a little cheaper with lower specs, but since I have to support it, I would like him to have something that he won't be whining about in a few months! This seems to be a pretty sweet spot where the specs and price are good. And I think it's available today, so if mama buys it now, she will stop asking me what to buy!
I wish I had room in my kitchen for an island/storage cart. I look at these every year. One day...
Awesome deal on the SP4! Too bad we don't need one this year. Did not see a 4k monitor. That's the big electronic thing on my list. Great price on the Netgear AC5300, we eyed that last year and talked ourselves out of it. Also interested in some of the home automation things, doorbell and outlets. The gaming keyboards are 50% off, and that's on the list. And I think we have picked the laptop for my nephew, hooray!
I buy the $25 dirt devil about every other year. Either to replace mine, or as my children are growing up and moving to college... One year i bought 2! In fact, I just got done adding it to my GD shopping list!
Well, the two games I'm after are in the ad, so that's exciting! I couldn't take advantage of the b2g1 last week, because only two of the games my gang wants are currently out.
That confused me some too. What I assumed it to mean is that if you order online during the online sale part (M-F) then you can get the rebate. But if you buy it in store, the rebate is only valid Th-F. So you can't go in store Tuesday and buy it and get the rebate.
Biggest thing to keep in mind, is that it should have dedicated graphics. Memory is important, but can be added if needed. Also an SSD would be nice, at the very least a hybrid drive. SSDs are faster. The last one I bought for one son was right under $1000. But the other two were less. One I had to buy in the spring, and was able to find on sale for about $700, I think at staples. The first one was a display model that was being clearanced out, so we got super lucky on that one. So I would start looking now... A couple years ago when I was last looking I started seeing good sales about this time.
I know me too, I had to go check! 11 years last month for me!
Awesome, thanks!!
Gingerbread and candy canes/peppermint. Bonus points for trains.
Thanks, but this is for the kid to take to college. We don't do that much printing. In fact, the last color printer we bought so that we could print something on fabric for a costume (the fabric didn't play nice with the laser printer), was used just that once and the ink dried up before we used it again. My color laser printer has been amazing for when I have a once a year project (shower or birthday decorations). And the toner doesn't dry out like ink. But seriously my boys print almost nothing, and when they do it's a paper for school. I bought the $29 dell laser staples had a few years ago and it's still on it's original cartridge. So I think this will be a good match for us.
Okay cool, they have a $50 laser printer that I wanted. So now I don't have to worry about office depot. SP4 $200 off is pretty good, seems to be the standard this year. And of course, the penny paper!
I'll go for the tidy cats (no Meijer here), and dog treats. I always say I will get dog food, but then always seem to talk myself out of it. Mama will get new collars for some of her animals. Since lately I've done most of my shopping online and have it about done by the time Friday actually rolls around, PetSmart is where I seem to spend the most money in person. There and Walgreens.
So I didn't know what a spritz cookie or a cookie press was until you posted this. You'll be tickled to know that me and my friend went shopping tonight, and BOTH came back with an oxo cookie press, and will be making these cookies! I am so excited, thank you!
Yup, same here. And it is 64 bit OS, so that limitation isn't there.
It is soldered. http://psref.lenovo.com/Detail/Lenovo_Yoga_2_11?M=59446360 Now I don't have to go apart things!
Y'all have me curious about the memory... I'll have to take apart some yogas in the next few days! Y'all have me curious about the memory... I'll have to take apart some yogas in the next few days!
There's a small laser printer for $50... If this was a store I went to I may think about that. Hoping someone else will have a similar deal, would be great to send with my boys heading to college next year.
Two years ago in November my daughter moved into a house, so I was in the same boat, buying appliances for her Christmas. This coming fall it looks like both my boys may be moving out for college, so I may be getting them a few things for that. Already got the older boy and daughter Keurig's from a kohl's sale a few weeks ago. Nice when we can get it all for good prices!
I know the guys have weighed in already, on memory and such. But I wanted to talk about the base machine.Lenovo makes pretty good laptops. Most of my experience is with the business version though, but the home version is good too, just built with some different specs as far as the sturdibility of the cases. We have many of the larger yogas in our school system, and they are well liked and do well. I have one that I use when I need a laptop, and I'm really happy with it. We also have given a different version of the yoga (11e yoga) to an entire student body in one of our high schools. They are doing great for their use. The same features you are wanting: Small size, tablet mode, etc. My mom happens to have an earlier version of the yoga you posted, she's had it probably 3 years now, and it's still doing great. It's a nice size for just basic casual stuff. So I think it would be great for your daughter as a secondary device. Especially if it comes back at that $299 price from when you first posted. Or maybe you can find one better, with more memory and just a little more cost.
Kanyon, there's your $250 off SP4 bundle.