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Everything posted by PeachieKeen

  1. Fake, because the real ones die too soon and you can't leave them up near long enough....although I really love real trees....the pine scent and all....just reminds me of christmas....but I have to have my tree up for over a month....so real one's just don't cut it....
  2. I am sooo excited!! This was so fun last year and look it's only the beginning of October and so many have already signed up!!
  3. I set out with the best intentions every year, I have purchased so many of those mini ornaments over the years (hoping to use them to decorate gifts)....such good intentions but then I pull out the wrapping paper and it's such a chore to get the gift wrapped just so that I can't even think about decorating them at that point!! :)
  4. My family has a similar tradition, just not the collard greens, we do cabbage with a penny cooked in it, and the black eyed peas....both my grandmothers fix the same thing though every New Years Day....
  5. Worst: (The first year that my dad decided to do his own shopping instead of having my aunt do it for him) He bought me a Sunglass & Watch set....it wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't a men's set......dad's....you gotta love em... Best: My sewing machine!!
  6. I'm all about colored lights...and I'm not one that likes for a tree to blink either...that just drives me nuts...:)
  7. Santa still brings me gifts every year...:)
  8. I sent my PM!!! Thanks again Eve for all your work with this, it's so much fun!!
  9. I save up out of each check about three months before BF all the way up til Xmas...and that gives me just enough....and I can buy gradually up to that point...if I have to put anything on credit in that time, I pay it off as soon as the next check comes in so I'm not putting any xmas gifts on credit....
  10. I send out cards every year, and I love it....this year I might take a picture of me and the dogs to send out with it....:) Corny I know, but I don't have a "family" so to speak, so why not send pictures of my own little family...:)
  11. I love "Mary Did You Know"!! And my second favorite after that is White Christmas...:)
  12. Thanks for the info....I just stocked up for my nephews!!
  13. I'm going to Vegas in June too, and just booked our flights yesterday .....because the fares dropped yesterday at least for the time that I'm going, which is in early June ($50 cheaper per person than it was on Tuesday).
  14. I have a funny story that sort of relates, one year for my birthday when I was only 12 years old, one my aunt in law gave me a Blazer (which for one, I don't know a 12 year old that wears a blazer, but that's just my opinion on that) Anyway, it was the wrong size, so my mom asked her for a receipt so we could basically return it and get something that I might actually use...She said she would get the receipt for us, which she never did. Not too long after that, we discovered the dry cleaning receipt in the pocket of the blazer. That's still a story my mom and I laugh over.
  15. I'm soooo behind on shopping right now...I haven't even been to the stores for about a week because I've been so busy. I wish I had only done just a little more shopping earlier on...but I ahave to admit, I'll be having fun while I'm off shopping next week!!
  16. I don't know if this is everywhere or not, but last night I went to Meijer and bought a set of Jeep Bunkbeds for $30...that is 90% off!! I bought the last one at my store, however, if other stores are running the same clearance, it's well worth checking it out. My nephews are getting a Christmas gift that I had no plans on buying...gotta love the clearance sections!!
  17. I have to admit that I have never seen this before either...as a matter of fact, I've barely heard of this movie...and I'm a sucker for classic Christmas movies!!
  18. Now that is interesting....that is one funny movie, so I can only imagine the museum..that would definitely be something to see. You'll have to let us know how you like it once you get to visit..:)
  19. Having to take down decorations...I never want the Holidays to end.
  20. I'm thankful to have such a large and supportive family. For my health and my families health. For having the freedoms that we have in this country.
  21. My roommate was really convinced that I was completely insane for getting up so early to go shopping. Now that I have pointed out several BF sales on items she is looking to buy she's gonna get up early too!!
  22. I'm agreeing with you on this...so far, it's just been so, so for me...of course I'll still be out there bright and early shopping on BF..:)
  23. Can someone fill me in on what Target did that they are not doing this year? I was just so in the dark last year...I'm glad I found this place...:)
  24. Fast Food All the way, rush through the drive throughs for breakfast & lunch...and then we'll settle down for a sit down place for dinner if we're still out, or if we're already in for the night, Thanksgiving leftovers for dinner..:)
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