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Everything posted by racerfan

  1. My DH said to stay away from plasma because you can get burn in on the screen or something like that. Plasmas also do not last as long as LCDs.
  2. I hope so, since DS plays Ruinscape also. My DS will be 13 in December.
  3. If he got it now he would not be getting a gift from Grandpa for Birthday/Christmas. Grandpa is the one who is paying for it and says get him one when we find a good one. (He is Grandpa's fav because he is the only Grandson lol)
  4. Thanks. This is the one we are looking at in the CC flyer. Compaq Presario CQ50-110US 15.4” Widescreen Laptop Model #: CPQ CQ50110US Key Specifications • Genuine Windows Vista® Home Premium with Service Pack 1 • AMD Turion™ X2 RM-70 Dual-Core Mobile Processor • 15.4" diagonal WXGA High-Definition BrightView Widescreen (1280 x 800) Display • NVIDIA GeForce 8200M with up to 1407MB Total Available Graphics Memory • 3072MB DDR2 System Memory (2 Dimm) • 200GB (4200RPM) Hard Drive (SATA) • LightScribe Super Multi 8X DVD±R/RW with Double Layer Support • 802.11b/g WLAN Price was: $709.99 You save: -$130.00 You pay: $579.99 Mail-in rebate(s): -$80.00 Price after rebate: $499.99
  5. Anyone??? If the above a good one I want to go get it today unless you guys think I should wait.
  6. Hey everyone, I know everyone has probably asked these questions before but I am so confused. My DS12 (will be 13 on 12/21) is asking for a laptop as a combo birthday/Xmas present. He wants to be able to do the usual and I think play a few games. Not too much since he does have a Wii and an Xbox360 so I say why play on the computer too:D What does he really need in a laptop to get him thru the next few years of school? We were originally going to give him our old desktop but we are having problems with it and it is about 7 years old (lol). I know when he graduates he will need something really good especially if he is going into engineering as he says, but that is over 5 years from now and everything will be different. I saw in the CC ad there is a Compaq Presario that is $499 after savings and rebates. Is this one good? I have a HP that I bought last Thanksgiving for $449 (its an Athlon) and DH has an old Toshiba. How is the Compaq? Thanks for all the advice. We figure since school is starting in 3 weeks we should probably get something soon so he has it for when he needs it or should I just wait for BF.
  7. We pay $649/year and get stickers for 2 cars. It is an additional $10 per car after that. If someone is visiting long term say 1 - 3 months we can get temporary passes that are free.
  8. Our commuity is a "gated community" even though anyone can come in because we have 29different entrances. we pay $649/year dues. That includes garbage 4 days/week. Pool, tennis courts, clubhouse, swim team, playground, basketball courts and snow plowing and 24 hour security that drives around. We get 2 ids for two vehicles with our dues. If we have more cars it is $10 extra per car. We also get badges to access the pool area and clubhouse. My DS12 can now goto the clubhouse and pool on his own. We do have security personnel (one person stays at the clubhouse to keep a watch over the kids there. The pool has 4 lifeguards on duty whenever it is open. IF cars are found on our ommunity roads without a sticker or a temporary pass for visitors they are towed. I will go over tothe office on Tuesday and ask what company they use for the stickers, If you ave any other questions just let me know.
  9. The community we live in in NE PA has sticker passes. When we pay our dues we get a small sticker to put on our rearview mirror on the left sde (we put ours on the right side because we have the weather and direction sensor on the left)and also a larger sticker to put on the back bumper. These both have the same #. We are allowed 2 vehicle with our dues and for additional vehicles we have to pay extra for stickers. Our stickers are our identification for us to use the garbage dump to dump our garbage. If you want I could go on Tuesday and ask them where they get our stickers from.
  10. Got this from another site for today at Amazon Deal of the Day Super Smash Bros. Brawl - $25.99 (Reg $39.99, $14 savings, 35% off) Later today 6AM PDT Yoshi's Island DS (DS) 8AM PDT The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (DS) 10AM PDT Super Mario Galaxy (Wii) (Reg 12PM PDT New Super Mario Bros. (DS) 2PM PDT Mario Kart DS (DS) (4PM PDT The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii) 6PM PDT Mario Party DS (DS) 8PM PDT Pokemon Diamond (DS)
  11. http://www.amazon.com I got this email this morning from "Wii Alerts" for Gold Box deals at Amazon tomorrow 6/27 They said there will be a total of 9 games thruout the day. Did anyone get it also? I posted about it before but I think I put it on an expired deals thread Sorry:D Nintendo Wii Alert -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Alert Subscriber! On Friday, June 27, 2008, for the first time ever, Nintendo video games will be featured as the top nine deals in the Amazon.com Gold Box. The identities of each deal will be revealed one at a time. Here's how it will work: At 12:01 AM PST the first deal will be the Gold Box Deal of the Day. Its special discounted price will be available all day only on Friday, June 27 (or until they run out.) Starting at 6:00 AM PST, the second deal will be featured as a Lightning Deal. This special price will be available for the following two hours. Each of the eight remaining deals will also be Lightning Deals. Starting every two hours that follow at 8:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 12:00 PM, 2:00 PM, 4:00 PM, and 6:00 PM PST, and 8:00 PM each deal will be available for two hours after it begins. Discounts on each deal will be available only while supplies last. Learn more about Gold Box Deals in their Help section. Shop Gold Box on Friday, June 27
  12. It worked for me I was abole to get 2 games @$49.99 total $99.98 and one free and would get free shipping with Bill me later. Only problem I don't have anyone to share the cost with. I don't need 3 games of DS Guitar Hero.
  13. My DS saw me reading about this and he started telling me about it. He informed me that they have been talking about this game for a while in his magazines. It is amazing what he finds out in the magazines. I guess this will be his birthday present.
  14. Anyone know anymore into about this. We have Guitar Hero III for Xbox360 (wireless) and 2 guitars. I was wondering will the guitars work with this. Does the band kit come with guitar, drums and the game. This will be a good gift for my DS12 for his birthday in December. I don't want to have to buy the whole kit if I don't have to. Should I just get the game and the drums (if possible). I know if I asked DS he would know all about this from his magazines but I don't want him to know that I am looking at it to get it for him. Got to surprise him somehow. We also have preordered the Aerosmith and the Guitar Hero for DS. He has Rockband, and I am running out of room for all these guitars etc. Thanks for any help.
  15. Well I ordered this for DH. Hope he likes it. It will be an early birthday present for him. When I showed it to him he said that was what he wanted and he would go to the 6th Ave store in New Jersey on his way home to check it out. He does not kno I ordered it for him, but he did say that was a great price plus I get back 1% from ebates. It is not much but it is a savings.
  16. If you go thru ebates.com you get 1% back also. I am thinking of getting this for DH. He has the regular Rebel and says that his lenses will fit this digital camera so all those super lenses he has won't go to waste. Thanks OP
  17. I moved into my new house last July. We had to purchase all the appliances after the house was built. I got the Fisher Paykel 2 drawer dishwasher thru Lowes. I love it. Many times in my old house I used to have the dirty dishes sit in the dishwasher until I had a full load. Now because I have the 2 drawers I can do 2 smaller loads (not that small because each drawer holds quite a bit) together or I can just wash one drawer at a time when I need. I think Kenmore also has the drawer system. It is like having 2 dishwashers in the house. If you combine both drawers it comes out bigger than one regular dishwasher. Have fun shopping.
  18. MY DS12 and DH both have Zune. I got them the big one (I think 30gb)that was on sale late last year for Christmas. Both love it. It is easy to use. Only downfall my DS says is that is big, but he can load so much on it. I am getting the pink one for DD9 for her birthday in August. Then they all will have Zunes except for me. Maybe I should p/u one for myself too.
  19. We have had the GH series for years. We have GHI, GHII and GH80's for PS2 and GHIII for 360. My son has been playing them for years. He is now 12. MY DD is 9 and she has also been playing them. There is a easy level for them to start on and when they master it they can go to the next level. MY DS does not even go on the easy anymore he just starts on medium or hard. I think your sons would be fine with it. DS9 especially. It took my DD a little while to get the hang of it but then she was only 5 when we got the first game. Have fun.
  20. We have both for Xbox 360 and the GHIII wins hands down.
  21. Well it is DDR for the Wii. We already have it. It is so much fun we love it. I am always exhausted after playing.
  22. I got two. I got the Black and the cotton candy. I wanted the blue but their was none in DD9 size. She will be thrilled with these, and you can't beat the price even with shipping. Thanks OP.
  23. i hope he is feeling better. My little guy is 3lbs and he was neutered on 4/30. They had to remove a hernia also so his incision is about 4 1/2 inches. He is so tiny so the incision looks even bigger. We have had to keep him quiet since then. It took him about 5 days and now he is going crazy because he has all this energy and cannot roughhouse with the other dogs. I hope your baby feels better soon. We go back on 5/16 to have the stitches taken out and hopefully then he can get a little more exercise. Give him kisses for me.
  24. I would like everyone to welcome my Sister. She does not post often, but she does read.
  25. The one they are closing nearest to me has not been open very long. Got to keep checking them out for liquidation. I hope they don't transfer their stock to other lnt close by.
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