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Everything posted by lorilwayne
But I don't think the free shipping will apply on BF. I think it will only apply the shipping on 12/10/08 and I take that to mean things that are ordered 12/10/08.
Does anyone know if you can shop online through KB toys?
I signed up for the rewards program and my free shipping code is only valid 12/10/2008.
These I found on their websites. The Pamida one if you look on the Right hand side of the screen where the current ad is it lists a sneak peak. www.pamida.com/ The alco deals are in their weekly ad- I believe its around page 17. Their website is www.duckwall.com Both ads also list their Thanksgiving sales. Hope this helps someone.
As the mother of 3 teens I started out with my oldest this way and it has continued for the most part. It will probably deviate a little with my son since he doesn't care about the same things girls do. General things bought over the years, or things I anticipate getting in the next couple of years - clothes, gift cards for clothes- take them shopping the 26th of December, small CD players with earphones, decorations for rooms, Ball caps, personalized items- teams they like etc, small coolers for track and wrestling meets- usually the golf ones from Menards- they last about the length of time needed, gym bags, backpacks, slippers, PJ's, hoodies, jackets, CD-R so they can record CD's of their liking, Junior High (6th, 7th, 8th)- stereo, MP3 player, digital camera, small TV, karaoke machine, game stuff, portable game player- depended on the kid and their interests, rechargable cell phones- (minutes used- teaches them to control their useage vs. blowing it all.) High School- Freshman year- luggage (yes I start hinting early of what my eventual goals were- also there are a lot of things they go to in high school where this is useful.) Sophomore year- class ring- (I give them $150 towards the purchase- they can either go and put in extra money of their own and purchase a more expensive one or go to Walmart get a cheaper one and use the remainder towards whatever.My oldest chose the later last year- not sure what my next one will opt for this year yet.) Junior year- hope chest and things to go into it for their first apartment (a towel set, small kitchen things, crockpot, iron, toaster.) Senior year- Computer for college. Other items that would suite this year microwave, small fridge, Stocking stuffers- fancy socks, pens- special ones, gift cards to download songs, bath stuff (shower), extra nice disposible razors, make-up, perfume, batteries, rechargable batteries and charger, McDonalds gift cards (or whatever restaurant they like to frequent with their cronies,) small pieces of jewelry, decks of cards, dice, Yatzee score cards, magnets for lockers, deoderants, colored pens of various colors, pencils, school supplies, colored pencils, markers, calculators, The girls are usually easier to buy this stuff with than my son- but he's just becoming a teenager. I look for this to get easier in the next couple of years as then I can add things like cologne, aftershave, electric razor. We have always had it for the most part that santa brought the stockings and we buy the other stuff. It was the family tradition in my house and thats what we went with for the most part except for a few years when money was good and santa was richer. My thoughts are that this way they will have some of the basics for college and it won't be as big of a shock to our pocket book when they go off to college. We have a small family so it would be a joke to think that they will get the stuff or the money for the stuff they need as graduation gifts. The other trick I've learned is that I buy those small fleece throws that are on sale for ultra cheap- send them on the busses to school functions. You don't care as much if they get lost as some of the other blankets. Hope this gives someone some ideas.
Dag gone it was off on the price of the fleece blankets by .01. I'll try to do better next year.
I actually think that I have dh convinced to go to KMart on Thanksgiving day. Looking at the guitar game thing-a-ma-jig-y for the kids and a Karaoke machine for our oldest. I have to work the night before Thanksgiving in another town at my second job so won't make it to get those good items. Like I posted elsewhere the $25 microwave at Wallyworld has me thinking about possibly cutting time close for getting to work on BF. I work at my primary job that day. Next year thinking about having surgery a couple weeks before BF that way I can go to BF in a w/c and at the last minute jump up and run. I seriously am thinking about the surgery but not using the w/c.
My plan- well.... I had contemplated going to JCPenny's since they open at 4am just to get my BF fix-if there was something I was after but really there isn't. However after the Walmart ad came out I'm debating about possibly going there around 4am to get near the item I'm after then running to the checkout line and then driving the 40-45 minutes to work to be there by 6 am. Haven't decided for sure yet what I'm thinking.
One year I was first in line. It was my sole goal for BF. I don't know why even to this day- I guess just the prestige.
The B2G1 deal is the one thing that I'm really going to miss not shopping on BF. Hopefully will have some decent deals closer to Christmas if I still am in the need.
I know parameter parusing showed that probably they will have the fleece throws again. Regular price they were around $3.88 or something close to that so I would imagine they will probably run $1.88 or something similar. Just a guess bhased on past years. Also I noticed they had some family size skillets. If you look at some of the sales this week as well as some of the last weeks you can get an idea what may be on sale. Parameter parusing the Monday before BF usually can give you a decent idea of some of the things that are on sale. Of course they have some of these items out on the floor- just not as good of a price on BF.
I know in past years I have found that usually Shopko ad doesn't come out until just about the same time it comes in the papers.
So they are open Thursday- Thanksgiving?
I have to say that I agree. I think that if I had to choose a year not to be BF shopping it would be this year. Maybe I'm just being overly critical because I know that I can't go shopping. I have made a small list of things that I am hoping someone- one of the two gals that I work with that will be able to BF shop but really nothing more yet than stocking stuffers.
I'm going to try. Probably by the time I get to KMart- Have to work at my other job the night before Thanksgiving and Kmart is 1 1/2 hours away so will be around 9:00. I'm guessing the goodies will be gone- but still going to try- just in case.
Cosmic Family for Nintendo Wii - Now $9.99 (was $29.99) @ BestBuy
lorilwayne replied to noehlp's topic in Online Hot Deals
My total order including tax was only 13.82 including shipping and handling. Definately worth it for the chance that it will make my son happy for the holidays. After all- it is 1 more Wii game to add to his collection. -
Cosmic Family for Nintendo Wii - Now $9.99 (was $29.99) @ BestBuy
lorilwayne replied to noehlp's topic in Online Hot Deals
From what I read on the reviews this game is targeted more for the younger kids- however I think it is worth a Christmas gift stocking stuffer for the price. Although I've worked all night will wait up to be able to purchase this. Hope the site comes up soon! -
I'm depressed. Been BF shopping every year since 2001. This year I will be working. Have to be to work at 6 am so hitting the sales before work isn't an option since even the 5am stores are 45 minutes to 1 hour from my work. The good thing is that there isn't much that I have seen so far that I need so that is helping somewhat. Still it just seems hard to get into the Christmas spirit without BF being there. Please could someone tell me when Cyber Monday is? Maybe I could get some of those deals. I will have to look out for the threads on this event.
The closer it gets to BF the more depressed I find myself. Having to work on that Friday is such a bummer. No calling in sick either. They would know where I was and its a small enough facility that I would feel somewhat guilty. Just so bummed!
>>> Official Black Friday 2008 VIDEO GAME Discussion Thread <<<
lorilwayne replied to Brad's topic in 2008
It really doesn't matter a whole lot. I was in that same predicament last year and since we didn't get a bundle pack really didn't see a differance. Now the games and the extra things for DS thats another story. I would say to wait to get too much extra until BF or at least until the blitz sales start the pre-Thanksgiving ones that is. Good luck- and for the record. Since our older two have a lot of school activities that the younger one has to go to it was one of the best purchases and gifts we have ever given. -
There was a fixed number of ones for the prices. It started out at 2.99. Then after x amount was sold it increased to 4.99. And after another amount it was 6.99. I got one for 4.99. My ds used his detasseling money to buy a wii. I figure would be a good Christmas gift along with a driving game. Maybe it will even help my 15 year old daughter learn to drive. She almost took out the mailbox the other day. :0
I know that I'm early but as I posted on the Walmart area- I don't get to BF shop this year because I have to work. So- I have to get my fix somehow.
I understand its early however since I just found out that I'm low man on the totum pole and EVERYONE where I works shops BF. Guess who doesn't get to go this year? Yep- you guessed it- ME! So I have to try to be sure to get as much done without thinking of those special sales on BF.
Any word yet on when the early November sale will begin and what will be on it?