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Everything posted by onecutemoocow

  1. Sweet! Just odered it. It comes out tomorrow and I will have it tomorrow! I love two day shipping when you place your order early in the day!
  2. coleslaw, apple crumb pie, and pecan pie!
  3. I was wanting to pick up a couple of the puffer vests for 7.50 but online the only ones that are that price are the plus sizes and I am not going to target tomorrow just for a vest!
  4. I just picked up my copy on my way home from work this am!
  5. ok so what is the tournament? Is it a list of movies you think the networks will run before christmas?
  6. I love those shoes!! So tempted to get them even though I shouldnt spend the $$ on myself....HHMMMM decisions lol
  7. Ya I agree. If I get there and pick up a couple of things ok, if not I really dont care!
  8. Can I borrow him?? LMAO
  9. I like to put mine up the week of Thanksgiving and take it down around new years.
  10. YAY!! Got my package today! Thanks OP!
  11. A Child Called It - Dave Pelzer
  12. up to 16.00 now
  13. Geez, they are sold out of almost every 9.99 game!
  14. TY worked for me total was 29.36 with the grab bag, cuticle cream, pomagranite oil, tax and shipping! I plan on splitting up the grab bag for different presents!!
  15. about 30 miles outside of pittsburgh
  16. Yes I remember when stores did this! I cant think of which ones though. I know Penny's did. And I think i remember sears. Maybe Kmart? And Ames? But I do agree that was probably a good 10 years ago!!
  17. This is what I was wondering but I placed an order anyways!
  18. TY! I picked up these for DS6 only 14.99 and shipping is 5.00 http://www.shoesteal.com/Shopping/ProductDetails.aspx?p=EC1046792&pg=5042513
  19. I won last year. It was a contest where you had to write a blog on myspace and link it to gottadeal. I was one of five to win. I love the shirt and plan on wearing it this BF!!!
  20. I put significantly less. At least that is what I am hoping for!! I am cutting way back this year. And the kids have not asked for much...KNOCK ON WOOD, LOL
  21. I have finally decided what to get DS4 and DS6... so I will be looking for a LCD (at least 19") to hang up on thier walls. And except for little things thats probably it. I am cutting WAY back!
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