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Everything posted by lorilwayne

  1. I don't know about hours being posted but I know a week ago we were at a Walmart in Nebraska and there were multiple "pod" type storage units. The kids commented "Hmm I wonder what that is about." I got a grin and said "OMG I bet that has the black friday and other Christmas sale stuff in it." They think I'm full of it... they don't think it would be out that early. I don't know maybe wishful thinking on my part. Any thoughts.... What IS in those pods?
  2. As an employee that works in a field that is 365/24/7 I don't feel bad for the workers. Now I do think there should be some extra compensation that happens like other fields like mine. I do however think this is getting a little out of hand. Last year was early enough in my book.
  3. Mine started Wednesday online. Got the 2 mp3 players at qvc the ones I wanted for a price I was willing to pay with the memory the kids wanted. :). Thanks gotta deal. Then during the drive to thanksgiving I noticed penneys went live and they had the bracelets (sister) that I had tried to get last year on sale. Called mom and she got that. Then I stayed up all night as had slept some on the way up and did the walgreens run scoring some of the register rewards some iTunes cards and got $280 of stuff for $140 out of pocket not my best wags run but I was getting gifts not coupon items. Then headed to kmart and scored the pillows I was after some gloves and a few other miscellaneous things. Then went home. Slept about 3 hours thanksgiving day then went to walmart that night and got a vacuum cleaner for sister in law a single cup coffee maker the crockpot the blender the luggage. Went home and slept until 3:00 then got up went to the mall and went to pennys where I got their cookwear set then went to herbergers aeropostle American eagle lids sears then finished ds went to game stop to spend his money. Then we finished up at Hancock fabric. I did like the mall crowds at that time of day. I could get the door buster prices without fighting he crowds.
  4. Btw there are really cute socks at dollar tree. Just watch. I look for my stocking stuffers all year to help keep price down and also coupon since these are also things I use for the stocking.
  5. My kids are ages 19,18 and 16 and still love their stockings in fact the ones who have moved out begged for them to continue as it has all the "little things we need" in it. I usually put shampoos conditioner hair treatments hair scrunches cheap jewelry make-up chapsticks hair spray hair gel mousse cute socks Santa has been know. To shop Victoria secrets and get the expensive undies on clearance bath and body works stuff including body sprays perfumes gift cards iTunes or walmart cards to download songs movie rentals cell phone aps download cards. Pens pencils for school locker magnets magnetic mirror for locker hats gloves scarves for winter food gift cards to chain fast food gift cards to walmart target or where ever they like to shop. Hope that gives you some stocking ideas. My 2 oldest are Dds and they have begged to continue the stockings fir he little things to keep going.
  6. Sad thing is I don't foresee this getting any better 3 and 4 years ago when the recession was starting we saw people just not spending. People are tired of no spending but don't have much they can justify spending so they are trying to stretch their buck as far as possible. Although I do agree with the sentiments that people need to be held accountable I think The decisions of the merchants also needs to be considered when coming up with the solution. Bottom line greed is a terribly vicious monster that when it rears it's ugly head has no good outcome. In this case greed on the part of the consumer and greed on the part of the merchant. Not cool either way.
  7. Got the luggage a crockpot a blender some games for ds he spent his own money on a ps3 got clothing a coat a small coffee pot some pillows a couple DVDs really didn't have much was after so to speak
  8. With the iPhone addition foresee me checking it. Not in favor of premium situation.
  9. I'm just thinking people need to be sensible and walmart needs to realize people are idiots and times. Breathalyzers to enter the store maybe everyone sign and give Ids to enter along with signing a release that they are being video taped and all violence will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I also think it's a sign that recession isn't over. If nothing else is getting more pronounced as it lingers. People are tired of not celebrating and if a 1.28 towel means they can give gifts they will do whatever to have some sort of celebration.
  10. I think the early in the cart is wrong. I was at walmart early thanksgiving am. The way things were set up had a feeling people were going to be fighting. I'll just say 4 police cars and ambulance were on standby.
  11. Got the sisters bracelets that were so popular last year for my daughters. So excited.
  12. As a teachers wife I have not seen any teacher here have any problems whether homemade or boughten. One thing though maybe check for allergies I.e peanut.
  13. Thanks Brad- didn't even think of where I was at in the forum.
  14. Having had a couple of years that I was working on bf I went online and did get a little bit of the bf buzz... not quite the same but maybe have her at home on the computer getting some items and then you could go pick her up after all the craziness. Sad to say a few good people have ruined it for a lot of people. There are stories of people faking the w/c dependence and then when the doors open they get up and run. Despicable ploy if you ask me- but it worked for a few so some people are cautious of this in case it is someone doing that ploy. No one likes line crashers! (Not saying you are doing this- I don't get that idea- just giving the why's behind peoples loss of chivalry on that particular day.)
  15. I do a list but thinking this year of putting it on the iphone just like I do the grocery list. One less piece of paper. I will take ads sometimes but that was when trying to pm at Walmart which failed. I may try again this year- but will see.
  16. Anyone know what time the 24 hour stores will start their sales on Thanksgiving and what time the rr will print?
  17. Brad- on the quick tracker- it isn't pulling up the list. Thinking maybe a computer glich or maybe I'm just too impatient to shop. Not sure which.
  18. As for the register rewards- I believe those are in store only. Now for a question on my end. We are going to be driving all night for Thanksgiving and thinking of stopping at one of the 24 hour walgreens vs. driving again once we reach our destination. Anyone know what time of night their sales start and what time their rr begin to print. I think I have heard around 2:00 am for the rr to print but I haven't actually experienced this at all.
  19. Ok- so I need this ad... badly. Any nibbles- anyone...
  20. Easier now that sounds like a ploy from a credit card company. In our household credit cards are the equivalent to the devil. Third time paying off the boogers. There will not be another in our household period. Now I don't plan on using layaway but I can understand where some would want to use it.
  21. I was holding my final decision on the walmart ad and possibly a couple of items. With those already out I've decided that my days of bf shopping are done. I will hold the memories dear and it's been a lot of fun. Good luck to the rest of you.
  22. sure the sales can be good. If you spend too much have to fight the crowds all night long. Kind of thinking of reconsidering this thought. Besides kind of leaning towards Christmas being over commercialized anyhow. Not a popular thought but tired of busting my buns
  23. Walmart did two sets.
  24. Thanksgiving with the in laws. Being a nurse no real tradition since the rest of my family is getting old enough they don't travel well and I usually am working the holiday. I've kind of adapted the feelings that the actual Christmas thought is over rated. It's more about the entire year ling feelings. I guess the recession has taken it's toll after 5 hard years.
  25. I think it is a store to store policy. I know I tried to price match at a store in south Dakota about 4 years ago and even back then they said it was a store to store decision. Even calling ahead didn't help as they had said they would match but then when I got up to the counter she said no pm and when I asked to speak with a manager and even said the name of the person I talked to they were appologetic but strict on their stance.
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