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Everything posted by trumpet87

  1. Wow, that was really nice of you but did you HAVE to send them to WalMart? LOL, Just kidding...great pictures, I feel like I know you now. Are you from Kentucky? I live about an hour north of Evansville, IN Just wondering...
  2. My husband has had an Acer Aspire for the last 3-4 years and not one bit of trouble with it. He had an HP before and had more problems with it. He is not easy with it either, as he travels a lot by car everyday for his work. I would buy another in a heartbeat Just be sure you get one of those laptop coolers (fan) to go under it, my husband thinks that maybe why he had trouble with laptops before. When they get too hot, they just fry
  3. A big thanks to you Brad and "the moderators" and for such a super site. Honestly this is the only site like this I have ever been on. I don't have enough time to go lurking around on all those others (not that I'd want to, LOL!) I have saved so much money thanks to EVERYONE, including posters. :yup I have also brought some relatives to this site and 2 co-workers this year. They LOVE it and never knew such a site even existed. This is SUPER, THANKS!!!
  4. That is the STUPIDEST thing I have ever heard! They're just cutting their own throats by doing this - there is not one near me either. CompUSA needs to get in the 21st century!!!
  5. This is at Ritzcamera.com, and also includes 2 Sony cybershot RECHARGEABLE batteries and camera case. Thought this looked like a really good deal especially for those who wanted in on the Sony at Fry's for $77 which is no longer available. Not sure what the shipping is though, hopefully free! www.ritzcamera.com
  6. When something like this happens to me, I ALWAYS think of how it could have turned out worse. I too have a 16 yr. old DD that just got her first car. I am nervous about her AND the car, LOL! Just think of all the people just this year that have lost a loved one in an accident and how they are going to feel right now, during the holidays, and compare that with your situation. Thank your lucky stars that person isn't you. My DD hit my DS's car a couple of weeks ago (while in the process of looking for her a car ) backing out of the driveway. Yeah, at first I was HOT, and I told her that now her insurance will be sky high, but it has all been worked out and it's not going to be that bad after all. Just be THANKFUL she was not hurt or worse. There are SO many families this year that will be missing someone at the dinner table at Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. And try to stay in perspective on what the holidays are REALLY about: Love, sharing, caring, and of course the birth of Christ. We all have to ride out some tough waves, and what time of year it is has no bearing on that. "Stuff" happens, as they say . Everything will work out, and now you know to carry more than liability on a car a teen is driving . Good Luck to you and give your DD a great big hug!!!
  7. What is TFT display? Does that mean it is not LCD? Thanks!
  8. Thanks! Any reviews on this camera? Anyone own it? If it's a good one WOW what a deal!
  9. so how are the lines at TRU? Do they line up outside a long time before opening? I have never went there first, but a friend is going with me this year and she wants to be sure and get a playhouse that will be about half price. So do we need to get there super early???
  10. Don't want to burst anyone's bubble, but even at 50% off these prices are higher than they are in the store. I was just in there a couple of weeks ago. The prices still seem high to me. But I would like to say that the free duffle bag we got last year was VERY nice. My 8 year old son needed one anyway and it doesn't look girly at all - it is dark blue and light blue with Aeropostale printed across the front. Very good quality .
  11. Oh, come on Jim, we have used those small ceramic space heaters in a tent before - they do not get hot on the outside and automatically shut off when they are tipped or turn over. I wouldn't think twice about using one if it's that cold. The problem would be finding an outlet
  12. They have a specific name, can't remember what the set of 2 is called, but it retails for around $70 I think Would like to find it considerably cheaper than that, online or instore. Thanks!!!
  13. First off, thanks Brad!!!! I'm SO sorry Walmart gave you so much grief over this ad. It is SAD WOW. I really am speechless for once! Here's to you, Walmart
  14. I think this sounds like an awesome deal! Any other comments/opinions welcome!:)
  15. yeah I forgot it said that but I still can't get it to work. I'll bet it can't be ANYTHING that is on sale. If someone tries it and gets it to work please let us know! Iwent back and changed my order before checkout and entered the code again and it told me code has already been used. It's very confusing the way they have this deal set up! Also, which item does it take the extra % off of? Probabaly the cheapest of the 3, I would guess...
  16. This must be a one time only code. It does not work. Discount never applies itself
  17. Anyone know if staples will be offering all those super cheap items (digital photo keychains, emergency radios, etc.) that EVERYONE and his brother were after last year? Seems like they had started it by this time last year.
  18. Hey, I'm in SW Indiana, and we go lots of Christmases without snow, BUT do you remember Christmas 2004??? WHAT A WHOPPER!!! We had 20+ inches at Christmas that year. I love snow! Didn't you get quite a bit then too? p.s. for you weather forecasters, was that an el nino or la nino year?
  19. Same here! Too bad you're in Ohio and I'm in Indiana, we could be BF buds!
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