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Everything posted by MandaJo111

  1. Oh I just wanted to add that the Trac Phone is more expensive for minutes unless you buy huge cards (that most 11 year olds cannot afford). Plus Cingular has the best network (not just my opinion studies have said so).
  2. Walmart has the Sony Ericsson T290a GoPhone for 29.99 IT used to be around 40 something. They are now 29.99. With it you get free calls to anyone with cingular and the minutes are not bad at all. I have a contract with Cingular, but my sister has the GoPhone and really likes it. You get all of the features as well. Also...the phone above I have. In a rush to the hospital (from Mississippi to Ohio because my sister had 2 heart attacks in June) I accidentally dropped my LG in the toilet and had to get a new one quick. The go phones take the same SIM card that regular cingular phones do so I just dried off the card and slipped it in. I have enjoyed my phone. It is color screen and has lots of features. I hope that helps :)
  3. I LOVED Children's Palace!! We used to go all the time when I was a kid. I was telling my husband that the other day. I understand not taking returns when you do not have a receipt (especially since you could hypothetically go to a cheaper store and then return it for more there). However, with a receipt, there should be some sort of policy allowing returns -- even if just for in store credit or return. That is just nuts.
  4. IT sure seems that way, but I am not sure why they did not put a start time just Thursday evening CST.
  5. Yeah I did put it all on lay-a-way. It was the easiest way to get the stuff picked out. My husband will return home (he has been gone for 16 months now) in December, but I don't want to wait until half of the stuff is gone.
  6. I have also bought almost eveything already. I just couldn't wait. If there were good BF ads out sooner, I would have waited, but they were just taking too long.
  7. Thanks. lol I slipped up that was supposed to say 9 months. Guess I should have read over my post before I posted it.
  8. I think she is talking about a different site. But I would report them to the BBB as well. You should not have to seek out information about stuff you have already bought and paid for. www.bbb.org
  9. Sorry I forgot to insert the links so they did not link right. Let me try again. Here is Sears. http://www.sears.com/sr/javasr/subcat.do?BV_SessionID=@@@@0071953301.1162685705@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccliaddjfhmkgmjcefecemldffidfni.0&cat=Pretend+Play+%26+Dress+Up&subcat=My+First+Craftsman&vertical=TOYS&ihtoken=1 Here is the Kmart link http://www.kmart.com/catalog/thumbnail.jsp?Ne=410000000&pCategoryId=176&N=191+4294960627&Nty=1&categoryId=191
  10. When Layne was 2 we got him a My first Craftsman set from Sears. He turns 4 this month and still loves it. Kmart carries the line now as well. Here is some of the stuff they have. http://www.kmart.com/catalog/thumbnail.jsp?Ne=410000000&pCategoryId=176&N=191+4294960627&Nty=1&categoryId=191 And here is the stuff they have as Sears http://www.sears.com/sr/javasr/subcat.do?BV_SessionID=@@@@0071953301.1162685705@@@@&BV_EngineID=ccliaddjfhmkgmjcefecemldffidfni.0&cat=Pretend+Play+%26+Dress+Up&subcat=My+First+Craftsman&vertical=TOYS&ihtoken=1
  11. I wouldn't have said anything. She is paid to do her job, not you. I went to Burlington Coat Factory to buy some clothes and coats a couple of weeks ago. One outfit scanned funny and the manager had to come over for an override. I did not realize it at the time. But when I checked my receipt later I realized that I had gotten a $20-something outfit for free. The manager herself had done it that way so I do not feel guilty for anything.
  12. Funny you should mention this. We did an interesting thing this year. My husband is overseas with the Army, and my family is 3 states away. So I have had to do the shopping with the kids in toe. My daughter is only 0 months old so that is no big deal. However, my son will be 4 this month. I devised an interesting method to do the Christmas shopping. We went shopping and I told my son we were putting stuff in the cart that he wants for Christmas and then we were taking them to a special counter. The lady at the counter would scan the items and then give us a print out of everything he wants so we can write the letter to Santa and be sure to include exactly what he wants. :) It worked perfectly. He was not upset that we did not buy anything and he is sure that Santa knows what he really wants for Christmas :)
  13. Name? Amanda Location? Savannah, GA (1st BF here -- I just moved from Mississippi) People going with you? Hopefully my friend Jessica (visiting from MS) -- either that or she will stay home and watch the kids -- and sleep in How long have you been shopping on BF? Since I was 16. I am 25 now, so...9 years. Plus I went a few times as a kid with my mom What is the one AD that you really want to see? Walmart What was that one item you sooo wanted to get, but couldn't get it on BF? n/a Cheapest thing you ever bought on BF? Sheesh lots of stuff. I am not sure what was the cheapest Did you ever get anything for free on BF? Yes, a couple of gift cards and a mickey mouse globe they had at -- I believe it was JC Penny
  14. I saw one at CVS for 14.99 http://cvs.shoplocal.com/cvs/Default.aspx?action=browsepagedetail&storeid=2365190&rapid=326663&pagenumber=5&listingid=-2094223480.
  15. I took my son while he was a baby. He will be 4 on the 25th, and my daughter has been a dozen times or so already and she will be 9 months tomorrow. They sit right through the movies without a problem. I will be going to see it for sure!! I remember going to Santa Clause 2 as well. I was 9 months preggo at the time. :) It is hard to believe that it has been 12 years since the first one.
  16. This really angers me. I use Lay-A-Way every year. I have two kids and a husband that will find anything I buy. This is my hiding place! I can also pay a little here and there so hubby has no clue if I got him something or not until he opens up Christmas morning. :) I signed the petition as well. There are 63392 Total Signatures so far. But I went one step further. You can email your feedback about Lay-A-Way being discontinued directly to Wal-Mart. Here is the link http://walmartstores.com/GlobalWMStoresWeb/navigate.do?catg=383&noSurvey=yes When you get on there, just select your local store so they can tell where you are at, and then it will let you fill out a feedback/suggestions form. Let's all get on the bandwagon here and flood them with our thoughts. Thanks everyone!!
  17. I used one a while back. I always say that they were sent via email for the kids club for my son's birthday. I have never had a problem. I will be going soon so we will see. Thanks for the post! :)
  18. Oh, I forgot to add that I bought a symphonic around 1993 or 1994. It finally went out on me a few months ago. I never had any problems with it. And honestly I think the only reason it died was due to a move. Also note this TV has been though half a dozen moves over the past 13 years.
  19. I am curious to see what TV's they offer this year. I want a smaller one for my son. Something under 100 is fine. They have 20 in ones around $100 right now, but I am curious to see what BF deals they will offer.
  20. Well, I have to hit TRU anyway to look for a high chair so I will look while I am there ... just in case. I got a $120 baby bjorn back in late December or early January for less than $20. I have gotten tons of use out of it. Maybe I will luck up.
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