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Everything posted by mcmc

  1. in our brand new wal-mart super center in Platteville Wisconsin
  2. mcmc

    Farm and Fleet

    For those in Wisconsin you do realize that in Wisconsin there is a law saying stores can not sell below cost. It stinks that there is that law that is why wal-marts laptop last year was more in Wisconsin. Just a little info for everyone.
  3. When Black Friday things come in they have the word Blitz written right on the boxes. Those items are kept in the back and not put out at all til Black Friday. They may come in the store to be put in the back room the week before.
  4. We are a new super center first year as a super center before we were just a store. As a super center we will not close on Thanksgiving this year. The store will stay open. They will bring the pallets out the pallets will be covered with black wrap. People as far as I know will be allowed to stand in line near the item they want.
  5. If you really really want something you need to be some of the first people in the door at the store. Yes they run out of the most popular items. That is all in the fun and in the hunt of Black Friday. The good things sometimes are sold out within ten minutes or earlier of the Black Friday sale starting. It is unreasonable to think that you can go in there at any time and get the really good stuff that just is not how it works. If you really want something then you get there and be one of the first people in the door. You snooze you loose. That is just the way it goes on Black Friday!!!! And to me that is what makes it all so much fun!!!!
  6. yes that is the adverisement that comes out. It will be in the Novermber 1st advertisement at one price and then on Black Friday that same one will be a lower price. She showed me the paper she received that had that information written on the paper.
  7. Electronics department manager told me today there will be a laptop. The November tab ad will have a laptop in it. That same laptop will be in the blitz at a different lower price. So when the tab comes out for November you will know which laptop it is. I told her of the rumor about no blitz she said they may try that next year but it is not a sure thing.
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