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Everything posted by bluebear

  1. The PS4 is a doorbuster, and the ad says door busters will be available online starting Thursday at midnight. Not sure if that includes everything, but it probably won't be up tonight. On a related note, last year some of the door busters were available earlier in the week, but at a higher price. I doubt that will be the case with the PS4 though.
  2. I was wondering about the shipping too. I think it's $50... But it might be $25. It's not $75 for sure. But it will be back to $75 next week while I'm trying to use the KC....
  3. Yes, they both have them I believe. Home depot has both AA and AAA in the pack for $9.88 I think. I wanna say Lowes is just one or the other. Okay. HD is 54 batteries for $9.88. It's on page 2 of the ad. 30 AA 24 AAA. Lowes is on the last page. 36 for $5.97. Choose from AA or AAA.
  4. I'm still waiting for the Dots and the Fire HD8. But mama is getting the HD10, so she will see the message from me in the morning when she gets up. She's been asking when it would be available to purchase. Thanks Brad!
  5. Me too!! I've got things on my Kohl's list, and my gotta deal list. Picked out designs and colors and sizes, just ready to hit go!
  6. The ad says door busters go on sale online Thursday morning at midnight CST. Seems like they have had the consoles online in the past. And the flyer I got in the mail shows the PS4 on the door busters page with that message. So you should be good.
  7. Yep! And it is on its way as we speak.
  8. I was thinking in the wrapping thread we were twins... This proves it!!! Haha!!!
  9. So the motorcycle that is a door buster is about $7 more today with the 25% and 5% red card. Might be worth not trying to get that on Thanksgiving.
  10. Purple "converse" socks!! Need! https://m.ebay.com/itm/NWT-NEW-FASHION-CONVERSE-SHOE-DESIGN-CREW-BOOTS-SOCKS-PURPLE/322853808003?hash=item4b2b962783:g:y70AAOxyQ45Q-ka9
  11. Select Legos are 20% off today as well.
  12. I actually like to wrap. Once I get started. Which is hard. It reminds me of my grandmother. She loved to wrap, and I always loved to help her. But I make it hard, I take too much time trying to pick out the best paper, tissue, bag, gift tag... I mostly wrap. I use a few bags, but seems I never have the right size for something. I don't have a lot of large bags, and it's hard to find ones I like. I don't have a schedule. I definitely do not wrap as I shop. Partly because I am still deciding what will be wrapped, and if I need to combine any gifts to make the kids presents to open even. I wrapped a bunch on Christmas Eve once. That was no fun, and I didn't get to enjoy seeing the gifts under the tree. So I won't do that again. I sometimes wrap in my bedroom, when the kids were little I'd close myself in there. The last few years I've done the living room, but we don't have the big soft rug we used to have anymore. So we'll see. I sit on the floor, but that sure does hurt my back. I don't think I'd have enough room at my table though. I might try. No one helps me. Which is fine. Santa's gifts are not wrapped. But we may not do Santa this year. I use an assortment of paper, everyone does not have their own. I do however have a theme. Gingerbread and candy. It matches my tree theme. I usually don't use bows. I love bows, but they don't stick well. Some years I get adventurous and use ribbon. And I have some little dangly things I like to use for some gifts, like bells, gingerbread men, and candy canes.
  13. So, it's time. Wrapping has to be done. Do you love it? Hate it? Do you use bags mostly, wrapping paper mostly, or a good mix? Do you wrap as you go, last minute, or just whenever? Where do you wrap? Do you sit on the floor or use a table? Anyone help? What do you wrap? Everything? Non -Santa? Stocking stuffers? Does everyone have their own paper? Do you have a theme? Do you use bows, ribbon, or any other decorations?
  14. No, I mean they were 25% yesterday, now it's an additional 25% on top of that today. So my $60 toy is only $33 today
  15. Awesome. And some of the toys I've been looking at are 25% off already.
  16. Mine's in the wash now. But I have on the one from a couple years ago right now as I'm doing the final planning. I'll probably wear one all weekend (I have 4 or 5) and next week, time to get serious and be in the zone!
  17. Those are really cute! I have never heard of those before. Thanks for sharing!
  18. My son has an Aurora and he LOVES it. He also saved up some money for his, plus we "bought" his 1 year old Alpha. The one he got was about $1700, but it was brand new then, and probably had most of the top things.
  19. I don't really much care for game stop, I can't imagine going into that tiny store for a busy sale. But i would shop online. But, I'll have to say that I'm pretty surprised that a video game store only has 1 of the 4 games my son is asking for. Well, to be fair one is pre-order, so we'll change that to 3. (fun fact. Horizon: Zero Dawn has a Complete Edition being released on Dec 5. Guess that's why the current version is only $20 in all the ads. Luckily I discovered this right before I bought it. Does that mean what is out is "incomplete"?) But looks like Best Buy has won on the game front, they have 2 of the games. It is neat though how Game Stop always has those cute Christmas ornaments and lights. And this year there's a Mario star topper!
  20. I only get the 40% when I have nothing I want to buy!
  21. The train table and tracks for $39.99 is a good deal. I am also looking at the 22" plush PJ Masks. I have found the the Toy Book for TRU is almost always better than their BF ad. They seem to have more popular things in the ad this year, in years past it seems on BF they have a lot of generic or older things.
  22. We do an escape room every year for my best friends birthday. A lot of fun. There are 3 families, and we all have teenage kids, so we all go. Neat idea for a family Christmas experience too!
  23. Mama told me tonight that my daughter wants the $85 motorized motorcycle for my not-quite-3yo grandson. And mama wants to go get it. I'm not sure what sounds like less fun. Trying to get that big door buster. Trying to get it with mama, and then standing in the target line. (She's never done BF opening at target). Or driving 3 hours to the emergency room when he gets hurt. I will definitely see if this is available online.
  24. I have not, it's always been the same bag.
  25. I really love that bag. I have so many bags, but I really love it. I may need to add that to my list!
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