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Everything posted by onecutemoocow

  1. holy balls did those solar lights sell like hot cakes or what? I would have ordered like 4 sets. which i am guessing most people did,
  2. didnt read a whole lot on it. But I think disney is offering the same exact thing. Just not sure about the 200 dollar onboard credit.
  3. does anyone know: is there a way you can see what they offered earlier in the day? Just curious.
  4. I know around here wooden bats are illegal. Dont know about anywhere else so I would say its aluminum!
  5. Yeah, but they DO have the steelers, lol
  6. So...finally I downloaded firefox....and it worked perfectly!!! After i dont know how many times of trying on IE.
  7. I really dont think its meant for me to get this book. I found the right one thanks to tlock but everytime I click on the shopping cart it says page not available so insead I went to the tab that said basket....welll this is what it says I have in my cart. And belive me I didnt add that, lol. I have tried deleting it but it wont let me. Title Price Quantity Subtotal ShopFactory $ 379.00 $ 379.00 [Delete] + Extra Option $ 0.00 ShopFactory $ 379.00 $ 389.95 [Delete] + Extra Option $ 0.00 Shipping: $ 5.00 Total: $ 735.50 Remember my shopping cart Show basket when adding to basket
  8. Two questions....which books are you guys using and after you fill out the info what are you clicking on to put it in the cart?
  9. Ok so I filled out the personalization info and how do you add it to your cart? I clicked on the shopping basket and it said must go to shop first so I clicked ok and it came up Web page cannot be found GRRRR
  10. Did not bring me to the book page. Took me to the home page. Any help??? The cheapest I could find a book was 9.99 w/o shipping.
  11. Picked up most of my bras today at pennys and they are nice!! The other ones will come in sometime next week.
  12. Does anyone know how the ship to store or store pick up works with pennys? Do they send you an email when your order is ready to pick up or what? Thanks!
  13. These are the ones I picked up: http://www5.jcpenney.com/jcp/X6.aspx?ItemID=14f075d&ItemTyp=G&GrpTyp=PRD&ShowMenu=T&ShopBy=0&SearchString=Ambrielle&RefPage=SearchDepartment.aspx&s4PageSize=99&CmCatId=EXTERNAL|searchdepartment&Search1Prod=True&S4Filter=N%7c19+4294966967%7cNtt%7cAmbrielle%7cNtk%7csearch_all%7cNao%7c0%7cNty%7c1%7csid%7c11FF45C362B8%7cNtx%7cmode%2bmatchallpartial%7cNtpr%7c1%7cNtpc%7c1%7cFN19%7cUnder+%2420.00%7cFN4294966967%7cbras and these http://www5.jcpenney.com/jcp/X6.aspx?ItemID=1534584&ItemTyp=G&GrpTyp=STY&ShowMenu=T&ShopBy=0&SearchString=Ambrielle&RefPage=SearchDepartment.aspx&s4PageSize=99&CmCatId=EXTERNAL|searchdepartment&Search1Prod=True&S4Filter=N%7c19+4294966967%7cNtt%7cAmbrielle%7cNtk%7csearch_all%7cNao%7c0%7cNty%7c1%7csid%7c11FF45C362B8%7cNtx%7cmode%2bmatchallpartial%7cNtpr%7c1%7cNtpc%7c1%7cFN19%7cUnder+%2420.00%7cFN4294966967%7cbras
  14. This is such a great deal!! Thanks OP. Shipping is 5.95. I the bra I picked was 11.99 minus 10.00 with the code plus 5.95 shipping and grand total was $$$$7.94. Regular price of bra was $32.00!!! Think Im gonna order a few more
  15. I totally agree!! But for some reason I think its ugly, lol
  16. I am in search of a good deal on 2 different boys bikes for Easter. One for DS4 and one for DS5. I think I would prefer them to not be of a character (transformer, spiderman, cars, ect). They both picked out a couple at walmart ranging from 65.xx to 75.xx. I was hoping to find a little better deal than that. TIA!!
  17. I needed smaller sizes ,
  18. Great find, thanks!!!!
  19. I have a ton of photos I need printed out!! Code please?
  20. here is the thread that vsa3janes was talking about http://forums.gottadeal.com/forumdisplay.php?f=31 Trade, beg, or offer...
  21. Is this shirt see thru in the tummy area?
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