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Everything posted by trumpet87

  1. I am wanting to get one of the 1 GB $34.99 black friday deal MP3 players at Best Buy Friday. Sorry, can't remember the brand but that it comes in white or white/hot pink according to picture in ad. Do you think this is something I will have to get in line REALLY early for? This is really the only thing I would HAVE to pick up from there. Thanks!!
  2. trumpet87

    Goody's on BF?

    Goody's and Kohl's are the GREATEST!!
  3. Both my boys (19 and 7 now) loved legos at that age, and they have some really cool ones out now more than when my oldest was this age. Gets them away from all the "high tech" stuff, that stuff is okay as long as that's not what they want to do 24/7 in my opinion. Allows them to use their minds to figure stuff out, and they are so proud when they build something neat! What do they have to be proud of when they play video games all day (not saying yours does, but there are some that do ;-)
  4. My favorite is that old Folger's one, too, where the son arrives home from college and little (sister or brother?) is up early to meet him, COOL!
  5. anyone tried one yet? I did and I LOVED it! Am going to get one at CVS with my extracare bucks. It works REALLY well!
  6. That's what we have tried to teach our kids, too! AMEN!!!!
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