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Everything posted by onecutemoocow

  1. LOL I dont think so, at least mine doesnt
  2. 1. I would say NO WAY during morning bf hours you fight for everything...someone would steal your spot for sure. 2. Differently! They put things on pallets scatered throughout the different stores. However it kinds depends on the store, walmart for me (in pa) had electronics only in the electronics dept. But Target on the other hand had them scatered throughout the store. 3. I am not sure as to camping out cause I only go a couple hours before. I would take a friend with you!! Hope this helps!
  3. dont really see anything either. But there is still quite a few ads that are not out yet.
  4. WOW Glad I didnt buy them!!
  5. Just signed up for emails hopefully get on their mailing list too. A few years back they had wonderful coupons!!
  6. And who knows they will probably jack up the price of these select toys on Saturday.
  7. My boyfriend just bought me one of these (the same exact model and make) from BB and paid over 600.00 for it. I dont think I will tell him about this, LOL
  8. Ok I thought you must be refering to waiting in line. Esecially on thanksgiving day. I dont think that I will get up until about 3am what is shopping like online on BF? I always thought the monday (it would be the 26th this year) after BF was cyber monday and thats when all of the online deals were. The ones that camp out early do you live in warm climates? Cause I dont think I could handle that, I live in western pa and its freezing here!!!
  9. ok when you people say you start the night before are you meaning that you start to stand in line then or you actually shop then? Cause the stores around here dont open until the early morning hours. Am I just having a blonde moment?
  10. Just curious how everyone responds. I would sacrifice 8 hours of pay, LOL. Since I DO NOT get it off
  11. I am so upset this year I do have to work 9-5 on BF. And BF is a tradition with every woman in my family we all split up and get what we need but this year I am not sure how I am going to work it. I hope I can handle shopping from 5-8:30 and then heading straight to work for 8 hours. I think I might pass out in the afternoon. For some reason my boss is giving me no help. Not even a 2 hour extention so that I wouldnt have to come in until 11 because we are ALWAYS done by 1030. I am seriously contemplating calling off. Thats how much BF means to me, LOL
  12. Just got mine today, nice just to have around the house.
  13. These prices are amazing! I am a travel agent and cant touch those fares! Too bad they are not in Pittsburgh!
  14. SWEEEEEET!!! YEAY. How how am I suposed to do anything other than this today?
  15. Its up to 5.05 per sub. now. Wonder if it was a typo?
  16. I think they are still very expensive, I am a bargain shopper.
  17. they tack on an additional 20.00 per room resort fee.
  18. I never recieved mine what should I do?
  19. how do you know if you get the product for "free"?
  20. OK, so I have been reading this thread for a while now and I am trying to figure out how to be a part of it! Can anyone explain to me what this is? It would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!! :)
  21. Just checked out my Pennies and the lowest prices they had were 5.97 and 6.97. Maybe in a few more days they will mark them down more!!
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