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Everything posted by mcmc

  1. but not this year!!!! Store manager said they are trying to get that law changed. Is that the mark the market law?? They were discussing that one on Fox news this morning.
  2. mcmc

    Walmart adscan

    you go to black friday discussion message board instead of store specific and there is a link the bottom of the first section. http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=115693
  3. they have done it before actually it was last year for the secret sales. the manufacturers drop the cost and make it so the stores in those states with that stupid law are able to sell it the same. that is exactly what they did before.
  4. I of course had to run out to my store and tell my store manager that the cat is out of the bag and the ad is on the internet. I asked him if prices would be different in our store cause we are in Wisconsin and he said, " Prices will be the same at all wal_marts!!!!" See the reason they can do this is because the manufacturers are taking the cost down. That means the people in Wisconsin will pay the same as the people in Iowa and Illinois as well as the people in Oklahoma or any other state!!!! I asked him if I could go put that on the internet and he said yes.
  5. mcmc

    early bird question

    alot of things are gone within five minutes if you want a specific thing be there hours ahead of time to be in line. We get to start guarding the stuff about 2 or 3 am when they bring it out on the floor then we just stand by the stuff to make sure no one gets anything ahead of time. Its going to be a blast.
  6. our store is going to have 114 wii's they are expecting it to be crazy this year we at work were all told that if we want to work an extra hour on Friday we can which means overtime!!!!! but I want to shop soooo not sure I will stay an extra hour. I work overnights. I have seen the counts for our store on the merchandise and all I have to say is there are large quanitities of the merchandise. This is going to be a blast. I love working blitz or black friday!!!! I also love shopping!!! Wal_Mart you have done your customers and your associates proud this year its not just the same ole ad.
  7. no wal-mart will never price match a buy one get one free and never price match a per centage off item. Everything else they will.
  8. I work at wal-mart I work 40 hours every week. We get an extra $1 an hour on sundays we get sick days paid for we get personel days and after two years you have two weeks vacation. I am sorry but working for wal-mart is not that bad alot of places do not offer sick days pay or personel days. Its not a bad place to work.
  9. thnigs are so secretive this year that who knows when there is going to be a sale only the home office knows that for sure. I mean it is all really hush hush this year. But I do think wal-mart is going to have a huge impact on Christmas this year. I think there will be great deals in stuff people want.
  10. mcmc


    blitz sale is from 5 am to 11 am on Black Friday also there are special sales all weekend long. I think there is going to be a huge tab or circular for that weekend. Just a guess though on my part.
  11. totally new stuff onlinenow peeps!!!! They have changed what is there check it out.
  12. we are a 24 hour supercenter and we are only closed on Christmas. People can come in all day thanksgiving they can come in all through the night thanksgiving night. Stuff gets put out around 3 am wrapped in black tarp. We then stand guard on all blitz stuff til the time they tell us to remove the tarp and that point let the buying begin. People come in and start lining up maybe a half hour til hour before it starts. All depends on what they are after. I personally love blitz I love working it I love shopping it. I think it is going to be huge this year. Don't know why but things are just being done differently I think it will be good.
  13. the wal-mart where I work price matched anything that is within a 100 something radious had to be the exact same item had to be one price could not be anything that was a percentage off thing. Must be an individual store type thing.
  14. we already have a display of $4 movies as of last week. if they are doing this this early wonder what will be saved for black friday.
  15. I check daily nothing anywhere as of yet about any early november sales. blitz will be posted on the wire on the 11th but sorry people I need my job I will not jeopardise my job by saying what is on the list when I do know. I hope you all understand.
  16. elmo live is suppose to be the hardest toy to get this year. it is on the list
  17. there is a christmas top 12 or 13 toys list
  18. nope no word yet.
  19. at our store we were having a problem selling the dell computer when we went to scan it at check out it would say do not sell. That usually comes up when something has been recalled but when we scanned it with the telezon it did not say anything about a recall. That is probably why they were still there they were not be able to be checked out. We then handkeyed it so the lady could buy hers today but it was highly recommended that she call Dell to make sure it was not recalled. You do have 14 days with receipt to take back computers. So really we have no idea what was going on with the Dell desktop. I think they were going to call home office.
  20. I had heard before that there were to be dvd's for $2.96 and cd's for $5 no idea on which ones though
  21. mcmc

    TV's Polaroid

    there is a huge difference though the one for black friday does not have the dvd and it seems that the problem with the one reviewed on walmart.com is the dvd thing. So I think it would be ok.
  22. thanksgiving day sales will be announced online on Thanksgiving Day
  23. that article is wrong peeps. My assistant manager just told me last night that he has seen the transcripts from the conference call and that Wisconsin gets to use the National ad we will have the same prices as everyone else. The merchandisers took the price down before they sold the items to the stores. That lower price is then the cost. Yipee!!! We get to be normal this year!!!! I think Oklahoma, Utah, Maine and Hawaii should be the same all should have the national ad.
  24. ok I was mistaken I thought the second ones started at 5 am Brad do you take it that the other items the ones not blitz are the secret items?? I don't take it that way but when I was talking with our store manager he seemed to think that those other items are the secret ones. I don't think so cause they are suppose to be released on wal-mart.com right?? No one knows what the secret items are.
  25. ya never know Koalamom that might be a secret item. I have seen the maps for the layout of the stuff on black friday and there are alot of secret items.
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