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Everything posted by racerfan

  1. Wow thanks Brad. HOpe you got some sleep last night!
  2. I got Operation, Life and the Monopoly for $13 and change with free shipping. Life and Operation also have reabates of $2 and $3 so that makes it evern better. I only wanted the Monopoly game because I have the others, so when I get them I will just donate them to Toys or I think the kids schools are collecting toy for either the Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts I can just drop it in there. Thanks OP
  3. thanks. I hope the price is correct and it is at a store near me.
  4. What is the IGN Boards? Is it a store? I am looking to get my son the 360 and that would be a great price.
  5. I am getting my DS the Xbox. I was going with PS3 because we have all the games from PS2 but when I spoke to someone at EB Games, they said go with the Xbox. The new models of PS3 ar not backwards compatible so it wil not play the PS2 games. I would have liked it for the Blu-ray, but I have to remember it is for my DS not the whole family :)
  6. I wonder why I have not gotten the email yet. I tried the link but it would not work.
  7. It was delayed and came out on Wednesday. I p/u my pre-order yesterday morning. I hope my DD9 is going to like it. She does to care much for the DS game, but that one does not have a microphone.
  8. I guess my Kmart is in a good mood. I have been there several times and have not had a problem with the coupons. I have used both the polly pocket and the free candy with no problem. Last night my sister only bought a pollly pocket and the free candy and only paid the tax on both, she also had no problem.
  9. Hi everyone, My DD just told me tonight that she really wants the new American Girl doll Julie. Does anyone have a free shipping code for American Girl? I would love to order it for her. I am also looking at other stuff from AG for her and the shipping is high to Pennsylvania. Thanks for any help.
  10. I saw something at K-Mart yesterday. I was running out so I did not take a good look at it I know it had some perfume or body spray in it. When I am in the area again I will check.
  11. Brad, you are definitely the King, and not just of Black Friday. Thank you. My children thank you.
  12. I think it does come out soon also. I just remember that they use coupons to lower the prices so that if they are out of something you cannot price match somewhere else. I hope it is this weekend it comes out. I am heading to Target tomorrow (Thursday) and will ask in the store when it is coming out.
  13. When does the Target toy book come out? Could these things be for that. I know it comes out before Black Friday and there are tons of coupons for the items in there.
  14. Thank you for posting this. Since I moved to Pennsylvania from NY I don't get this in the mail or newspaper anymore.
  15. I think so. He hears me talking about the fun my Sister and I have, so he wants to be part of it. I am just worried about losing him. He and I are similar in size, another year or so and he wil be taller than I am but still, he is my baby and I don't want anything to happen to him. Plus I feel I will be worrying about him and not concentrating on getting everything I want. IF he is there, then I cannot get stuff for him without him know about it too:tongue1: He has promised me that he will keep the Santa surprise going longer for his younger sister, but I still would like to get things for him without him knowing about it. I don't know yet if we are going to allow him to come with us. A walkie Talkie is a good idea and we do have them in the house (previous BF sale).
  16. I am in the same boat. My DS who will be 12 in December wants to come with me also. I informed him about it being cold, and the long lines, but he does not care. He keeps saying that he can help, by standing on lines while I get stuff etc. I have tried to say that maybe when he is 14 or 15, but no he insists on going with me this year.
  17. Ok Brad I put the jumbo remote in. Now I am patiently waiting for more stuff.
  18. Can this be used at Limited Too?
  19. I got my purchase today. They notified me this morning that it was shipped and when I came home it was on my front porch. It was shipped to me from their warehouse in Mechanicsburg, PA and I am in Milford so I guess that is why I got it so quick. I ordered it on 10/05 I am still waiting on 2 other orders.
  20. Conway is a big discount store. They sell clothing (especially children)for low prices. They have a large store near Madison Square Garden in NYC, and I think also downtown Manhattan. The clothes are not bad, but they don't have a lot of name brand clothes.
  21. I just bought a stove, fridge, microwave, dishwasher, washing machine & dryer for my new house. We got everything at Lowe's. We shopped around and then went there, everything except the stove was lower priced and they matched the stove and gave me and additional 10% of the difference. I also got the extended pan because it covers 3 items for one price. I also got an additional 10% off because it was presidents weekend when I ordered them. The were wonderful they even held everythig for me until my ouse was finished in June and delivered on time. I would check them out. Good Luck
  22. Thank you for the tip. I was able to print several copies, so now I will spread them around.
  23. Yea, I get that alot too. She has picked out which one she wants and what acessories also before I could even read what it was about. :)
  24. HI, My daughter just told me she wants something called "Barbie Girls" for Christmas. It is supposed to be connected to teh internet and you can change how it looks etc. I checked out the website, but I was wondering if someone here has a child wo has one and how is it? My DD said it is like webkins, you buy something and can go online and adopt a pet with a special code. Has anyone done so? The Barbe website says it is safe and a monitored website. Thanks for helping.
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