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Everything posted by PeachieKeen

  1. I personally have cut down my driving expenses...I take the bus to and from work, that saves me over $100 a month when you consider the cost of gas and parking costs downtown. I used to fill up every week, now I fill up only every other week. That's really the only place that I have cut expenses though....
  2. These things are selling out QUICK!! I got in on it though...so happy!!
  3. I got my SS gift yesterday!!! It was sooo nice!! My SS got me some cute Christmas dish towels, a Bad Cat Calendar, a little stocking with candies and a Gap Gift Card, and a little santa box set with candies in it!! Thank you so much to my SS. I love it all!!!
  4. I received my Ornament yesterday!!! I was sooo excited, it is the cutest little Pig Angel ornament!! It's already hanging on my tree! Thanks Madi5!!!
  5. Wow....you are quite adventurous to make that many cards!! I can't wait to see them...so much thought and love put into a christmas card!! I'm impressed already and haven't even seen them yet! :)
  6. Just sent out my Secret Santa gift!! I can't wait to get home today to see how many cards came in the mail!! :)
  7. Usually I fill up all their stockings...but there have a been a couple years where I have just gone way overboard....so it just depends year to year, but they are well taken care of at Christmas and all year through....my roommate and I treat our dogs like they are our kids....:) Probably because we have no kids...:)
  8. That's too funny!! I say give it to her...everyone will get a laugh out of it...so it's all good...:) You'll bring some joy at this time of year...:)
  9. Just mailed out my cards and my ornament.....the SS will be going out tomorrow or Monday......so exciting!!! I can't wait to get home and see if more cards came in the mail....
  10. Yep, I ordered one too, and just got my cancellation notice too....shucks...would've been nice...
  11. That is HILLARIOUS!!! I have received 9 cards so far...I'll have to updated on who their from later....a friend dropped by the house last night and was just gushing about my having so many cards already...so I told her about the card exchange...this is really so much fun! I'm sending my cards out today as well as my ornament. I am still working on my SS gift and that will be going out either Saturday or Monday, depending on how well the shopping goes this weekend! :)
  12. I got my first card yesterday!! I'm so excited!! :) I'm filling out my cards and I will have my SS finished in about a day or so, already have my ornament, and then everything will be hitting the post office!! This is just so much fun!!
  13. I plan on buying my stamps tomorrow...because it is raining diligently today with no sign of letting up and I just don't want to walk to the post office in the rain...:) I've had a ton of fun shopping for the exchange this year, haven't purchased the SS gift yet, but I know what I'm getting and I did purchase my Ornament over the weekend and I've had the cards for awhile, I can't wait to get it all out and start seeing everyone's reactions!! :)
  14. oooh...I'm so excited!!! I'm gonna start shopping this weekend!!! :)
  15. Two trees for my house...one upstairs and one downstairs...and I can't wait to get them up!!!!
  16. I'm off this year for BF, but in the past when I have had to work, I have gone shopping first and then gone to work. In fact, one year a co-worker and I went together before work and we had filled my car up almost completely, there were bags in the front floor board that morning because the trunk and back seat were already full.....that was probably one of my favorite Black Fridays ever and I actually had to work that day...:)
  17. I do a little of both....as we get further into the season, I add to my list and then I get very focused on only getting what's on my list....
  18. One Christmas Eve we were all sitting around playing Catch Phrase...my family loves this game...it is my turn and I am giving everyone the clues...."an appetizer, small bite size food you eat before a meal, etc, etc...." Everyone is hollaring out their guesses as to what word I am looking for....and several times they said hors d'ouevres(sp?).....well I'm hearing Orderves....and I'm thinking in my head...good guess...but the word is Hors D'ouevres... I guess up to that point in my life I had never learned how to spell Hors D'ouevres, so when I saw the correct spelling (which I might add I had seen many times during my life) I just pronouced it to myself the way it looks phonetically...so to me I'm thinking they should be saying "Hors Devoures". Well the timer ran out on my turn because no body could guess it right and to this day I have not lived this down...that was probably over 10 years ago.... (and I can't believe I'm sharing such a blonde moment)...
  19. Thanks!!
  20. I had never heard of booing before I read this thread...then then at the end of last week, I got booed at work! It was so nice!! And Fun!!
  21. I don't know if there is such a thing...but if there is, sign me up for one too!!!
  22. I'm jealous....I've just barely begun shopping!!
  23. I love putting Christmas decorations up, but I can't stand taking them down....they usually come down by midway through January....I put it off as long as possible....plus I just like looking at the pretty decorations...:)
  24. Usually the weekend after Thanksgiving!
  25. To be honest I'd listen year round if everyone would let me.....I do sing jingle bells year round....just can't help it...:)
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