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Everything posted by onecutemoocow

  1. LMAO, lets just say I did something LIKE this last year.
  2. I got into Welches also :)
  3. TY!! I got the womens day, family fun, and mens health!! Use code CHAT16 for 16% off.
  4. I agree!!! And its only 19.98 now...it went down a penny lol
  5. No I did not get the bunk beds yet. Still looking around.
  6. Thanks for everyones input!!
  7. Yes I just replaced mine and went with amazon.com!! I would only go with a Toshiba!!
  8. I am looking for a set of bunkbeds. I want the kind that has a full size mattress on bottom. Probably a futon type thing on bottom and a regular twin on top. Trying not to go over $200 but I dont know if it will be possible. TIA
  9. TY I just got a bathing suit for summer for under 15.00!!
  10. Great, thanks!! I grabbed 4 pair of husky jeans that ive been looking for (on sale) for 39.90 shipped!
  11. Grrr I just bought the ds game on Friday for 19.99
  12. Thanks everyone!!
  13. I was just at JCPennys this am. Are the husky mixed in with all the other boys pants? Or is there a special section? Hmmm...heading to TCP.com right now!
  14. I dont think they have any codes out right now! I was in the store and from the sounds of it they didnt even know of any I wanna code for the coats cuz im to cheap to pay 27.xx lol
  15. I have been looking and looking and cannot find boys husky jeans or actually any kind of pants for DS6! If anyone knows of a place that sells husky could you please let me know? I wish TCP sold husky I need size 7 right now in boys. But have a feeling he will be in husky for a few years TIA
  16. Ok you guys just talked me into getting one. Hope the kids and I like it!
  17. Coupon Number is not valid or has expired.
  18. anyone have any current codes for OTC?
  19. I got an email today from amazon saying the price dropped .50 for the pre-order so that makes it 8.49! And i received mine on Monday.
  20. There was something like this last year for cosmo and I know a lot of ppl jumped on the deal but I was thinking it was thru amazon.com. Not positive though. So how do you stop the auto-renew?
  21. congrats to everyone and thanks for all the deals!
  22. My mom ordered these a while ago for my kids and she loves them!
  23. Oh LMAO I thought it said the 8th. lol oh well still excited about it!
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